**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Nuka nades need nuka cola, I can’t remember what else though. Remember to put super duper on when you make them. I think a nuka made is the only one that gives rads, the rads go through walls and kill way more, also use an instigating weapon meaning that your damage is doubled against enemies with full health…throw it then run.
My routine was-
Use ll3 mag
Eat cranberry relish
Take brain bombs
Use derby machine
Take berry mentats
Use leader bbh

Can’t remember it exactly but that was my herbivore routine roughly, if you are carnivore there are meat equivalent foods.

Maybe if he hasn’t done the west tek quest he won’t get in, just guessing.
I wanted the G915 but I managed to find a Steel series Apex Pro tkl for £18 sold as faulty but turns out it's fine and it was a software glitch easily sorted.
I was helping a friend last night to try and level up but is there a good place or way to help them level quickly compared to questing?
Amazon had a deal so got it for £110 for the full size keyboard. It's very nice indeed and I'm slowly adjusting. Apex Pro for £18 sounds like a steal.

Depending on the level of your friend, possible sweep of Morgantown airport and do the event there. Feed the people event. Radiation Rumble event. Join a casual team, that boosts your intelligence so more XP. Also sleep, that gives you an intelligence boost too.

West Tek for someone under level 50 may be a bit tough.
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I made him cranberry cobblers and he rested up. We did do the Morgan town airport event but it was a bit weak, need bigger hoardes so we tried charlston herald and that was ok with the ghouls.
Will build up with the advice you guys have given and think we should be able to do some events soon too.
Thank you again!
I hit 150 tonight and bought something like 160 modules.

Still not learned any new plans despite scrapping another loads of legendary stuff, I think I have 27/28 with maybe 2-3 half decent ones out of those.
You guys have made great progress, I hit 72 last night. Nothing of interest and as iam not a 1st subscriber there is not a lot to offer.
I did get a bloodied mod last night but I see the prices are coming down a bit already. I picked up a regeneration mod for 500 caps I think.
That suited me as I like the health regen after events and wasteland societal interactions with the locals.
You guys have made great progress, I hit 72 last night. Nothing of interest and as iam not a 1st subscriber there is not a lot to offer.
I did get a bloodied mod last night but I see the prices are coming down a bit already. I picked up a regeneration mod for 500 caps I think.
That suited me as I like the health regen after events and wasteland societal interactions with the locals.
Love it lol!

I think I'm going pacifist with my next build, no cards or anything, going to stand in my pants in the middle of events shouting "why can't we all just get along" Won't somebody please just think of the children"

I might not be around for long but if I change the mind of one gulper I'll have died happy.
I took a break from the game for this season while the dust settled, will look to rejoin when the next season lands.

Looks like you have all been having fun.
I took a break from the game for this season while the dust settled, will look to rejoin when the next season lands.

Looks like you have all been having fun.
I'm enjoying the changes, I actually got my full overeaters completed in a fraction of the time and Beep and Flibster have been a huge help.
Looks like there's going to be more big changes coming soon, but for the perk system this time.

I'm sure this won't cause any strife or arguments at all... :cry:

Although.... 4 star legendaries are coming, and less weapons dropping from enemies, but more junk instead.
Looks like there's going to be more big changes coming soon, but for the perk system this time.

I'm sure this won't cause any strife or arguments at all... :cry:

Although.... 4 star legendaries are coming, and less weapons dropping from enemies, but more junk instead.
That sounds like a push to do more events, daily ops and Atlantic city.
4 star legendary mods will send people into a cap frenzy. Maybe there will be a surprise enemy level change say level 200?
That sounds like a push to do more events, daily ops and Atlantic city.
4 star legendary mods will send people into a cap frenzy. Maybe there will be a surprise enemy level change say level 200?
They really should continue to scale the enemies past 50 and 100 for bosses

Normal scaling up to 200 and then 50 jumps after that (250, 300...)
They really should continue to scale the enemies past 50 and 100 for bosses

Normal scaling up to 200 and then 50 jumps after that (250, 300...)
I think they are stuck in the same kind of rut that often happens, they want to get new players in so can't make it too tough for them but they also need to keep it interesting for higher level players too, kind of catch 22.

I'm bloodied which in all honesty is just a way of keeping it interesting, if I ran in full health PA with a Holy fire like i used to I was pretty much unkillable.
I guess that why Atlantic city came around and now the lost area and the daily ops.
Maybe something more interesting like stop the waves but have crazy amounts of enemies and code some to target lower level players so it becomes a protection game that's not about milking brahmin lol
I didn't manage on much this weekend, a few hours on Saturday night was about all I could fit in.

I've now unlocked 30 mod plans, still mostly naff ones but maybe a couple I can sell or trade when 4* ones come out next season.

Am I right in thinking it is December 3rd for the next season? this season seems to have been a long one already and we are only half way lol.

I'm going to have a little first world problems moan now.....

My gold is topping out again and I have nothing to spend it on, sure I could buy T65 but why bother other than just to have it.

My caps are back to 36k, I really messed up a few weeks ago where I had a load of mods on my vendor and my caps were at 30kish, one guy came and machine gun bought 30k of mods, 20k lost in 5 seconds if you look at it that way, I'm trying not to though lol. Again I'm running out of things to buy with caps, do I just clean out vendors of all plans etc now?
Much the same here. Have had time to do the dailies and that's about it. Need to go through what mod plans I have now. Been getting the odd one, but not many.

Same here with the gold. Almost have maximum gold and still have around 900 treasury notes to convert. Luckily Minerva is due in a couple of hours at Crater. ;)

Losing out on that many caps.... Ooooooh.
Much the same here. Have had time to do the dailies and that's about it. Need to go through what mod plans I have now. Been getting the odd one, but not many.

Same here with the gold. Almost have maximum gold and still have around 900 treasury notes to convert. Luckily Minerva is due in a couple of hours at Crater. ;)

Losing out on that many caps.... Ooooooh.
But even Minerva, what do I buy from her now, stuff just for the sake of having stuff.

Wow 900 treasury notes, nice.

You can't lose what you never had, you can't lose what you never had, you can't lose what you never had.....yeah it's still sore.

I did buy the bow frames and some exploding arrow plans from Sunny last week, that's how I know I'm bored lol.
You can get other allies from the chap at Foundation for 4k gold each. I'm thinking about getting a couple right now... Couple of new mini-quests to do.

Only reason I have that many notes is I keep forgetting to convert them, but I'm at something like 9200 gold bullion now so not much headroom for converting them to bullion. :D

With the bows, go with flaming arrows rather than explosive. Much more effective. I've done testing. ;) So much fun at events. The damage radius is silly. Used a flaming arrow instigating bow to solo Moonshine Jamboree today. Didn't even have to move from the roof. :D
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