**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

If you want to greatly increase how much XP you earn regardless of if you want to reach Season 1 lvl 100 do this:

1: Create or join a Build Team. Get 3 other players to join (you do not have to do things together either just join!). This gives you + 4 INT as long as all 4 players are together & have bonded.
2: Now find other ways to boost your INT. Craft & eat certain food & drink. Also share or use the Inspirational + 3 Charisma Perk card for another 15% XP which stacks with Well Rested & other XP boosters.

There are many other ways to boost INT & XP in all its possible to get an easy 20-25 INT which makes a big difference to how much XP you can earn in a Build Team. I was managing to earn 100 S.C.O.R.E points in about 15 mins quite easily with only 23 INT. In an hour I got about 30,000 XP with very little effort.

If your highly skilled & or clever its possible to stack INT to 40 which makes it even easier to boost S.C.O.R.E points. At this rate within 3-4 weeks you should have grinded most of it out!!!
Did my first solo SBQ + Colossus run. Took in 4,000 5.56 ammo to the bunker and ended with about 80 left after all the fighting. Was using a 1* bloodied handmade with commando build. The Colossus used up about 700 ammo on it's own, not sure how much on SBQ specifically.

Next time I'll try and use Mister Sandman and run in rifleman instead of commando which should be a lot more ammo efficient.

Ended up with a huge amount of scrip legendaries + 1* bloodied gauss rifle and a 3* lvl 40 bloodied super sledge. More toys to play with.

Took a while to learn the SBQ fight solo, if she flies away and you can't hit her for too long she starts health regen which was a pita at first. Just need to keep getting occasional range shots until she lands. On the ground she would just run up and stand point blank without finding me so most shots where sneak head max damage.

Edit - yeah just testing rifleman + mr sandman = 2600 sneak headshots to mobs
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think I need a break from fo76 for a bit so installed and modded Fallout 3 :D. Forgot how good the intro and game beginning is.
Have you guys played F3 and NewVegas?
think I need a break from fo76 for a bit so installed and modded Fallout 3 :D. Forgot how good the intro and game beginning is.
Have you guys played F3 and NewVegas?
3 extensively back in the day on both PC & Xbox 360! NV less so as its just an expansion to 3 really!

Both were rumoured several times to be getting remastered but Todd Howard is not a fan of remasters at all so no-one else knows except Todd if they will ever get finished & released! Bethesda could port both into the Fallout 76 or 4 game engine version but the time to get it right would be costly this is most likely why they have not done it before.
think I need a break from fo76 for a bit so installed and modded Fallout 3 :D. Forgot how good the intro and game beginning is.
Have you guys played F3 and NewVegas?

I've hammered 3 and NV to utter death but its always nice to go back and bring up old memories. The first time I walked out of Vault 101 is one of my greatest gaming memories. I pretty much know every square inch of the maps but I have to say I kinda struggle now with the brown and green hue of both games even with a few mods that try to reduce it. I actually thought that 2 DLC's were the highlight. Point Lookout and Old World Blues were quite simply amazing additions and some of the best DLC released for any game imo, these days we get S.C.O.R.E and new cosmetics and it kinda makes me sad.

I started an new FO4 run at the weekend to take a break from FO76, installed around 20gb of mods, a few DLC ones but I've just killed Kellogg again and probably going to side with the Institute or BOS not sure yet, I like killing the Railroad but I also like dropping the Prydwyn. I've also never called in the Institute on DIMA in Far Harbor so that may sway me. Thoroughly enjoying it again so far and its running like a dream on my new AMD kit.
yeah I've completed FO3 before but not all of the DLC back then. Never actually completed NV or FO4, I've started multiple chars in each game but stop playing about 2/3 of the way through for some reason. With FO4 I kept getting sidetracked with mods and just playing around, same thing happened with Skyrim.

FO76 is a different game, it has elements of the others with MMO-lite or Destiny style gameplay chucked in. Finding the endgame to be pretty boring as a solo player. I had some friends try it but they stopped playing after 2 weeks.

