**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Well I got bored last night around 9pm and decided to fast travel to the Gleaming Depths site, fast travel loaded and just as I was about to load in the game crashed....oh dear said I.

Restarted the game and as that was my last location I spawned back at the GD site, instant crash, same on private server just crashing over and over.

Update gfx drivers, same again, updated sound drivers....same again. Uninstalled the full game and it worked....phew. Put the mods back on and it started crashing again so it has to be one of the mods that is doing it. SFE was just updated but my stats screen still wasn't right, I cant see anything on any of my stats screens, even the little fallout guy isn't there so I think I'll just leave that off for now. I'll try going through them 1 at a time today but when it hit around 1am last night and I was up at 6 I had to get a bit kip.

I'm too old for this lol.

Congrats on turning 40, I'm 53 in a couple of weeks and most of the guys I know who play this are late 40's or early 50's, I guess VATS makes up for our old man reflexes eh!
Mods are like glasses or dentures, we need them but can live without them to a degree lol.
I still have not used SFE, only sorted 1 build out so I just focus on that. Makes life simple. Like me :D
Yep, I have put Old Explorer. Fitting as I clocked 40 this year lol.

Congrats on turning 40, I'm 53 in a couple of weeks and most of the guys I know who play this are late 40's or early 50's, I guess VATS makes up for our old man reflexes eh!

And I'm somewhat inbetween at 46. Does seem to be a large proportion of 'experienced gamers' who play Fo76. ;) :D

Just heard that the devs fixed a bug server side that would have allowed more than 4 players to join a raid. Was quite a clever method for it to trigger too. Team of 4 goint o the raid. One player leaves the team and sets up a new raid team while still in the raid area. 3 more players join his new team, 1 replaces him on the old team and all 4 join the existing teammates on the raid. Voila 8 players on a raid. All get the same rewards as well. Clever buggers who twigged to that one.
Will have to have a look at it. Been reworking my builds with the new changes so will have to have a play.
It scales with luck and with the max scaling you can get 116 resistance. That's with carrying only 100 vault tach steel as that's the lightest and it does not drop on death.
It scales with luck and with the max scaling you can get 116 resistance. That's with carrying only 100 vault tach steel as that's the lightest and it does not drop on death.
Yeah it deffo works, I've been carrying cork as I dont have any vault steel....too expensive for my blood but I may do it eventually as it doesn't drop when you die.
I've done a few raids now, started with 2 of us but I can solo the first boss pretty easily just by standing on the middle platform, watch the angry turtle video for more info.

Pretty good rewards for around 2-3 minutes work. I think it will be patched soon so I really want to hit it hard while I can, it would be really tough to do it normally.
Well I'm pretty unimpressed with this seasons rewards.

Done one raid and got flattened quickly. Will have to get some power armour and come up with a Power Armour build then. :( Damn.

Just shy of Rank 50 and Level 500 though. :D
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Well I'm pretty unimpressed with this seasons rewards.

Done one raid and got flattened quickly. Will have to get some power armour and come up with a Power Armour build then. :( Damn.

Just shy of Rank 50 and Level 500 though. :D
I was hoping there would be more Christmas rewards.
I managed to get to rank 38, then discovered the plasma rifle with a flamer on it and have fallen in love with for close combat situations.

With your PA build what do you spec? I'm going to try and spec a PA build for use with auto energy rifles. Not sure it will work as all the builds I see are for heavy guns.
Will soon be time to go hunting the Festive Scorched again though. :D

I've not used power armour since my first character who was pre-NPC's being introduced. :eek: I have no idea how to spec him so will need to do some reading. Will probably have to set up a whole new special config and redo the perks and legendary perks from scratch. Won't be the first time.

Looking at the 4* legendary effects. I really want Reflective on all my armour. 50% of all damage taken gets bounced back to whoever caused it. ;) :D
Will soon be time to go hunting the Festive Scorched again though. :D

I've not used power armour since my first character who was pre-NPC's being introduced. :eek: I have no idea how to spec him so will need to do some reading. Will probably have to set up a whole new special config and redo the perks and legendary perks from scratch. Won't be the first time.

