**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

Is cdkeys safe to buy from I'm after the pc version?

Almost always. I bought mine from there. No problems as long as you follow the instructions on the CDKeys page (if there are any). You might, for example, have to enter the key in the Bethesda launcher and not on the Bethesda website. The key might be region locked, so check that before buying. CDkeys label region locking very clearly, even including a map, right on the page you buy the game from. They're grey market, but they're at the better end of the grey market.

CDKeys will require your phone number, by the way. They don't mention that until after you've sent them money. You can't get the key you've paid for without a code they'll send to your phone (text or speech, whichever you like).
Lots of mods starting to appear unless they are gameplay aids like cheats I doubt you will get banned either!

The mods are very limited, though. Nothing like previous Fallout or Elder Scrolls games. The most popular mods are an external tool that just provides a convenient interface for editing ini files and a mod that adds splits the aid menu into chems and food/drink submenus.

What mods are cheating has some grey areas. For example, one mod speeds up the animation for entering and exiting power armour. A convenience mod...but it would give a player an advantage in PvP MP if they both started out of power armour and both entered power armour at the same time because the player with the mod would be in working power armour faster due to the shorter animation time. Is it cheating when a convenience mod confers a small advantage over another player in a very unlikely situation?
Something has just occured to me that would be a nice nostalgia trip for FO4 players - the perceived value of loot. One of my early fond memories of FO4 was being more pleased to find half a dozen dirty coffee mugs than a legendary armour piece I found in the same area. Legendary armour piece? meh. Extra damage to ghouls or something. I have a better armour piece for that area already. But coffee mugs adds junk ceramic and I need that for a couple of turrets to defend a settlement! Ooooh, and some aluminium cans in some dirty water in a partially flooded tunnel! Top loot!

That's even more pronounced in FO76 because of the miniscule stash limit. I loot all the legendary items I find in FO4 to put in my museum to my own glory (I'm roleplaying a benevolent but slightly unhinged dictator). In FO76 you leave legendaries lying in the dirt...but a battered clipboard is a wonderful find you'll eagerly snatch up for the spring in it. That'll help repair your gun, which in FO76 is apparently made of tinfoil and papier mache judging by how frequently guns break. Especially shotguns, which is annoying because I'm playing a rifle and shotgun build.

There are some nice little touches appropriate to life just after the great war. For example, early on you can find some recordings of advice from survivors trying to help other survivors. In one of them, someone is talking about finding edible plants. Most survivors from pre-war USA wouldn't have any knowledge of that - their fruit and veg came from a shop. There's a snippet about him finding a potato plant and a tomato plant growing next to each other and somehow cross-pollinating. Tastes like ketchup-covered cardboard, but stops you starving. That's spot on for the early human experience of tatoes. A nice little touch.

FO76 is growing on me a bit. There's a lot wrong with it and it's a fundamentally bad idea anyway, but it's not utterly terrible. I think it's worth trying if you can buy it for a price that's trivial to you.
CDKeys will require your phone number, by the way. They don't mention that until after you've sent them money. You can't get the key you've paid for without a code they'll send to your phone (text or speech, whichever you like).

Strange, I've never had this with them before, and bought several keys over the years
If it was a mod for Fallout 4, or an early access game from an indie dev selling for say £20 then I might think differently, but for a full release with an RRP of £45 from an established developer with decades of experience and huge resources behind them? It's laughable.

How about £19.99 @ cdkeys? Can't believe its actually got this cheap! Well given the feedback I can but...:P

How about £19.99 @ cdkeys? Can't believe its actually got this cheap! Well given the feedback I can but...:p

If it was released at £20 then sure, however given the level of pisstakery, I'm going to wait another couple of days until it hits £15 (hopefully the servers are still online by then XD)
My 13 yo son has asked for this for Christmas. He plays Rainbow Six Siege but that's the only 18 game I've allowed him so far. He's a sensible lad. He'll understand if I say no, just asking as I have little experience of the Fallout series and won't be getting this myself.
Oh come on now at 20 quid nobody has any complaints

Regardless of price, this will still translate to a unit sold which will be spun to shareholders. I adore the Fallout universe, but they're not getting a penny out of me for this game no matter what the price.
My 13 yo son has asked for this for Christmas. He plays Rainbow Six Siege but that's the only 18 game I've allowed him so far. He's a sensible lad. He'll understand if I say no, just asking as I have little experience of the Fallout series and won't be getting this myself.

