**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Looking to get back into this when the next update lands. I skipped this season after getting burned out so will be interesting what I'm getting back into to.

Will all my legendaries still be there?
On behalf of us mere mortals I thank you for smacking those scorched down.

Hopefully not Fasnacht....it must be due soon.
Re-rolled a couple of things (kill 10 mirelurks... ugh) and got 2 epic's top do. Kill 30 super mutants with a heavy weapon and kill 30 scorched with a melee weapon.

And we've got mutated events back. So naturally also had kill 30 mutated enemies. The 30 scorched with a melee weapon and the 30 mutated enemies was sorted by a single event. Line in the sane @ Fort Defiance. Mutation was can only be killed by a melee weapon. Hello auto axe. :D Sometimes the game makes it easy.

Also discovered that I still had a few spooky loot bags. Wondered why I weighed 87 more than normal. Oops.
Yikes 87 bags?

I did all of my stuff in an hour and a half, mutated enemies were done in a daily op which also did my daily op one, funnily enough. No re rolls for me this week, all pretty easy, I didn’t have mirelurks though.
I think I will be letting my son have a go on this when the festive scorched land. He is obsessed with Christmas. I might even repaint a ship in star field to look like a Christmas tree lol.
It is when Santa looks like scorched lol. To be fair he will want star field just to fly the ships and bounce around on low G planets and it's a good choice as half the planets have nothing on them.

I got to rank 100 finally, won't make 150 but maybe next season. Chasing ranks takes up all my time to do anything else. Oh and I failed my first caravan run as the brahmin ran up the side of a cliff twice. Stupid.
It is when Santa looks like scorched lol. To be fair he will want star field just to fly the ships and bounce around on low G planets and it's a good choice as half the planets have nothing on them.

I got to rank 100 finally, won't make 150 but maybe next season. Chasing ranks takes up all my time to do anything else. Oh and I failed my first caravan run as the brahmin ran up the side of a cliff twice. Stupid.
You should get him to build a Christmas themed camp, I think I have some snowmen and some other plans I could give you.....unless I did already.
Yikes 87 bags?

I did all of my stuff in an hour and a half, mutated enemies were done in a daily op which also did my daily op one, funnily enough. No re rolls for me this week, all pretty easy, I didn’t have mirelurks though.

Yup. I really wasn't paying attention. Just exterminating the spooky scorched. :D

Dailies and weeklies didn't take long at all. Even on a public world. One that took me the longest was scrap to get 15 antiseptics, and that was only because I had to remember what scraps to antiseptic. :cry: (Lots of Abraxo at whitesprings)
He sneaks into childrens rooms at night and gives them 'presents' if they're good... :eek:

Sounds like a perfect target. ;) :D
Reminds me of my son when he was younger, he asked who Santa was and I tried my best to describe that he is a very nice guy who comes into your house and leaves gifts, after several "how does he get in" type questions and a very long pause the wee lad looks at me and says "yeah well I'm not sure about all of this".
Well it's been a quiet kinda week. Doing the dailies and not much else. No new legendary plans. Couple of legendary mods though.

Have hit Rank 188 too. Higher than I was expecting. Have more points to spend on things.
I’ve been doing dailies but have had a good few days off so I’m only about 186.
I’ve done almost no mole miners, probably 20 or so mainly by stumbling on them rather than actively looking.
I’ve been doing dailies but have had a good few days off so I’m only about 186.
I’ve done almost no mole miners, probably 20 or so mainly by stumbling on them rather than actively looking.
The treasure hunting mole miners are just random. Can appear pretty much anywhere. Tried for a day or so hunting them on a private world and there was no real point. Think I've only killed 30-40 of them and only when I stumble across them.

The Spooky and Festive Scorched are much more predictable.
Alien invasion time again.

Not my favourite events.


Just done the dailies and weeklies. At least there's no kill 30 aliens or complete 5 alien event type requirements.
Was pretty simple this week.
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