[..] This time next week I will be up to Rank 70 ish on the Legendary run as I have enough Atoms stockpiled to buy 30-32 Ranks & hope I have enough stamina left to do the other 30 or so ranks as I am already up to requiring 2000 S.C.O.R.E XP per rank as it goes up by 25 XP per rank to make it even more of a grind!
Why would you spend atoms on the legendary grind? With atoms, you get to choose what you get. With the legendary grind, you don't.
Since the point requirements go up per level in the legendary grind and the atom cost per level doesn't, it's more efficient to buy the last levels than the middle ones. That way, you get better value for your atoms and you only use as many as you need to buy however many levels you need. The legendary grind runs for 10 weeks whatever you do. If you buy your way to the end early you don't get anything extra. Just more time to wait until the next one.
Since there will be double XP and double score points days, it's probably going to be possible to reach L100 before the end just from doing the normal mode dailies and weeklies and some repetitions of whatever the repeatable is each week. It's not actually a race. You don't get a prize for finishing faster. You don't need any stamina. You don't even need to care about it. So far, I have used 3 things from it:
Ghillie on the leather armour my alt is wearing. It was useless as they're wearing an outfit. I lost the responder medic jumpsuit to the massive lag in menus bug causing me to scrap it, but I looked through outfits I've bought from the atom shop and found one I liked.
Clean sink as my alt's camp is in a remote location nowhere near water. It was useless as it allows you to collect water extremely slowly. Slower than the hand pump.
Ammo convertor. It was useless because the user interface is so spectacularly bad that it's effectively unusable.
Yeah, great. I really want to devote my life and/or real money to more of that!
Off on a tangent, I found a new random encounter today. I heard what I thought was Grahm talking to Chally, but it wasn't. A supermutant was talking lucidly about something that was following them, saying that it was ugly but it wasn't attacking and they thought it was friendly. Turned out they were talking to another supermutant about a floater. Then they saw me, switched to the "MUST CRUSH!" persona and all 3 attacked me.
After that I simply walked off a cliff and died. I am so used to being in power armour that I'm not cautious enough on my alt, who doesn't use power armour.