**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Genuine question, what's keeping you level 200, 500, 1000 guys going? I'm at something like 120 I think and haven't played for a month or so as it was getting repetitive. Is it the "number go up" train of thought? :)
Honestly wish I knew, I still enjoy it so it’s not just how high I can get, I enjoy making builds and the perks that go with them, I like the fact I can play on my own or join in with a team if I feel like it but no I really don’t know what keeps people playing.
Ask the guy who is lvl 32000…. He must know.
Did my dailies with a mate last night then he said he wanted to do west tek for a while, neither of us have done XP runs much but had watched mr west tek on Youtube so decided we would give it a go.

We did 1 hour of it, getting a bit better each time, 4k per super mutant and around 2k per dog just to clear the open areas, we were getting 40k xp on the first door and around 20-30k on the next two doors, I would say every 2 minutes we got something like 90-100k average.....insane. The scoreboard was ramping up like crazy too, I'm over rank 80 now.

I can see why people camp out and do days of this to finish the scoreboard but again my brain was fried by the end with boredom so as soon as the relish ran out so did I. I enjoyed the challenge of getting a perfect run, that soon passes and sheer boredom takes over, as much as it was fun for a while I don't think it will be something I will be repeating very often.
Yesterday was day 9 of receiving nothing from scrapping legendries.

I counted mine, I actually only have 21 not 22. Got none yesterday but I guess I only scrapped about 20.

I've found quite a lot of box mods now though, are there any you are in need of? I'll keep an eye out for them.
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Did my dailies with a mate last night then he said he wanted to do west tek for a while, neither of us have done XP runs much but had watched mr west tek on Youtube so decided we would give it a go.

We did 1 hour of it, getting a bit better each time, 4k per super mutant and around 2k per dog just to clear the open areas, we were getting 40k xp on the first door and around 20-30k on the next two doors, I would say every 2 minutes we got something like 90-100k average.....insane. The scoreboard was ramping up like crazy too, I'm over rank 80 now.

I can see why people camp out and do days of this to finish the scoreboard but again my brain was fried by the end with boredom so as soon as the relish ran out so did I. I enjoyed the challenge of getting a perfect run, that soon passes and sheer boredom takes over, as much as it was fun for a while I don't think it will be something I will be repeating very often.
Not done any XP runs. Just looping the same area is not appealing to me. I tried doing a few expeditions back to back and it really isn't for me. I'm not set up for sprinting one hit kills. I'm a sneaky bugger. ;)

I think I hit rank 56 last night, so I'm getting there. Tomorrow brings another big boost with the weeklies and the 50% score boost. :)
I counted mine, I actually only have 21 not 22. Got none yesterday but I guess I only scrapped about 20.

I've found quite a lot of box mods now though, are there any you are in need of? I'll keep an eye out for them.
Lucky sod. :P

Nothing I'm really looking for. It's weird, I'd pretty much got the armor and weapons I wanted before all this came down. So now it's really just for messing about. Although my Anti Armor flaming bow is proving most entertaining. With the flame damage radius turned up with perks it's hilarious.
Lucky sod. :P

Nothing I'm really looking for. It's weird, I'd pretty much got the armor and weapons I wanted before all this came down. So now it's really just for messing about. Although my Anti Armor flaming bow is proving most entertaining. With the flame damage radius turned up with perks it's hilarious.
Pretty much the same, I had rolled literally thousands of modules to get decent...better....best gear but now it is a bit easier I think I'll enjoy trying a few new builds.

I've never tried a bow, I think there is a mission for it so I may give it a spin in a new build at some point, do you need a specific card set for it or is commando ok?

I need to get PLM sorted out again, I got rid of it after it kept crashing my game every time I scrapped a card, hopefully that is fixed now. With this new legendary system I plan on having a different set of armour for each build with legendary effects to suit that build, it may take a while but it's something to aim for lol.
I have not had the time to do much so I spent the time sorting my camp and making my pub better. I have benches with candles and an additional building for workbenches. Will try tonight to do some events but it's looking like I may have to sort a PA build and try some expeditions to get some legendary items. I'm aiming for overeaters with SS armour and a Cold Shoulder as my first build.
2nd build will be either a fixer stealth or PA heavy weapon. Think I have 1 mod and that's Heavy Hitter.
Pretty much the same, I had rolled literally thousands of modules to get decent...better....best gear but now it is a bit easier I think I'll enjoy trying a few new builds.

