**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Hit Rank 200. With about 3 weeks to go on this season too, and that's just doing the bare minimum of dailies and weekly quests.

I don't really need anything right now. Well, maybe some score boosters.
Just short of 202, same as you just doing day and weekly stuff, I've done a few of those invader events but most of the plans are rubbish so I'm not going OTT for it.
As someone who doesn't play this, what's the significance of reaching a high level, like is there any benefit or it's just basically a scoreboard.
As someone who doesn't play this, what's the significance of reaching a high level, like is there any benefit or it's just basically a scoreboard.
Up to a certain level you are always upgrading your "deck" which is a set of cards that define your character, I think around lvl 550 you have all of the options/slots open so it takes a while to do. Once you have done that then yeah it is kind of willy waving lol.

More time usually means more plans available, more events done usually means you can build a better camp/customise your player with the plans you get, some plans are rare so take more time to get unless you get jammy. There are 4 seasons in the year which give rewards for doing daily and weekly quests, the points you get from that you can spend on a scoreboard which unlocks at different levels, again depending on how well you do in the quests.

Honestly I'm not selling it very well.
As someone who doesn't play this, what's the significance of reaching a high level, like is there any benefit or it's just basically a scoreboard.
Levels are different from Rank. I'm currently level 480ish and rank 200.

Levels are the normal level ups. Every 5 level ups you get a pack of perk cards which will allow you to upgrade existing perks, add new perks, or swap in one perk for another. I have several loadouts of perks depending if I'm using a chainsaw, bow, flame based weapons, making/repairing weapons, making/repairing armour and so on.

Rank is to do with the current 'season'. Every three months or so there's a new long event thing. You are given daily and weekly quests to get 'score' which levels you up the ranks. As you go up the ranks you get a small amount of tickets per rank, and you can spend some tickets to get items that may well only appear for that season. You get access to new items every 10 ranks or there abouts. Rank 100 is the top normal rank. If you continue to 150, you get access to a a few items that are consumables, but you can redeem as many as you have tickets for. Then you can continue ranking up for as long as you have time before the event ends. Current one will probably end mid December.

As for benefits, more levels means more perk cards to upgrade or choose from. Up to a point. Once you're past 500 you probably know and have upgraded everything you want or need to.
I timed how long to do today's dailies and the new weeklies.

An hour and 13 minutes.

Although I did re-roll the collect however many teddies and soap quests and the 10 events when well fed. Not doing those. Did get bumped to rank 205 too.
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Levels are different from Rank. I'm currently level 480ish and rank 200.

Levels are the normal level ups. Every 5 level ups you get a pack of perk cards which will allow you to upgrade existing perks, add new perks, or swap in one perk for another. I have several loadouts of perks depending if I'm using a chainsaw, bow, flame based weapons, making/repairing weapons, making/repairing armour and so on.

Rank is to do with the current 'season'. Every three months or so there's a new long event thing. You are given daily and weekly quests to get 'score' which levels you up the ranks. As you go up the ranks you get a small amount of tickets per rank, and you can spend some tickets to get items that may well only appear for that season. You get access to new items every 10 ranks or there abouts. Rank 100 is the top normal rank. If you continue to 150, you get access to a a few items that are consumables, but you can redeem as many as you have tickets for. Then you can continue ranking up for as long as you have time before the event ends. Current one will probably end mid December.

As for benefits, more levels means more perk cards to upgrade or choose from. Up to a point. Once you're past 500 you probably know and have upgraded everything you want or need to.
When i was playing i would watch a youtuber called Mr Westek. I think his rank is now over 10,000 :eek:
Ive just transferred my fallout 76 from bethesda to Steam, yes i'm late i know! I'm only seeing the option to buy on Steam, im guessing thats because i haven't transferred in time?
Ive just transferred my fallout 76 from bethesda to Steam, yes i'm late i know! I'm only seeing the option to buy on Steam, im guessing thats because i haven't transferred in time?
As far as I'm aware it should just work. Did for me, but then again I did it as soon as it was available.

Season 19 starts December 3rd.

Roadmap time...

So the perk card changes are going ahead as of 3rd December with the new update.

Inside the Vault – The Gleaming Depths Perk Card Changes​

Hey Vault Dwellers!

The Gleaming Depths update releases with some substantial balancing changes to a handful of Perk Cards. We wanted to make sure you had a heads up on what’s changing so that you can prepare your builds for the update.

Our goal was to take generally underperforming perks and make them more interesting and easier to incorporate into your builds by removing some extra ranks, lowering the cost, and changing their effect to scale with the related primary state.

