**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Just found out that there is currently 96 legendary mods right now. That will be going up when the 4 star ones appear. So I've only just for over 1/3rd of them. Crap... More looting!

That’s some going mate, I’m around 270 and I’m burned out already, I think I have all the stuff, probably multiple times, no new plans learned though. I got 4-5 mod boxes, mostly garbage again though.
Roughly how many hours would you say it took you to get to 450?

With the route I have, I can do a run in 30 minutes or so and get ~25 spooky scorched. So probably about 10 hours of hunting. 95% of which was on a private world. So many duplicates. Most of the clothing gets dumped at donation boxes. Some gets sold. The funky gas masks sell nicely. Selling some of the plans for 4k, and usually in minutes. Serious caps to be made.

Wow, crazy farming guys.
I'm at 29 spooky scorched lol. No mods or plans for the legendary side of things but I did get the skeleton mask outfit and a bunch of repeated lanterns.

I'm just trying to get to 100 on the score board, I managed to get to 91 last night.

If you can get most of the weeklies done in 24 hours, then it's worth using a score booster for the 25% boost and getting 2 lots of dailies and the weeklies done. Will give you a big boost.

Good going on the scoreboard, weeklies tonight should jump you a few spaces.

Flib is a spooky scorched magnet!

Finally SFE is updated, I can read the challenges again lol.

I have the volume pretty cranked when hunting them. You can hear them quite a distance away and can use the sound to focus in on them quickly.

Great news about SFE. I need to make a couple of loadout changes and it's so much easier with SFE.


My hunting route (I think this is everywhere) A couple of them are really quick as the scorched are all in 1 area so a single flaming arrow takes most of them out.

Wavy Willards Water Park
Tyler County Fairgrounds
Moonshiner's Shack
Wilson Brothers Auto Repair
Morgantown Airport
Seneca Rocks Visitor Center
Pleasant Valley Cabins/Ski Resort
White Powder Winter Sports
Boulton Greens
Gregs Mine Supply
Relay Tower EM-B1-27
Poseidon Power Substation PX-01
Camden Park
Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06
AVR Medical Centre
Summersville Docks
Overlook Cabin
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Just found out that there is currently 96 legendary mods right now. That will be going up when the 4 star ones appear. So I've only just for over 1/3rd of them. Crap... More looting!

With the route I have, I can do a run in 30 minutes or so and get ~25 spooky scorched. So probably about 10 hours of hunting. 95% of which was on a private world. So many duplicates. Most of the clothing gets dumped at donation boxes. Some gets sold. The funky gas masks sell nicely. Selling some of the plans for 4k, and usually in minutes. Serious caps to be made.

If you can get most of the weeklies done in 24 hours, then it's worth using a score booster for the 25% boost and getting 2 lots of dailies and the weeklies done. Will give you a big boost.

I have the volume pretty cranked when hunting them. You can hear them quite a distance away and can use the sound to focus in on them quickly.

Great news about SFE. I need to make a couple of loadout changes and it's so much easier with SFE.


My hunting route (I think this is everywhere) A couple of them are really quick as the scorched are all in 1 area so a single flaming arrow takes most of them out.

Wavy Willards Water Park
Tyler County Fairgrounds
Moonshiner's Shack
Wilson Brothers Auto Repair
Morgantown Airport
Seneca Rocks Visitor Center
Pleasant Valley Cabins/Ski Resort
White Powder Winter Sports
Boulton Greens
Gregs Mine Supply
Relay Tower EM-B1-27
Poseidon Power Substation PX-01
Camden Park
Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06
AVR Medical Centre
Summersville Docks
Overlook Cabin
I'm hearing that fkin tune in my head already lol.

Pretty similar to my route although I do a few more which are mostly a waste of time. I've never found any at Wilson but I check there every time too.
Yeah, there has been a couple of occasions where I've heard the tune when wandering the wasteland and realised it's my brain doing it not the game. :mad:
I'm hearing it at work though....

Finished all of the weekly ones I could last night, some take 3 days so obviously couldn't do them, daily all done too, quite an easy night but I did re roll a couple mainly due to boredom.....another 30 mirelurks come on!

Is the 50 spooky scorched repeating quest always the same reward? I don't even use carry weight boosters and now I have about 40 of the things on me.
Always carry weight boosters.

Only time I occasionally use one is after fighting Earl and am trying to escape while carrying the world's supply on wending parts and fibreglass and screws. Mostly it's just slowly walk to somewhere I can plonk down my survival tent.

Strangely I re-rolled the Mirelurk quests too. Got collect 100 pre war money for the weekly and a get 5 aluminium. So they were nice and easy. With the number of people doing the airlift event at the airport just had to go empty a couple of the supply boxes that were left there. :)
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Always carry weight boosters.

Only time I occasionally use one is after fighting Earl and am trying to escape while carrying the world's supply on wending parts and fibreglass and screws. Mostly it's just slowly walk to somewhere I can plonk down my survival tent.

