**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

I went with Herbivore as the Cranberry relish and Brain bombs are so easy to make and make a big difference, reish is 25%xp (38 with a mag) and bombs raise intel by a fair few too, even more xp!

The only comparable food for carni is the canned meat stew I think.
That's a possibility. Was thinking Carnivore as I use the Good Doggy perk and a lot of canned dog food.
Deffinately not a right or wrong answer, just what is easier for you.

I like getting a lot of XP during the season board as it helps a little so I went Hebi, if I use a Live and Love 3(I think it's 3) mag with a relish I get 38% XP boost, a brain bomb gives me 11 boost on Intel. In all honesty that was when I was really keen, most of the time now I forget to take relish with me lol.
I hit level 50 tonight and have a very long way to go to get some decent perks.
Currently using a pistol based set with no power armour or companion. I have a legendary shotgun the kabloom which has 15 armour pen, exploding rounds and something else. Seems decent enough and it's a hoot with a silencer.
Level 26
Using a legendary shotty and a sniper rifle mostly.

Have 7 power armour frames (and loads of power armour I can't yet use) so I just dropped 2 off by vault 76 with a fusion core in each.

Enjoying the game, but I have SO. MANY. QUESTS.....
Just about level 100 now. Gone completely stealth with all supressed weaponry and the Chinese Stealth Armour. I do have a set of mostly Brotherhood of Steel Combat Armor that I wear when needed which includes a chameleon piece, so still have some extra stealth. Plus some muffled and ultra light. Added to Secret Service Underarmour with a shielded mod, I do ok when I need to.

Big advantage of the stealth armour is that I can go into nuked zones and just stealth my way around headshotting things for hardened mass, glowing mass and high rad fluids while collecting all the plants I need while no rads build up due to the What Rads legendary perk. Only level 2, but works very nicely. Building up quite a stockpile of stable flux.

Weapon wise, 3* legendary Fixer, 3* legendary Western Spirit lever action, and the Love Tap smg.

Going to go start doing some expeditions soon.

Oh, and a hint for any new players. Power armour parts are heavy. Power armour frames are not. Get any frame, load up with parts you want to keep, rename the frame so you know what it is and then store it. You can easily have 100 weight of armour pieces on the frame, stick it in your storage on the frame and it's only 10 weight. ;)
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Played a few hours, it sure has a different feel from the beta :)

Started at lev20 which let me pick Specialist prebuild. Gave me reasonable stats and a kitted out 10mm (which ammo is everywhere so far). Have been following the main quests with a bit of random exploring so far.

Am I right in thinking I should just scrap almost all gear I'm not using?

And can I edit cfg.ini or something to lower the mouse sensitivity further? Even at the lowest slider setting it still seems very high to me.
I've started to scrap more and more after realising I'm just hoarding. I notice that enemies tend to drop the ammo for the weapon you're using and I now have thousands of 10mm and shotgun rounds
Yep scrap everything and trade legendary weapons at the exchanges.

Ammo is contextual so you get what you use back, daily ops etc are great for ammo.

I have a dpi switch on my mouse I use for the game which lowers the sensitivity
I am working through a clear out of my stash. Done all weapons and armour and next is food and aid. Might stick a load of aid in a donations box as I can't be bothered to set up a shop lol.
I also have so many side quests to do but with the player counts the public events are non stop and worth the time.
I'm ditching so many legendary weapons and armour that the 300 daily scrip limit is proving annoying.

Although I did managed to do all the new daily and weekly challenges *other than the one that takes 3 days* in under 2 hours. Happy with that. Also activated a score multiplier at the same time so some nice gains there.
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I used to love eviction notice for lengendary stuff but it doesn’t pop up much lately, you sometimes get double scrip weekends too where it’s around 800 scrip.

I think I have around 6k gold and 5k scrip just now, not much I need or want.
I used to love eviction notice for lengendary stuff but it doesn’t pop up much lately, you sometimes get double scrip weekends too where it’s around 800 scrip.

I think I have around 6k gold and 5k scrip just now, not much I need or want.
Nice, I am a very long way off.
I used to love eviction notice for lengendary stuff but it doesn’t pop up much lately, you sometimes get double scrip weekends too where it’s around 800 scrip.

I think I have around 6k gold and 5k scrip just now, not much I need or want.
When Eviction notice does pop up now it seems to be filled with the 'endiest of bells' just going to the spawn points to get the legendries rather than than cover/fix the rad scrubber.
Realised I had some random gibberish as a display name in game. Hunting through posts and it's because my steam account wasn't linked with bethesda. Eventually got that sorted (had to find and unlink an old acc) and of course I've lost my character. As it was linked with the random acc it had auto signed me in with. So starting from scratch again and having to redo the last 10hours or gameplay.
Realised I had some random gibberish as a display name in game. Hunting through posts and it's because my steam account wasn't linked with bethesda. Eventually got that sorted (had to find and unlink an old acc) and of course I've lost my character. As it was linked with the random acc it had auto signed me in with. So starting from scratch again and having to redo the last 10hours or gameplay.
If you can find me on a server I'll build you some armour and weapons to make it a touch easier early on.
Had a fun interaction last night. Got a fusion core recharger last week and have slowly been charging a lot of fusion cores. Had 40 fully charged ones for sale for 100 caps each. Had someone come along in some excavator power armour and buy all 40. I was doing some weapon and armour repairs but he waited until I was done, waved, did the gift emote and dropped 40 fusion cores all between 5 and 15% full, did thumbs up and left.

Shame I cant have more than one recharger. I've got loads to go through now.

Also did my first expedition. My build is not suited to doing The Pitt. Stealth rifleman is not a good choice for going up against the Trogs. Chinese stealth armor and all my sneak perk bonus doesn't help. Spot me half way across the map it seems. May have to have a respec for The Pitt.
I really enjoy the community in this game, almost all are helpful and try to give you as much stuff as they can, I quite like helping new players but not to the extreme of giving them so much that it ruins the fun of finding it for themselves.

I helped a bloke put a jet pack on his pa, quite funny to watch him boost everywhere. If someone buys a load of stuff from my store I often dump some flux for them as a little gift that can help most players.

I’m running bloodied commando, it’s great for the most part but I do die in missions or daily ops, I do like that more than my old holy fire power armour build that made me almost unkillable, no fun in that.
Yeah, the community is great. Generally people will jump into events if there's only one person in it which is amazing. Some people are there just to be weird it seems. Had someone with the marsupial mutation and the easter bunny mascot outfit on, bounce up to me. Stop, say "Hi. I'm a bunny" over his mic and then bounce off again. That was the whole interaction. :cry:

I've tried bloodied, but I died far too often for my liking. But I am tempted to put my god roll 3* dual bar flaming chainsaw to use. Vampire, 40% faster swing speed and Strength +1. I only have a natural strength of 3, which becomes 4 with that weapon and another +2 bonus with the Herd Mentality perk, so at best, before chems or other manipulations a 6.... Not great for melee. Will need a complete respec.
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