**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Isn't Shenandoah black bear central IRL?

Exploring could get spicy!

I'm guessing this has always been on the schedule though, they're going to guide new interest in the franchise to their cash cow.
Makes sense, new show coming out so why not drag the new watchers into the game, might even bring some older players back.

Atlantic city was a bit of a bust for me, not too keen but I welcome any updates and future plans of expansion, I got into this late but I'm loving it.

For me it's got such a great mix of online play when I want and single when I just fancy a wander around.

I do wonder how they will go about it though, if it's easy then the level 1000+ guys wont be interested so will they aim it more towards them and leave the existing parts almost as a level up device, kind of what it is now? I know when I started I couldnt go to the bottom right of the map as it was just instant death, having a bit more of a challenge might be good.
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little bump for those interested :

and no the visualls havent improved that much in game :p

sweary in trailer
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I'll be watching it, at least for one episode.

I wonder if they will add bugs into the series too? Oh no we cant open that door, lets jump to another world.
You'll get tons of perk cards going forward I wouldn't worry, it becomes a bot of a chore actually disposing of them after a while.
I now have about 110 cards to scrap, almost level 500 now but scrapping cards is just so boring, I do need to do it to level up my Legendary cards but there is always something more important.

Oh and despite my comments above I am now on a full bloodied commando build and loving it, yes I die sometimes (sometimes a lot) but it's much more fun than tanking around in PA with a Holy Fire and being almost unkillable.

I have full unyielding SS but I am still trying for better perks, recently rolled 6k worth of scrip for 1 piece of decent armour.....yes I am crafting it which costs less than rolling it.
So many new players which is great, well until you have to do Earl with a server full of level 20's....level 20 is the new level 1.
Is this purely multiplayer or can you play it single player like Fallout 4 without any of the multi player crap and without needing to spend money buying digital tat?
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Is this purely multiplayer or can you play it single player like Fallout 4 without any of the multi player crap and without needing to spend money buying digital tat?
Can be played entirely single player but it's no fallout 4, the story is weak compared to FO4 and can be finished fairly quickly.

Most of the fun in the game is actually playing in co-op, there are hourly (mostly) events that pop up on the map that you join with a load of players and those are the best ones to play.

If you are looking for FO4, deffo don't go for this imo. It is good fun and has just gotten a load of new players so I would say personally that it is well worth a look for £7.

No need to buy digital tat either, plenty of free tat in the game. I bought fallout 1st as it has a few nice bonus features like unlimited junk/ammo storage but it isn't needed, just nice to have.
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Can be played entirely single player but it's no fallout 4, the story is weak compared to FO4 and can be finished fairly quickly.

Most of the fun in the game is actually playing in co-op, there are hourly (mostly) events that pop up on the map that you join with a load of players and those are the best ones to play.

If you are looking for FO4, deffo don't go for this imo. It is good fun and has just gotten a load of new players so I would say personally that it is well worth a look for £7.

No need to buy digital tat either, plenty of free tat in the game. I bought fallout 1st as it has a few nice bonus features like unlimited junk/ammo storage but it isn't needed, just nice to have.

Will be playing Fallout 4 again at some point this year. Will see how I feel after that. But based on what you said probably won't bother as I am only interested in the single player element.
I updated this on my PS5 for a bit of another play about.. And, unless i am missing something, there is still very little to do in the world. The "Main" bits are generally serring off the nuke on the Scorchbeast Queen and the Mine and thats about it. There are still some little events but they are not that interesting after the 10th time you have done them. They really needed to have several more things around the environment to nuke that would have a similar effect to the Scorchbeast Queen event but with different cryptids that would take you to different parts of the map, or even little missions like the Imposter Sheepsquatch event.

Unless you are REALLY into it like some of the lvl 1000 players are (I am at lvl 149) then its pretty tedious without any further content really.

I can see them pulling in a few people because of the show but i think they will not last long (Probably about as long as the story quests) because after that most things are just a massive grind and things like setting off the nuke is incredibly tedious/random/annoying/tough.
I updated this on my PS5 for a bit of another play about.. And, unless i am missing something, there is still very little to do in the world. The "Main" bits are generally serring off the nuke on the Scorchbeast Queen and the Mine and thats about it. There are still some little events but they are not that interesting after the 10th time you have done them. They really needed to have several more things around the environment to nuke that would have a similar effect to the Scorchbeast Queen event but with different cryptids that would take you to different parts of the map, or even little missions like the Imposter Sheepsquatch event.

Unless you are REALLY into it like some of the lvl 1000 players are (I am at lvl 149) then its pretty tedious without any further content really.

I can see them pulling in a few people because of the show but i think they will not last long (Probably about as long as the story quests) because after that most things are just a massive grind and things like setting off the nuke is incredibly tedious/random/annoying/tough.
Yep only really 3 locations that nuking gives an event, SBQ, Earl and the nuka world giant mole one (cant remember the name).

There isn't much new to do, a new update is due this year with an extra part of the map opened up.

