**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

I'm getting there. Slowly. :D

Oh, quick tip for everyone. I was wondering why my weight was so high. Turns out the Spooky treat bags the Spoopy Scorched drop weigh 1 each. So carrying 58 of them was not good.
58!! How? Lol. I like the spooky scorched as they are easily found and have legendary items.
Refined my route around the wasteland somewhat, a couple of runs though will net me ~50 spoopy scorched.

Now up to just under 150 killed. :D
That's awesome, I thought I was doing ok at around 100. I did a scorched horde last night with a mate and we left the leader alive, they just kept spawning over and over, again super boring and I would say quite a slow way of getting spooky scorched but it works.

I'm at 161 on the scoreboard now, more modules I guess.
@BeeP Your nearly double me on the scoreboard. I hit 85 last night and I'm trying to get to 92 to get the legendary perk coins as Iam about to ding level 150.
That's awesome, I thought I was doing ok at around 100. I did a scorched horde last night with a mate and we left the leader alive, they just kept spawning over and over, again super boring and I would say quite a slow way of getting spooky scorched but it works.

I'm at 161 on the scoreboard now, more modules I guess.
Huh... Not tried that trick.

I just start at the top of the map and have 16 more stops to the bottom and then go back to my camp to scrap, store junk and open all the treat bags, sell all the crap I don't want. Then... Restart!

Does get dull though.
Any tips to improve the way the game looks as my alienware 32' 4k oled monitor makes the game washed out, 4080 card.
Any tips to improve the way the game looks as my alienware 32' 4k oled monitor makes the game washed out, 4080 card.
It always looks washed out. You could up the colour contrast and bit depth in your Nvidia control software.
Don't ask me where it is as I don't have an Nvidia card.
It was never a pretty game and even now lighting effects are crappy and pale.
Any tips to improve the way the game looks as my alienware 32' 4k oled monitor makes the game washed out, 4080 card.
It's not the most vibrant of games.

Try using the nvidia game filter to tweak it up a bit. I think the shortcut if Alt-F3.

Or there's reshade, there's a few presets on Nexus mods for Fo76.
Just hit 300 spooky scorched massacred. :D

With all those weapons scrapped.... 2 mods and 1 plan. Bah.... :mad:

Rank 155 reached and Level 454 achieved.
I was thinking the same, I’ve now done 180 scorched and got no mod plans, I have had 3-4 box mods to be fair though.
They probably turned down the legendary mod and plan drop rates because of the spookys, just to make you farm that little bit harder.
Oops. Went a bit over the top yesterday and today. Now up to just over 450 spooky scorched killed. So many legendary weapons. So many treat bags. So, so many duplicate plans and costumes. Also changed my Mole rat helmet to a Jason hockey mask. :D

Have a seriously overflowing candy bowl now. Gained a few legendary mod plans too.

Now have:

* Anti-Armor
* Auto-stim
* Berserker's
* Bloodied
* Bolstering
* Chameleon
* Executioner's
* Exterminator's
* Juggernaut's
* Mutant's
* Overeater's
* Regenerating
* Troubleshooter's
* Unyielding
* Vampire's
* Vanguard's
** Agility
** Charisma
** Crippling
** Heavy Hitter's
** Intelligence
** Luck
** Perception
** Rapid
** VATS Enhanced
** Warming
*** Burning
*** Lightweight
*** Nimble
*** Pack Rat's
*** Perception
*** Sentinel's
*** Strength
*** VATS Optimized

No idea how many more I need to get.
That’s some going mate, I’m around 270 and I’m burned out already, I think I have all the stuff, probably multiple times, no new plans learned though. I got 4-5 mod boxes, mostly garbage again though.
Roughly how many hours would you say it took you to get to 450?
Wow, crazy farming guys.
I'm at 29 spooky scorched lol. No mods or plans for the legendary side of things but I did get the skeleton mask outfit and a bunch of repeated lanterns.

I'm just trying to get to 100 on the score board, I managed to get to 91 last night.
Good going on the scoreboard, weeklies tonight should jump you a few spaces.

Flib is a spooky scorched magnet!

Finally SFE is updated, I can read the challenges again lol.
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