**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Ooo I unlocked Overeaters this evening. Perfect as that's the 1 star I'm using. Just need all the other mods now.
Put up a list of what you need, if I see any I’ll grab them if they are at a good price or if I already have them you can have them.
Put up a list of what you need, if I see any I’ll grab them if they are at a good price or if I already have them you can have them.
I appreciate that bud. At the moment I am not sure which direction to go. I like the cold shoulder build but it's getting boring and I need more time with the fixer build.
My third build of meele is not going so well as when in an event you can't get a hit in edge ways so I'm thinking of a PA based explosive gun just to splash damage and play with. I have a full set of Hellcat PA.
With the perk card changes coming it seems a few of them are moving over to Endurance so a lot of builds will change. Don't remember when the changes are coming though.
I appreciate that bud. At the moment I am not sure which direction to go. I like the cold shoulder build but it's getting boring and I need more time with the fixer build.
My third build of meele is not going so well as when in an event you can't get a hit in edge ways so I'm thinking of a PA based explosive gun just to splash damage and play with. I have a full set of Hellcat PA.
With the perk card changes coming it seems a few of them are moving over to Endurance so a lot of builds will change. Don't remember when the changes are coming though.
Updates are probably on the next big update so apparently December with season 19, I'm guessing though so it may be sooner.

I've been dabbling with PA again, went for overeaters as my 1st star, can't remember second star (mostly crap I think but a couple of AP ones) and 3rd star is a mix of Arms keeper and belted to reduce weapons and ammo weights. I built a PA with all AP refresh, it is insane for VATS but pretty garbage for everything else, fun though. I've been using T-51b and Ultracite mostly as I have the Calibrated shocks for those.

My main bloodied build is now down to around 40-50 walking around weight with a max carry weight of around 340-350ish, I carry loads of meds and food but now only 2 fixers both using Ultracite .45 ammo. I had my weight perk cards all wrong so have shaved 50 or more off my walking around weight just by sorting them out properly.

Seriously though if any of you need mods please give me a shout, I know a few high level players and we generally trade our stuff to each other for free or cheap to try to help each other out a bit, they may not have what you want but they often manage to find it fairly quickly.

One guy was showing me the Nuka blaster they made which is a nuka blaster that can kill a Mirelurk queen in 2-3 blasts, it was something like two shot, explosive with nuka cola quantum ammo in it, utterly crazy. They don't use them, they just like messing with things to see what they can get out of them.
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Updates are probably on the next big update so apparently December with season 19, I'm guessing though so it may be sooner.

I've been dabbling with PA again, went for overeaters as my 1st star, can't remember second star (mostly crap I think but a couple of AP ones) and 3rd star is a mix of Arms keeper and belted to reduce weapons and ammo weights. I built a PA with all AP refresh, it is insane for VATS but pretty garbage for everything else, fun though. I've been using T-51b and Ultracite mostly as I have the Calibrated shocks for those.
Any chance you could link your PA build, image or nukeddragons kind of thing?
I would be interested to see how you have done your build.
A couple of years ago when I was playing this I got quite far in too it probably half way but I found the game far too grindy.

I ran out of ammo and it was far too much of a choir to find/craft it so I ended up giving up on the game.
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A couple of years ago when I was playing this I got quite far in too it probably half way but I found the game far too grindy.

I ran out of ammo and it was far too much of a choir to find/craft it so I ended up giving up on the game.
Ammo is much more available now. There's a high chance of something you killed dropping ammo of the type you used to kill it.

A couple of daily ops runs, with the right team and weapon, can easily get you ammo for the week.
I end up dumping loads of ammo into the donations boxes at the train stations. I can go through 500 shotgun shells and then do 1 Pitt run and end up with 700 shells.
It's worth getting back into @opethdisciple

Feel free to add me in game. Fishermanjim is my game name.
Any chance you could link your PA build, image or nukeddragons kind of thing?
I would be interested to see how you have done your build.
Will do, honestly though I'm not the best at builds, I was running a bloodied commando for months with the cards all wrong making me walk around with 50 extra weight.

My PA build had 17 points in 3 sections with my legendary perks on, I upgraded the legendary perks and forgot to take the points off, 6 points back straight away with a bit of common sense. If I'm on tonight then I'll put up a pic.....don't hope for much useful info from my build is all I'm saying lol.
Will do, honestly though I'm not the best at builds, I was running a bloodied commando for months with the cards all wrong making me walk around with 50 extra weight.

My PA build had 17 points in 3 sections with my legendary perks on, I upgraded the legendary perks and forgot to take the points off, 6 points back straight away with a bit of common sense. If I'm on tonight then I'll put up a pic.....don't hope for much useful info from my build is all I'm saying lol.
So I built a basic PA build with a focus on auto rifle commando as I got a V63 Bertha energy rifle. I didn't even get in the power armour as I still had my OE SS armour on but the damage was higher and faster to drop an enemy. I guess the fire rate of the V63 (Just a Tesla rifle I think?) is quicker than the shotgun. Will be in tonight to tinker with the PA and see if there are mods I can unlock for the V63, magazine is a bit small lol.
So I built a basic PA build with a focus on auto rifle commando as I got a V63 Bertha energy rifle. I didn't even get in the power armour as I still had my OE SS armour on but the damage was higher and faster to drop an enemy. I guess the fire rate of the V63 (Just a Tesla rifle I think?) is quicker than the shotgun. Will be in tonight to tinker with the PA and see if there are mods I can unlock for the V63, magazine is a bit small lol.
Ah soz I forgot about my build, got a few decent events last night and finished my dailies quickly so did a few of those caravans, one took 29.5 minutes which has never happened before so I guessed it was bugged somehow.
No worries bud :). I have not done a caravan yet. Only done a couple of the quests for the new area lol.
Will work on my PA tonight but means skipping the dailies, oh well.
I am going to have to invest some money into the 100 power generator to use the fusion core charger.
On a side note, an error in my camp placement meant it got nuked and when I went to relocate it was gone and the blueprint was all messed up. Looks like I need a new pub but I have a plan, just need time.
No worries bud :). I have not done a caravan yet. Only done a couple of the quests for the new area lol.
Will work on my PA tonight but means skipping the dailies, oh well.
I am going to have to invest some money into the 100 power generator to use the fusion core charger.
On a side note, an error in my camp placement meant it got nuked and when I went to relocate it was gone and the blueprint was all messed up. Looks like I need a new pub but I have a plan, just need time.
I'm not 100% sure but I may have a generator plan in my stash, I do tend to dump plans a lot so I may have given it to a new player at some point, I think you can have multiple plans of those anyway.

The generator in the atom shop is really good, it does the fusion power but also radiates power so most of your lights etc all work within a certain range of it, that saves wires and stuff so saves a little on camp budget, IMHO a really good buy.
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The generator in the atom shop is really good, it does the fusion power but also radiates power so most of your lights etc all work within a certain range of it, that saves wires and stuff so saves a little on camp budget, IMHO a really good buy.
I'm buying this tonight and then I'm going to build a new camp. Then I can have some PA fun! Lol. Thanks bud.

Oh, newbie fail... I didn't realise that having 15 points in a Special and then adding the legendary perk for that same 15 point special does not make it 18! Another thing to check and sort haha.
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