1st membership cancelled, meant to do it last month
yeah I've completed FO3 before but not all of the DLC back then. Never actually completed NV or FO4, I've started multiple chars in each game but stop playing about 2/3 of the way through for some reason. With FO4 I kept getting sidetracked with mods and just playing around, same thing happened with Skyrim.

FO76 is a different game, it has elements of the others with MMO-lite or Destiny style gameplay chucked in. Finding the endgame to be pretty boring as a solo player. I had some friends try it but they stopped playing after 2 weeks.

1st membership cancelled, meant to do it last month

I'd definitely recommend dropping some hours into FO4, despite some of its obvious flaws its my favourite Fallout game. The story is pretty standard but the journey is great and some of the side quests are brilliant imo.
Far Harbour is also a superb bit of DLC and Nuka World was great fun but not quite as tied into the events of the Commonwealth as Far Harbour was but between the two there is probably more content than whats been added to FO76 since release.

I try not to mod lore breaking things into the game such as ridiculous weapons or one thousands of porn / dirty based mods that Nexus is crawling with. Most of the mods I've installed simply extend / fix or enhance existing mechanics, improve graphics and performance or additional quests that dont feel like you are dropping out of the FO universe.
I'd definitely recommend dropping some hours into FO4, despite some of its obvious flaws its my favourite Fallout game. The story is pretty standard but the journey is great and some of the side quests are brilliant imo.
Far Harbour is also a superb bit of DLC and Nuka World was great fun but not quite as tied into the events of the Commonwealth as Far Harbour was but between the two there is probably more content than whats been added to FO76 since release.

yeah will try again with a melee or unarmed char. Found vats in the old fallout games jarring due to the pause/slowdown and the older games are pretty bad for ADS game-play.
The FO3 char is already punching everything to death without breaking a sweat, will need to turn up the game difficulty. He ran in to a group of 7 raiders at lvl 3 and dismembered them with spiked knuckles :D
think I need a break from fo76 for a bit so installed and modded Fallout 3 :D. Forgot how good the intro and game beginning is.
Have you guys played F3 and NewVegas?

3 with some of the DLC (Broken Steel and Point Lookout) and New Vegas with all the DLC. Also 4 with all the DLC and >100 mods. There are many wonderful mods. Most of the ones I used are for settlement building, with the gold standard being Place Everywhere. That transforms settlement building. The rest of the mods I use are for fixing basic mechanics (e.g. fixing the broken pip-boy screen so it doesn't flicker and jump) and adding lore-friendly content.

I disliked the beginning of Fallout 3. I was playing it and thinking "this is fairly good"...and then I left the vault and realised that the beginning was just a tutorial and oh yes, this is the game and it's a hell of a lot better than fairly good.
Well Legendary Perks are back on the PTS....and guess what....they are 3 TIMES!! more grindy than the previously unbelievably grindy Perks...:rolleyes:
Great job...
Its now on PC Gamepass with Xbox Live Achievements (still uses the same Bethesda backend servers though- all versions do).
I've gone back to gambling on the purveyor lottery because I realised I had 130 spare legendary modules on my main and nothing I wanted to craft with them. Power armour heavy gunner. I don't fancy the plasma caster enough to rework my mutations to lose only Grounded. I don't fancy the gauss minigun because the ammo usage is so extreme it's a rare use weapon. So no need for legendary modules, so back to the purveyor lottery for something to do with scrip. Maybe I'll get a heavy gun I might like to try. I'm mostly playing an alt for fun now. I created them just to get an easy level or 3 for the challenges, but found playing a new character more fun than I expected. They're going to try a different build - stealth commando in unpowered armour.

So what did I get in the first 3 rolls on the purveyor lottery on my heavy guns only main? Two L50 3* Fixers. One of which was bloodied with a faster filling VATS tertiary enchantment. The secondary was bashing damage, but that's still a fine roll. For a stealth sniper or commando. Useless for a heavy gunner. Those noises Murmagh makes? They're laughing.