I enjoy the grind and the events though so I'm still playing and I think I will until something better comes along, currently around lvl 570ish, I get why it doesn't mesh with some folk but I'm enjoying it. I play with some friends too so that kind of adds to the fun I guess, we all started around the same time.
I updated this on my PS5 for a bit of another play about.. And, unless i am missing something, there is still very little to do in the world. The "Main" bits are generally serring off the nuke on the Scorchbeast Queen and the Mine and thats about it. There are still some little events but they are not that interesting after the 10th time you have done them. They really needed to have several more things around the environment to nuke that would have a similar effect to the Scorchbeast Queen event but with different cryptids that would take you to different parts of the map, or even little missions like the Imposter Sheepsquatch event.

Unless you are REALLY into it like some of the lvl 1000 players are (I am at lvl 149) then its pretty tedious without any further content really.

I can see them pulling in a few people because of the show but i think they will not last long (Probably about as long as the story quests) because after that most things are just a massive grind and things like setting off the nuke is incredibly tedious/random/annoying/tough.
Yes they never added much to it. I played it all the time from launch in 2018 until 2022 when it was obvious they were never ever going to add much except digital cosmetic items you need to buy with real money!

There has not really been a single significant addition since day 1 no really new decent locations at all its all rehashed (much of it from Fallout 4 LOL). But this is quite a dense game world here you can spend many happy hours just exploring doing the mini quests & side quests. Its popular right now though Steam shot up to concurrent over 80K players (from previous record of 39K for this title). Bethesda just never wanted to add a decent expansion like they did on Fallout 4 & put more focus on Solo play. Instead they went down the microtransaction route for non essential cosmetic items & tedious multiplayer events which are all pretty boring actually!
Recently started playing Fallout76 again, first time in a couple of years. New character for a start, retiring my Level 500ish chap. Oh my, things have changed a lot....

Also discovered that I've just passed 700 hours in the game. Ummm... Oops.... :D

Was nice to join with a new character and within 10 minutes of leaving the vault a level 250ish someone had given me a stack of stimpacks, dog food, purified water and a tricked out 10mm pistol and ammo. I'd forgotten how nice the community is.
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Recently started playing Fallout76 again, first time in a couple of years. New character for a start, retiring my Level 500ish chap. Oh my, things have changed a lot....

Also discovered that I've just passed 700 hours in the game. Ummm... Oops.... :D

Was nice to join with a new character and within 10 minutes of leaving the vault a level 250ish someone had given me a stack of stimpacks, dog food, purified water and a tricked out 10mm pistol and ammo. I'd forgotten how nice the community is.
I had played for a few days when an American chap made me a Jet pack for my Power Armour, I flew around like a silly sod for a while then added a mod to it which destroyed the Jet Pack....don't do that lol.

One of the nicest communities I've been involved in for the most part, there obviously are a few that let it down but generally it's very friendly, I quite enjoy helping out the new folk, it's good for the game in the long run.
I had played for a few days when an American chap made me a Jet pack for my Power Armour, I flew around like a silly sod for a while then added a mod to it which destroyed the Jet Pack....don't do that lol.

One of the nicest communities I've been involved in for the most part, there obviously are a few that let it down but generally it's very friendly, I quite enjoy helping out the new folk, it's good for the game in the long run.
Shame it doesn't do the FO4 thing of when replacing an part it makes a mod for what you just replaced. Would make some of my weapon upgrades so much easier. Just kitted up a hunting rifle to full recon sniper rifle, when I get a 1* Hunting rifle with the Anti armour perk... :rolleyes:

I've just hit level 20 and deposited a bunch of purified water, stimpacks and 10mm ammo and a modded 10mm for a couple of level 1 and 2 players coming out of the vault. I'm enjoying running around in my bright orange space suit. :D
Recently started playing Fallout76 again, first time in a couple of years. New character for a start, retiring my Level 500ish chap. Oh my, things have changed a lot....

Also discovered that I've just passed 700 hours in the game. Ummm... Oops.... :D

Was nice to join with a new character and within 10 minutes of leaving the vault a level 250ish someone had given me a stack of stimpacks, dog food, purified water and a tricked out 10mm pistol and ammo. I'd forgotten how nice the community is.
Its odd i havent even watched the tv show yet but am playing through fallout 4 heavily modded but have 76 also freshly installed but when i logged in im lost as to where to go what to do, my old character is lvl 90 or so but would you recommend a fresh start?
Its odd i havent even watched the tv show yet but am playing through fallout 4 heavily modded but have 76 also freshly installed but when i logged in im lost as to where to go what to do, my old character is lvl 90 or so but would you recommend a fresh start?
Up to you really, all the guns and armour open up fully at lvl 50, some can be used at lower levels but it's best to have level 50 for everything....well just because.

Personally I would start over and follow the quest line from the start, then when you hit level 25 you can join in the main events which are where your main XP comes from, Radiation rumble and Eviction notice are my two favourite ones along with Moonshine Jamoboree for XP and Legendary weapons/gear.

You could stay at lvl 90 and just jump into everything again, your pip boy should show you what quests you have started and finished so far anyway (under data), there isn't really a right or wrong way to play 76.
Yea Fallout 76 considering is a multiplayer game doesn't have a bad quest line and quite a few side quests.

Ok it's not Fallout 4, it was never meant to be, but even if you ignore all the multiplayer elements of the game, it's still not bad game in its own right.
It's a shame you have to sub for the scrap box, ammo box and tent. If they split that away from the 1st sub it would be great.

Even charging a small amount compared to the full sub.

Will never happen though.
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