**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

It's a shame you have to sub for the scrap box, ammo box and tent. If they split that away from the 1st sub it would be great.

Even charging a small amount compared to the full sub.

Will never happen though.
Those things are the only things really worth subbing for.
Its odd i havent even watched the tv show yet but am playing through fallout 4 heavily modded but have 76 also freshly installed but when i logged in im lost as to where to go what to do, my old character is lvl 90 or so but would you recommend a fresh start?
They've done a lot of changes in the just over 2 years I was away. Logged in first with my lvl500 chap, saw that a couple of my weapons had been nerfed and were now pretty much useless and a lot of the map had been populated even further. Took about 20 minutes of play to decide to start from Level 1 again. Although, upon leaving Vault76 you do get the option to bump to level 20 instead of starting at 1. I'm going the long way round.
Can anyone give me a bit of a truncated rundown on Fallout 76 in terms of the co-op experience?

I'm new to the Fallout universe but from what I understand Fallout 76 is a multiplayer version where you can play in teams and do either quests/progression (PvE?) or a full-on PvP game?

Basically I'm wondering if it's worth me and a few mates having a go and doing the whole base building bit!
It’s almost a single player game that can be played as coop, friends can help you in your story quest and every hour or so you get events that everyone in the sever can join together and play.
There are also nukes that can be launched, 3 spots in the map when nuked give 3 events.
You can set up a team of 4 to quest together or just join a casual team and do your own thing.
It’s almost a single player game that can be played as coop, friends can help you in your story quest and every hour or so you get events that everyone in the sever can join together and play.

Yup very much so, you can basically play this 95% single player if you want to.

And out of the ordinary, but the online community is actually really good, I played several hundred hours and literally never once ever got griefed or whatever, actually the opposite most people are out there to help you.
Thanks for the replies! How does the base element work - assuming there aren't dedicated servers, does any base building you do remain and you automatically join the same server each time? (and what's to stop someone taking over your base when you aren't online??)
Thanks for the replies! How does the base element work - assuming there aren't dedicated servers, does any base building you do remain and you automatically join the same server each time? (and what's to stop someone taking over your base when you aren't online??)
Your base only spawns in when you join a server.

Your base can be destroyed, this only happens when your online.
Thanks for the replies! How does the base element work - assuming there aren't dedicated servers, does any base building you do remain and you automatically join the same server each time? (and what's to stop someone taking over your base when you aren't online??)

Yea, your base only spawns when you are alive.

Yes your base can be destroyed, mainly by a nuke, and it won't ever be intentional, I've never out of hundreds of hours have a player intentionally destroyed my base, only by nuke, and that's because I made my base kinda close to one of the main bosses that you have to set off by nuke.

Even if it gets destroyed, it's really easy to rebuild it, everything is still there you need like 1 steel or whatever to rebuild it, it's basically not an issue.

Plus your storage is safe, so no one can steal your stuff.

Honestly it's proper chill, it's basically a single player game and you can choose to participate in the online stuff but if you don't it's effectively single player.
The only issue I ever have with my base is sometimes someone takes the same spot on the map as me which means when I join a server I cant place my camp, I just jump servers and usually I'm ok. It can be a pain if a few mates are on a server and that happens.
I never understand why the game can't just keep looking for a server where your camp can be placed.

I imagine most people will choose to keep joining another server.
Played an hour last night after getting it free. Looks nice, not actually done much yet apart from place my camp and build a shack with a bed in it. Saw a power armour frame spawned, couldn't get in as I am too low level, then it despawned so that was fun.
Still getting to grips with what I'm actually supposed to be doing but hoping I enjoy it.
Played an hour last night after getting it free. Looks nice, not actually done much yet apart from place my camp and build a shack with a bed in it. Saw a power armour frame spawned, couldn't get in as I am too low level, then it despawned so that was fun.
Still getting to grips with what I'm actually supposed to be doing but hoping I enjoy it.