In the stash it goes along with the two shot Fixer. Just in case I change my mind. Maybe when I work my alt up to full bloodied stealth commando I might find it fun enough to rebuild my main.

Talking of my alt, they need to do the revive someone thing for the order of the tadpole nonsense. I want a full size backpack. Is anyone willing to arrange dying so I can revive them? My alt is Amelia. For some reason when I saw the default character that name popped into my head, so that's her name now. And I just accidentally scrapped the snazzy Responder Medic outfit she was wearing due to the massive lag in menus bug. It went great with her gas mask and top hat. Bummer.
I've gone back to gambling on the purveyor lottery because I realised I had 130 spare legendary modules on my main and nothing I wanted to craft with them. Power armour heavy gunner. I don't fancy the plasma caster enough to rework my mutations to lose only Grounded. I don't fancy the gauss minigun because the ammo usage is so extreme it's a rare use weapon. So no need for legendary modules, so back to the purveyor lottery for something to do with scrip. Maybe I'll get a heavy gun I might like to try. I'm mostly playing an alt for fun now. I created them just to get an easy level or 3 for the challenges, but found playing a new character more fun than I expected. They're going to try a different build - stealth commando in unpowered armour.

So what did I get in the first 3 rolls on the purveyor lottery on my heavy guns only main? Two L50 3* Fixers. One of which was bloodied with a faster filling VATS tertiary enchantment. The secondary was bashing damage, but that's still a fine roll. For a stealth sniper or commando. Useless for a heavy gunner. Those noises Murmagh makes? They're laughing.

In the stash it goes along with the two shot Fixer. Just in case I change my mind. Maybe when I work my alt up to full bloodied stealth commando I might find it fun enough to rebuild my main.

Talking of my alt, they need to do the revive someone thing for the order of the tadpole nonsense. I want a full size backpack. Is anyone willing to arrange dying so I can revive them? My alt is Amelia. For some reason when I saw the default character that name popped into my head, so that's her name now. And I just accidentally scrapped the snazzy Responder Medic outfit she was wearing due to the massive lag in menus bug. It went great with her gas mask and top hat. Bummer.

I'm going to dump 1k in the Purveyor today and see if I can win the Bethesda RNG roulette, nice roll on the Fixers. I still have a Bloodied Explosive doing nothing in stash but its nice as thing to have.
I'd like a Bloodied Bear Claw as even though I've known the plans for ages, I'm pretty sure I've never once actually got dropped any Legendary variant of the Bear Claw.

I'm happy to drop dead dude no worries, just add me @ kurtz207.
I don't fancy the plasma caster enough to rework my mutations to lose only Grounded. I don't fancy the gauss minigun because the ammo usage is so extreme it's a rare use weapon.
I bought the plans for the Plasma Caster yesterday. Its IMO a massive waste of Gold & complete waste of time getting this. Only a few mods & even when Bloodied (I wasted 25 LEG modules to get a Bloodied Caster I liked) DMG is just really weak & pathetic!

Best Gauss Weapons are still the Shotgun fully modded Bloodied does up to 1K DMG per hit! Or Bloodied Gauss Mini Gun but as you mentioned ammo useage is a PITA.

Gauss Pistol is also weak & pathetic even when fully modded out it takes so much ammo to take down basic enemies.

This time next week I will be up to Rank 70 ish on the Legendary run as I have enough Atoms stockpiled to buy 30-32 Ranks & hope I have enough stamina left to do the other 30 or so ranks as I am already up to requiring 2000 S.C.O.R.E XP per rank as it goes up by 25 XP per rank to make it even more of a grind!
I'd like a Bloodied Bear Claw as even though I've known the plans for ages, I'm pretty sure I've never once actually got dropped any Legendary variant of the Bear Claw.
Bloodied Bear Arm drops are ultra rare something like 1 in 50,000 drops. I have seen a few for sale in player vendor shops so they do exists but tbh the weapon is pretty feeble anyway you are better off trying to get a bloodied power fist or grognak's axe with + 1 STR or + 1 END! (and yes I have both of those but they are not for sale :p ).
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