How much do you hate your son? :p

To be honest if he wants a Fallout game, then you'd do far better getting him the Fallout 4 GOTY (assuming he hasn't already played it) it's a better game generally, with more content, and there are mods to fix most of the bugs and issues, plus you don't have to worry about him bumping into some mouth-breather ****** and blinding on voice chat.

I wonder if this game is based on the DFS model... Sell at a hugely inflated price, then shortly after, "heavily discount" (e.g. to what it's actually worth) it so everyone thinks its a bargain and rushes out to buy it (and if anyone actually pays the inflated price then bonus!)
I don't see that they need to fix anything - given the rampant re-use of assets and just about everything from Fallout 4 I can't imagine this game would have cost very much to make at all... they managed to absolutely rob the most gullible fanatics of the series blind for £50 and now they can just cut it hard and scoop up all of the other "Ooo look at that for £20 it's suddenly okay to support a broken lazy trash game" apologist crowd and they will have easily turned a profit...
I don't see that they need to fix anything - given the rampant re-use of assets and just about everything from Fallout 4 I can't imagine this game would have cost very much to make at all... they managed to absolutely rob the most gullible fanatics of the series blind for £50 and now they can just cut it hard and scoop up all of the other "Ooo look at that for £20 it's suddenly okay to support a broken lazy trash game" apologist crowd and they will have easily turned a profit...
You seem very angry - life is too short. At £20 for most people it's an impulse purchase, the same as going to the cinema to see a film you are not too sure about.
I'd agree with the above poster that Fallout 4 GOTY would be a better buy than this lazy, ill thought out, and downright broken copy and paste garbage.
tbh I don't think theres any price that will drive me to buy it now, after reading reviews even ignoring bugs etc it offers me nothing I want in a fallout game.
You seem very angry - life is too short. At £20 for most people it's an impulse purchase, the same as going to the cinema to see a film you are not too sure about.

Angry might be too strong a word, but I am certainly frustrated at watching gaming slowly go further and further down the toilet with each passing year, all whilst the majority of "gamers" excuse and encourage it...
The fact that they've dropped the price is rather telling, that they're primarily concerned with financials over quality of communication of their clear shortfalls in development structure (not that everyone likes admitting they're company ethos is distastefully inefficient). The fact is that at £20/$30 they get some money up front and potentially some from the in game store to make up from the fact that the image of the game is practically dead.

I think the Bugthesda meme just got too old and it finally hit home.
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My thoughts on this.

The game is no good in its current state, but a lot of the reviews are nothing more than click bait.

I mean it's a bad game for an obvious and simple reason, yet many of the professional and aspiring reviewers appear to be going off on tangents where I would question if they even know what they are talking about half of the time. It's hilarious that the last reviewer even went as far as to state the game had significant similarities to Morrowind on a technical level, and that it looks no better than Fallout 4. Anyone who has working eyes or can tell artistic style and visual fidelity apart, will see the obvious and significant improvements.

Though I am in two minds on the moral point that some reviewers have raised, because I don't for a second believe that Tod Howard was lying about anything he said, but it's what wasn't said that leaves unanswered questions.

Regardless, doesn't change that the reviews doing the rounds are nothing more than rinse and repeat of the exact same thing from pretty much every single one of them, with just slight changes in wording and pretty much no merit to any technical comments. Interestingly, many of the same reviewers were falling over themselves to praise Fallout 4 and Skyrim not that long ago.

If this game had anything that remotely resembles your traditional story and characters, it would be selling more than anything out there and receiving the usual high praise from these very same reviewers.

Angry might be too strong a word, but I am certainly frustrated at watching gaming slowly go further and further down the toilet with each passing year, all whilst the majority of "gamers" excuse and encourage it...

Completely agree with this, and have been a gamer for the better part of three decades having watched it evolve from the days of the original Zelda. I do also do think a lot of it is to do with financials these days, as above poster has mentioned.

In a strange way, this whole fiasco might actually turn out for the good, reminding people that many of the more popular games do in fact still rely on good story telling and characters to relate to.

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@ £19.99 you are bound to find something to like if you liked Fallout 4 that is because 76 is really just unfinished Fallout 4 MP you can play Solo.
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