Mods are like glasses or dentures, we need them but can live without them to a degree lol.Well I got bored last night around 9pm and decided to fast travel to the Gleaming Depths site, fast travel loaded and just as I was about to load in the game crashed....oh dear said I.
Restarted the game and as that was my last location I spawned back at the GD site, instant crash, same on private server just crashing over and over.
Update gfx drivers, same again, updated sound drivers....same again. Uninstalled the full game and it worked....phew. Put the mods back on and it started crashing again so it has to be one of the mods that is doing it. SFE was just updated but my stats screen still wasn't right, I cant see anything on any of my stats screens, even the little fallout guy isn't there so I think I'll just leave that off for now. I'll try going through them 1 at a time today but when it hit around 1am last night and I was up at 6 I had to get a bit kip.
I'm too old for this lol.
Congrats on turning 40, I'm 53 in a couple of weeks and most of the guys I know who play this are late 40's or early 50's, I guess VATS makes up for our old man reflexes eh!
I still have not used SFE, only sorted 1 build out so I just focus on that. Makes life simple. Like me