Strangely I re-rolled the Mirelurk quests too. Got collect 100 pre war money for the weekly and a get 5 aluminium. So they were nice and easy. With the number of people doing the airlift event at the airport just had to go empty a couple of the supply boxes that were left there. :)
Ooooh jammy aye there are always boxes there just now, the crappy events have gotten very popular lately, line in the sand was mobbed. I re-rolled Mirelurks and got.....eat a scorchbeast mixed stew or a deathclaw something (cant remember what it was tbh) but it was an epic one so I kept it, went to whitespring where I managed to buy all the scorchbeast parts apart from a brain, jumped to a fissure and the first beast I got gave a brain, I also got 2-3 spookies too, jammy.
Fissures seem pretty good for spooky scorched, but I don't want to deal with the scorchbeasts every time. Went after some pumpkins and there was a *** scorchbeast attacking something that was around. Went super sneaky and grabbed the 5 I needed and sneaked out again.

Now at 578 spooky scorched eradicated. So many costumes.... Just dumped 451 candy in my bowl too. Didn't realise I was carrying that much.
Fissures seem pretty good for spooky scorched, but I don't want to deal with the scorchbeasts every time. Went after some pumpkins and there was a *** scorchbeast attacking something that was around. Went super sneaky and grabbed the 5 I needed and sneaked out again.

Now at 578 spooky scorched eradicated. So many costumes.... Just dumped 451 candy in my bowl too. Didn't realise I was carrying that much.
I had the same issue doing that pumpkin daily. There are ghouls that fight with the scorched and the beast.
If you go behind the pumpkin house there usually enough for the daily or go across the road where the barricade is there's more there so you can avoid the beast. For those who didn't know.
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Fissures seem pretty good for spooky scorched, but I don't want to deal with the scorchbeasts every time. Went after some pumpkins and there was a *** scorchbeast attacking something that was around. Went super sneaky and grabbed the 5 I needed and sneaked out again.

Now at 578 spooky scorched eradicated. So many costumes.... Just dumped 451 candy in my bowl too. Didn't realise I was carrying that much.
Jebus, I think I'm on around 300.
Dumped all my scrip at the Purveyors. Scrapped so many things. Unlocked a few weapon and armour mods that I hadn't got so far. Also, some legendary ones. :D

Now have:

* Anti-Armor
* Artistocrat's
* Auto-stim
* Berserker's
* Bloodied
* Bolstering
* Chameleon
* Executioner's
* Exterminator's
* Ghoul Slayer's
* Gourmand's
* Juggernaut's
* Medic's
* Mutant's
* Overeater's
* Regenerating
* Troubleshooter's
* Unyielding
* Vampire's
* Vanguard's
** Agility
** Charisma
** Crippling
** Heavy Hitter's
** Intelligence
** Luck
** Perception
** Rapid
** VATS Enhanced
** Warming
*** Burning
*** Lightweight
*** Lucky
*** Nimble
*** Pack Rat's
*** Perception
*** Sentinel's
*** Steadfast
*** Strength
*** VATS Optimized

So that's 40 of 96. What's scary is there are people with all 96 mods unlocked. How?!?
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Nice going, I think I’m at 32 now.

The guys I know that have them all or almost them all started last season, as soon as they heard that the mod boxes were happening they started hoarding weapons/armour, thousands of them in mules to scrap this season.

My mate was moving over a pile of unyielding when the game crashed and he lost the lot, suffice to say the chat was rather fruity that night, didn’t help that I kept mentioning it and laughing lol.

I’m just not that organised or rather I just couldn’t be bothered with it all, I’ll get them all or most of them eventually, I don’t want the game to turn into that much work.
Really cannot be bothered with mules. Just seem like a LOT of effort.

I do need to get some of the useful armour mods with weapon/ammo/meds/junk weight reduction.
No where near, think I can make 5 or 6 mods. I'm still working on getting the rest of the buttressed plans for my SS armour and then I will be working towards getting the Derby game for the int boost.
Has a couple of hours to kill and did some more killing before the reset. If the even ends today, which it probably will, then I got closer than I expected.

918 total spooky scorched eradicated.

No legendary plans or mods again. Even spent the 1000 scrip I'd built up at the purveyor. Still nothing damn it!
Has a couple of hours to kill and did some more killing before the reset. If the even ends today, which it probably will, then I got closer than I expected.

918 total spooky scorched eradicated.

No legendary plans or mods again. Even spent the 1000 scrip I'd built up at the purveyor. Still nothing damn it!
Wow that is amazing, I think I hit around 500 at most.

I reckon from the whole event including using over 1200 scrip I got 2 mod plans and 4-5 mod boxes from it. That is including a few Eviction Notice events too so my drop rate seems to be quite poor.

I thought it would finish tomorrow, normally resets on a Tuesday no? There is no way on earth you aren't hearing that tune all day now lol, even the spooky bowl one is doing my nut in.
Oh yeah... today is Monday... :cry:

Other half having an odd work schedule has thrown my mental calendar off. In my mind, it's Tuesday as she wasn't working Friday and Saturday, but was on Sunday. So yesterday was Monday.

Damn my broken brain.

Drop rate has been catastrophically bad for me too.

[Just done another session with several runs, need sleep now.

997... Almost....
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