i had another dip into this last night. i am still fighting the urge to horde everything and constantly being over emcumbered.... but i am getting a "bit" better.
quick question.
do you guys keep multple weapons which use the same ammo, or do you just break down any gun you pick up which isnt better than the one you are using? the wear and tear on them seems fairly forgiving so i have started just stripping them down now to save weight..... but just making sure this is not a big mistake!.
PS gutted the bobble heads are now consumables, same with the magazines i guess!.

. i was v excited to find my 1st only to learn it only lasts an hr. so given that i have just put it on my stand and i guess i wont use it. AS well as being a hoarder also have a fear of using my best potions because what if i REALLY need them later!. also i like my bobble head stand in other fallout games so may as well go that route!.