This is pretty much me too at the moment - I'm slowly getting to grips with the UI and crafting system but looks like it could be good fun!
Just hit Level 50 after starting from 1, thought it would be a good time to get some mutations. :D

Does no-one sell the serums anymore? Visited so many player camps and not even found one... :(

I've naturally got the Healing Factor and Speed Demon mutations from doing a couple of the Uranium Fever events and getting a lot of rads. Ideally after marsupial, herd mentality carnivore/herbivore.

Played an hour last night after getting it free. Looks nice, not actually done much yet apart from place my camp and build a shack with a bed in it. Saw a power armour frame spawned, couldn't get in as I am too low level, then it despawned so that was fun.
Still getting to grips with what I'm actually supposed to be doing but hoping I enjoy it.

This is pretty much me too at the moment - I'm slowly getting to grips with the UI and crafting system but looks like it could be good fun!

If you see someone called Flibster in an orange space suit and white helmet, say Hi. I'll happily team up and provide a bit of cover. One of my favourite events to do early on to get junk and weapons to scrap is Collision Course, at Morgantown Airport. It does help if you have someone who can cripple the ghouls with legshots first so you don't get chased too much.

Don't worry about getting overloaded with weight. You will use AP to run, and can't sprint, but you can use use the auto move and set it to walk and you'll be fine. There's many workbenches around so it won't take too long to get somewhere to scrap everything. Many train stations about with access to your storage crate as well.
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Just hit Level 50 after starting from 1, thought it would be a good time to get some mutations. :D

Does no-one sell the serums anymore? Visited so many player camps and not even found one... :(

I've naturally got the Healing Factor and Speed Demon mutations from doing a couple of the Uranium Fever events and getting a lot of rads. Ideally after marsupial, herd mentality carnivore/herbivore.

If you see someone called Flibster in an orange space suit and white helmet, say Hi. I'll happily team up and provide a bit of cover. One of my favourite events to do early on to get junk and weapons to scrap is Collision Course, at Morgantown Airport. It does help if you have someone who can cripple the ghouls with legshots first so you don't get chased too much.

Don't worry about getting overloaded with weight. You will use AP to run, and can't sprint, but you can use use the auto move and set it to walk and you'll be fine. There's many workbenches around so it won't take too long to get somewhere to scrap everything. Many train stations about with access to your storage crate as well.
I have all the serums and sell them for about 250/300 in my camp, I have about 40k caps most of the time so I normally give them away.

Add Hung_Solo. and I'll give you some stuff if you like.
i have hopefully persuaded one of my mates to install it and may give this a go later tonight............ not that i am persuaded by marketing at all and the fact i am watching the tv series at the moment is a total coincidence :)
spent another couple of hours in it, still using my trusty 10mm most of the time. Still feeling a bit 'lost', no major 'quests' or anything have come up just yet and I'm quickly stocking up on lots and lots of junk because I'm not sure whats valuable and what isn't yet!
started tonight with a mate. started 1st mission , built a small base and generally wandered about. not bad at all. once I stopped it crashing. damn thing is buggy as hell. also had a server crash on us.
Now up to 6 mutations. :D

Just after Carnivore and Grounded and I think I'll be done. Decided on Carnivore over Herbivore as I can then use the cannibal perk card too. Endless food just lying around. ;)

I've got Healing Factor, Marsupial, Speed Demon, Herd Mentality, Eagle Eyes, and Egg Head. Also having the Starched Genes, Class Freak and Strange in Numbers perks helps level out the downsides of the mutations.

[edit] Forgot a mutation...
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Now up to 5 mutations. :D

Just after Carnivore and Grounded and I think I'll be done. Decided on Carnivore over Herbivore as I can then use the cannibal perk card too. Endless food just lying around. ;)

I've got Healing Factor, Marsupial, Speed Demon, Eagle Eyes, and Egg Head. Also having the Starched Genes, Class Freak and Strange in Numbers perks helps level out the downsides of the mutations.
I went with Herbivore as the Cranberry relish and Brain bombs are so easy to make and make a big difference, reish is 25%xp (38 with a mag) and bombs raise intel by a fair few too, even more xp!

The only comparable food for carni is the canned meat stew I think.
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