Here’s a look at the Perk Card changes that are arriving with The Gleaming Depths update:

  • Adamantium Skeleton
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • New effect: Limb Damage Reduction effect now scales with Endurance

  • All Night Long
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • Rank 1 Perk Point cost increased from 1 to 2
  • New effect: The positive effects of pre-war alcohol last twice as long

  • Batteries Included
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 2
  • Rank 1 now offers 45% weight reduction
  • Rank 2 now offers 90% weight reduction

  • Bloodsucker
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • Moved from Charisma to Endurance
  • Rank 1 gains the effects of the former Rank 3 effect
  • Healing bonus increased from 150% to 200%
  • Additional effect: Benefits now also apply to Cannibal

  • Bullet Shield
  • Moved from Strength to Endurance
  • Added a 4th rank.
  • New effect: 5% chance per rank to Deflect ranged attacks for 6 seconds when firing a heavy weapon.

  • Cannibal
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • Increased the healing received and hunger restored at Rank 1

  • Cap Collector
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • Now applies to containers and corpses, not just Cap Stashes
  • New effect: The amount of Caps found scales with Luck

  • Evasive
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • New effect: Now increases Evade Chance based on Agility

  • First Aid
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • Now affects Stimpak Diffuser
  • New effect: Stimpak healing scales with Intelligence

  • Four Leaf Clover
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • New effect: Misses in VATS contribute to the Critical Meter based on Luck

  • Hard Bargain
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • Rank 1 now grants +7 Charisma while bartering with NPCs

  • Iron Stomach
  • Now also increases Energy Resistance
  • Junk Shield
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • Now works while in Power Armor
  • Additional effect: Now also scales with Luck

  • Lifegiver
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • New effect: Improves HP gained from Endurance

  • Lone Wanderer
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • New effect: AP Regen and defense bonus based on Charisma

  • Natural Resistance
  • No longer increases Energy Resistance

  • Night Eyes
  • Removed requirement for the time of day

  • Ordnance Express
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 2
  • Rank 1 now offers 45% weight reduction
  • Rank 2 now offers 90% weight reduction

  • Pharmacist
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • New effect: Radiation healing scales with Intelligence
  • No longer required to craft Disease Cures or Water Filters

  • Professional Drinker
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 2

  • Ricochet
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • New effect: Now increases Deflect chance based on Luck. Deflect grants a chance to reflect 100% of the damage of ranged attacks back to the attacker and reduces the damage you take from the attack by 50%. Deflect chance receives a bonus while wearing Heavy Armor or Power Armor (+50% multiplier). While in Power Armor, the amount of damage reflected is doubled (200%).

  • Serendipity
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 1
  • New effect: Now increases Evade Chance while under 30% life, based on Luck. Evade provides a chance to avoid all incoming damage from direct attacks. Evade can happen once every second and the cooldown is now increased by armor. Please note, Evade cannot happen when over encumbered or while in Power Armor.
  • Armor increases Evade cooldown at the following rates:
  • Light Armor: +0.1 second per piece
  • Medium Armor: +0.2 seconds per piece
  • Heavy Armor: +0.4 seconds per piece

  • Starched Genes
  • Ranks reduced from 2 to 1
  • Moved from Luck to Endurance
  • Rank 1 now provides the benefits of the former Rank 2

  • Thru-Hiker
  • Ranks reduced from 3 to 2
  • Moved from Agility to Endurance
  • Rank 1 now offers 45% weight reduction
  • Rank 2 now offers 90% weight reduction

Going to have to spend some time once the changes go ahead. Going to screw up a couple of my setups certainly. Some of the things moving to endurance make sense tbh, but it's going to screw me over for a bit. Will absolutely have to keep Starched Genes
Oh wow, my decks will need changing too. Only just sorted my deck and working to find Herbivore and egghead serums.

It was interesting reading the above posts, level 550 for full deck completion. Me and a friend are a long ways off lol.
Oh wow, my decks will need changing too. Only just sorted my deck and working to find Herbivore and egghead serums.

It was interesting reading the above posts, level 550 for full deck completion. Me and a friend are a long ways off lol.
I sell all of the serums in my camp, if I'm on give me a shout and I'll drop some for you.

New decks look interesting, everyone needs to change them I'd say.
OK, remember to spend all your season tickets before the server goes offline tomorrow for the update.

They do not roll over. Each season starts from 0. You will lose any you haven't spent!

Not even going to plan any perk loadout changes until I get the perks in front of me. Oh, and perk loadout manager is working again. ;)
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