Looking at the 4* legendary effects. I really want Reflective on all my armour. 50% of all damage taken gets bounced back to whoever caused it. ;) :D
I'm doing the Guardian in PA using mostly bullet shield which sends his damage back to him.
I built up a Hellcat PA set last night. Applied 3 items with 1 star and on 2 of them I got chameleon. Total bad luck lol.
I definitely found I had to make some damage and quality of life sacrifices but I can see a handy team healing build with the auto Tesla rifle and the PA once the main 1 stars are sorted.
I built up a Hellcat PA set last night. Applied 3 items with 1 star and on 2 of them I got chameleon. Total bad luck lol.
I definitely found I had to make some damage and quality of life sacrifices but I can see a handy team healing build with the auto Tesla rifle and the PA once the main 1 stars are sorted.
I can craft or I have some 1* mods, what are you looking for?
Holiday Scorched Hunting Season is OPEN! :D


So they messed up the drop rate for gifts, and to compensate they've hugely increased the spawn rate of the jingly little sods. So still not many gifts, but MANY legendary weapons.

I spent 3 hours or so just doing the dailies and weeklies and must have killed a hundred or so. Got more gifts from my Santa Collectron. The Line in the Sand event is great. Also, no one else was doing it so I solo'd it. :D Just me, crouching for camouflage and my flamey bow.

Have got a few festive items added to my camp. Santa's sleigh is on the roof and I'm dressed as Santa and my NPC is dressed as Mrs Santa. Also have Festive as a prefix now. So I'm now a Festive Commoner. :cry: (So many lies. I'm as Festive as Mongolia. ;))

The Santatron is also free in the Atomic Shop for the moment too.
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Ah I did wonder why I got 5 festive at Camden park last night.

Did my weekly and daily stuff last night, I think I'm around lvl 78/79 on the board.
I managed to get the dailies done and a third of the weeklies. It was weird last night with the spawn rate. I got 5 just at Riverside manor.
I am almost at rank 48 on the score board so a third of the way to modules and scrip.
Achieved rank 58 last night, have grabbed a few things from the season rewards. But not much so far.

I think they've upped the spawn rate of the festive scorched a bit too high. Line in the Sand had about 1/3 legendary scorched. :eek: With the amount of legendary weapons you can get, I might start my hunting route again and just go on a legendary scrapping spree. ;)
With the number of legendary weapons available now, you can scrap everything you have a change to learn things from and get rid of the rest at the legendary recycler for higher amounts of scrip.

Yesterday I emptied the machine of scrip and had to go back to just scrapping everything. Hell, could even sell a few of them to empty the merchants of caps. ;)
Bethesda update on reddit - It seems it really is VERY broken.

An Update on the Holiday Scorched Event - 12/18

Hey Everyone,

We wanted to give you a quick update on the status of the Holiday Scorched event.

Yesterday, as a response to reports from players that they were not receiving gifts, we increased the spawn rate of the Festive Scorched so that players would receive more Legendary loot.

Unfortunately, this increase of spawn rate had adverse effects on other parts of the game. Earlier today we reverted the spawn rate of the Festive Scorched back to normal.

Due to the Holiday Scorched event not providing enough gifts, we have decided to deactivate the event starting tomorrow, December 19 @ 12 PM ET. Please use this time today to wrap up any remaining challenges you may have.

That being said, the holiday festivities will not be STOPPED!

Santatron will remain available, and gift wrap will still be purchasable at train station vendors. Also, starting tomorrow at 12 PM ET, you will be able to claim a stack of Gift Wrap once per day from the Atomic Shop (until January 2).

You will receive one of the following stacks per day:

  • 20 Low Quality Gift Wrap

  • 15 Medium Quality Gift Wrap

  • 10 High Quality Gift Wrap

(A note for the super punctual: Claiming the gift at the same time each day may result in you getting an error message. If that appears, please wait to claim the gift again after an hour has passed.)

Don’t let the holiday spirit end just because the Festive Scorched aren’t around. Claim these free gifts and start crafting those presents. While our greatest present is you, your greatest present could be one that you crafted yourself (or given to you by a kind Level 1243 dweller dressed in a fancy suit)!

As always, thank you all for your patience and we hope you have an amazing holiday season.

So no more festive scorched, wonder how long we'll get the 'kill 5 festive scorched while in a team' challenges for? ;)
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