I've never tried a bow, I think there is a mission for it so I may give it a spin in a new build at some point, do you need a specific card set for it or is commando ok?

I need to get PLM sorted out again, I got rid of it after it kept crashing my game every time I scrapped a card, hopefully that is fixed now. With this new legendary system I plan on having a different set of armour for each build with legendary effects to suit that build, it may take a while but it's something to aim for lol.
Not commando. Has it's own perks.

I use Archer ***, Master Archer ***, Expert Archer***, Bow before me ***, Concentrated fire * , Grenadier **

Also Friendly Fire is good as the flame radius helps heal teammates and NPC's

You can buy the plans for the compound bow and mods from the Crater weapons merchant or Sunny at Foundation. Bow does less impact damage but more DoT. Compound bow does more impact damage and less DoT.
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Scrapped many legendaries tonight. Did 20 expedition runs. Did any and all events that appeared. Probably ~100 scrapped.

Nothing.... Am I doing something wrong? 10 days without a mod or mod plan. :confused:

Although did get to Rank 60.

Servers going down for a hotfix tomorrow. Apparently should fix the disappearing loot bug. Hopefully the damage over time leaving 1hp too. But we'll get the release notes tomorrow.

So double everything for a few days, quite handy as for the first time in a year I'm hurting for caps.....these mods are a killer lol.
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So double everything for a few days, quite handy as for the first time in a year I'm hurting for caps.....these mods are a killer lol.
So that's how I got 80 gold last night then. :D

Nice of them.

Update now downloading. On steam for me it's 848mb (works out to 6.9gb after steam has done it's magic)

No release notes yet.
Update notes:

Today we deployed a updated on all platforms to activate Caravans!

The new quest “A Bump in the Road” will start your career as a caravan leader as you make your mark on Skyline Valley.

You'll find the patch notes for today's update below:

  • Various stability and performance improvements
  • Fixed an issue causing the Red and White Rose Bushes and Meat Locker to appear invisible when placed
  • Fixed an issue that caused downed enemies to despawn without leaving their loot piles
  • A prompt will now appear when attempting to scrap any item that has a skin, is a seasonal item, or is from the Atomic Shop
You can watch the new Milepost Zero trailer here!

Despawning fixed! YAY!
Scrapping prompts too. Excellent. So you can help prevent accidental scrapping with a skin.

I finally learnt something when scrapping legendaries!

11 days of nothing and today... VATS Optimized. A good one finally!

So currently have

* Bloodied
* Exterminators
* Juggernauts
** Agility
** VATS Enhanced
** Warming
*** Burning
*** Perception
*** Sentinel's
*** Strength
*** VATS Optimized
Anyone else finding the new caravans to be utterly underwhelming?
I’ve not done my own so I can’t really say, I jumped in on a couple and found it really boring so I’ve not done any more. I’ll have more time on Friday so I’ll try doing my own one then.
I'm trying to play about with different builds.
I have tried a Tesla rifle but didn't enjoy it and then got a vampires switch blade and an instigating ripper. I did a very basic build but all the builds I see are either for level 9000+ or for low HP muted augmented cyborged and I can't get there being level 122. (Now only 13 perk cards to pick left).
I would like to try a 2 handed build as the single big thwack is appealing but what level would I need to do say a superslegde build and can I factor in PA? (Not used PA properly yet).
Anyone else finding the new caravans to be utterly underwhelming?
All the extra content is was & will be underwhelming!

Gave up for now its just average at best Bethesda refuse to make it more like Fallout 4 than anything else the forced team aspects are boring also!

2018-2019 I got up to lvl 750 with no extra effort or exploits! 2020- present I have reached lvl 752 LOL but still completed most seasons to get the extra plans & content but since they changed the season system cba anymore its just more of the same its never going to change now!
Have now added:
* Auto Stim
** Luck
*** Nimble

Still no new mods, just plans.

Did get a weapon I'm wanting to try out at some point. Anti Armor, +25 faster firing Alien Disintegrator. Could be fun.

Hit Rank 81 today and surprisingly also hit level 400. :D
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