**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Forgot to say, legendary mods are crafted at the tinkers workbench, not the weapon or armour workbenches.

Received a faster reload baseball bat today. There's some weirdness going on out there.
I think I’m at 36ish, got about 14 plans now. Most crap still though.

I’m going to ease up on the search now, got what I want from a vendor so no need to push.
i had another dip into this last night. i am still fighting the urge to horde everything and constantly being over emcumbered.... but i am getting a "bit" better.

quick question.
do you guys keep multple weapons which use the same ammo, or do you just break down any gun you pick up which isnt better than the one you are using? the wear and tear on them seems fairly forgiving so i have started just stripping them down now to save weight..... but just making sure this is not a big mistake!.


PS gutted the bobble heads are now consumables, same with the magazines i guess!. :( . i was v excited to find my 1st only to learn it only lasts an hr. so given that i have just put it on my stand and i guess i wont use it. AS well as being a hoarder also have a fear of using my best potions because what if i REALLY need them later!. also i like my bobble head stand in other fallout games so may as well go that route!.
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i had another dip into this last night. i am still fighting the urge to horde everything and constantly being over emcumbered.... but i am getting a "bit" better.

quick question.
do you guys keep multple weapons which use the same ammo, or do you just break down any gun you pick up which isnt better than the one you are using? the wear and tear on them seems fairly forgiving so i have started just stripping them down now to save weight..... but just making sure this is not a big mistake!.


PS gutted the bobble heads are now consumables, same with the magazines i guess!. :( . i was v excited to find my 1st only to learn it only lasts an hr. so given that i have just put it on my stand and i guess i wont use it. AS well as being a hoarder also have a fear of using my best potions because what if i REALLY need them later!. also i like my bobble head stand in other fallout games so may as well go that route!.
I scrap or scrip anything worse than what I have now, my guns are pretty much god rolls so I scrap/scrip everything.

Most Bobbleheads I don't use anyway, they have started to become more valuable again as they are used in some crafting, The stamp dude in whitespring sells 6 random heads a day, you get stamps from doing expeditions.

I have a couple of guns which share ammo, I carry two fixers where one is bloodied and the other is instigating, those share the same ammo, I carry a quad railway rifle and two handmade rifles that aren't used much now but weigh so little I don't really need to bother changing them.

I've not really regretted scrapping anything for long, I did scrap a white powder jumpsuit once which is pretty rare, other than that you get so much stuff in the game it's not worth hoarding unless it is a special item. If you have fallout 1st then scrapping makes huge sense, all junk can be stored separately for 0 weight on your stash, loads of ammo can be stored for 0 weight too (most but not all), I find with no 1st it quickly becomes a junk management simulator for me.

If I'm ever online (Hung_Solo.) just drop by and say hello, I'll drop you some bobbles and a few mags to get you going, well anything you need really.....I have way too much stuff lol.

@Flibster Your camp is looking very cool, nice job. I'm too lazy so have used mostly pre fab buildings on one site and " it's not a camp it's just one big fkin room" as my mate said for my other site.
With the new update don't bother scrapping non legendary weapons unless you need a certain material from it. Take them and sell them to an NPC vendor for the caps. I sell mostly aid items as I seem to gather silly amounts of rad x and rad away.
With the new update don't bother scrapping non legendary weapons unless you need a certain material from it. Take them and sell them to an NPC vendor for the caps. I sell mostly aid items as I seem to gather silly amounts of rad x and rad away.
I still scrap the non legendary ones, caps come pretty easy like you say I get so many stimpacks and radaways that I get my full amount of NPC caps almost from those alone.

Pressing R R is my curse, I collect things I have no clue I've collected.
Check the NEW tab in your pip boy often, after events etc. It really helps.

Add me in-game if you wish. Fishermanjim is my game name.
I was at your camp last night! I thought I recognised the name from somewhere.....I'm so old lol.
Has anyone come across the clowns yet? I am not someone who gets creeped out by clowns but to be fair just the way they don't do much but look at you and laugh is unsettling. :eek:
I don’t know why but discord is going nuts for sentinel, 1000 bw6 for one mod box, that’s around 100k caps at least afaik….madness.
Hmmm.... I suppose if you're doing a stand still and blow stuff to crap build, itmight be a useful thing to stick on all your armour.

"75% Chance to Reduce Damage by 15% While Not Moving" x 5 bits of armour gives the potential to remove 75% of incoming damage, if it just stacks on top of each other. If it's processed one after the other, it works out to be about a 55% maximum reduction. Meh....

quick question.
do you guys keep multple weapons which use the same ammo, or do you just break down any gun you pick up which isnt better than the one you are using? the wear and tear on them seems fairly forgiving so i have started just stripping them down now to save weight..... but just making sure this is not a big mistake!.

Currently use a Cremator and Holy fire, both use fuel. Also have a Prime Fixer that uses Ultracite .45. Unless it's something I'm particularly interested in or a new named weapon, it'll get scrapped. I usually try the names weapons for a bit. They're mostly not for me.

@Flibster Your camp is looking very cool, nice job. I'm too lazy so have used mostly pre fab buildings on one site and " it's not a camp it's just one big fkin room" as my mate said for my other site.

Cheers. :D It may undergo a bit of a rebuild soon, thinking about adding more useful things for buffing. But I will keep the dinosaur. ;)

With the new update don't bother scrapping non legendary weapons unless you need a certain material from it. Take them and sell them to an NPC vendor for the caps. I sell mostly aid items as I seem to gather silly amounts of rad x and rad away.

Everything gets scrapped for me. Meds, food and chems get sold and I will hit the daily cap limit. I live off Nuka cola and Pemmican anyway. :D I usually hover around 35k caps anyway as I play a Aristocrat build. Buy a few bulk junk items when I get closer to 40k
What's the storage difference between normal and then Fallout 1st?
Several free items in the store. Costumes and useful items. Also some 'free' caps per month too.

Ammo storage box and scrap storage box. You can load as much as you want into them and there's no weight limit.

Survival tent. Really useful. If you're overloaded, many of them will have scrap boxes or a workbench to allow you to scrap all the junk you're holding. The one I'm currently using has a scrap box, ammo box and a normal storage box. Weapon workbench, tinkers workbench, cooking facilities and a bed. And is bright blue so is easy to spot.

Also gives you access to private worlds that means you or only people you want can gain access to a private server. Useful for Kill X number of mirelurks, Get a deathclaw egg, or other quests like that.

More info - https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/fallout1st
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