**** Official Fallout 76 Thread ****

I don't have the game. Just thought I suggest it. If you have an account on Nexus, ask in their Fallout 76 part of the forum, maybe one of the wizards there knows something about it ??

It was worth a thought, but I have tried Nexus and Bethesda forums and had no replies. A couple of dozen views, but no replies.

This issue is probably the gamebreaking one for me. It's not fun to play with such an extremely restricted view, limited to a tiny cone and a distance of a couple of metres, and the stupidly pointless lack of realism grates on me too. It's futuristic military armour, a personal tank powered by nuclear fusion, but it has a worse light source than a £1 key fob and no other sensors at all? That's pointlessly nonsensical even in the deranged dystopia of pre-war USA in the Fallout world. It would have had at least as good a light as a cheap portable home computer (i.e. the pip-boy) and it would also have had additional sensors. Passive night vision and probably active night vision as well since there would be situations in which power armour would be extremely detectable anyway and so giving your position away wouldn't matter since it already had been revealed.
Level 50 X01 Power Armour seems to be the way to go for a decent Power Armour. Takes ages to get there now they have nerfed how much XP you get in general or for pretty much anything!
By chance, someone posted a mod to the Nexus today that greatly increases the size of the standard power armour lamp. It works for 45, 51 and 60 and might work for the others. So that'll do for me! I'm enjoying the game again. Just explored the penitentiary, hoping for a quest. Didn't get a quest, but I did get quite a bit of experience and some handy caps. It's crawling with supermutants.

Level 50 X01 Power Armour seems to be the way to go for a decent Power Armour. Takes ages to get there now they have nerfed how much XP you get in general or for pretty much anything!

They're all decent, even the raider version. T45 is better than any unpowered armour. If you want the best power armour, that would be Ultracite power armour. A side choice would be the mining power armour partly because you can quite easily get the plans for it (they're a guaranteed quest reward) and partly because it gives +100 carry weight as an extra bonus. It gives less protection, but still a lot and you can craft better versions at higher levels whereas you'll probably be limited to found pieces for other power armour.

I'm glad I took 5 ranks of gunsmith. I might need them later for mods, but they're very useful already for making my weapons less than ridiculously fragile. That's handy given how much shooting is necessary to gain xp. Shotguns with perks are very effective up close and power armour means I can be up close. It makes a change from previous games, where I focused on longer range. I might even go full auto, since I seem to be more than OK for ammo.

What I need now is a lot of combat rifles and shotguns to scrap to learn mods. My trusty pipe revolver rifle(*) and pump action shotgun are too slow. Also, as always, I need the most valuable items outside of nuke zones - springs and screws :)

* surprisingly good early on. Scrap pipe revolver pistols to learn mods and you can soon craft a rifle like a hunting rifle but with less recoil. It'll do twice the damage per shot of a stock combat rifle of the same level.

EDIT: Does anyone know what's in the section of the penintentiary marked "Intake"? It requires rank 3 of hacking and I only have rank 2 so far. Can't find anything about it online either.
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Level 50 X01 Power Armour seems to be the way to go for a decent Power Armour. Takes ages to get there now they have nerfed how much XP you get in general or for pretty much anything!

I'm level 56 now and haven't noticed much of a reduction in my XP gain over a period of time. Bit less maybe but I'm fighting mobs 40-65ish so maybe it's even higher level mobs.

You get a really lovely looking set at the end of the BOS quest arc although not sure how it compares to others. Have the plans for the excavator stuff as well so may make some today to compare.
my ingame name is Campsy88
character name ingame

I believe it needs to be your bethesda account name rather than ingame name.

Mine is Semple1990.

Level 50 X01 Power Armour seems to be the way to go for a decent Power Armour. Takes ages to get there now they have nerfed how much XP you get in general or for pretty much anything!

I think they've only nerfed the XP for low level to high level things, i.e. a lvl 5 getting a hit on a lvl 68 Grafton Monster and getting 500xp for it.

By chance, someone posted a mod to the Nexus today that greatly increases the size of the standard power armour lamp. It works for 45, 51 and 60 and might work for the others. So that'll do for me! I'm enjoying the game again.

I did have to laugh at this :D

What I need now is a lot of combat rifles and shotguns to scrap to learn mods. My trusty pipe revolver rifle(*) and pump action shotgun are too slow. Also, as always, I need the most valuable items outside of nuke zones - springs and screws :)

Have you been to sugar grove yet? You can pick up 50-100 of each clipboards/pencils/desk fans/telephones.

EDIT: Does anyone know what's in the section of the penintentiary marked "Intake"? It requires rank 3 of hacking and I only have rank 2 so far. Can't find anything about it online either.

Whereabouts is this? I feel like i have been in the penitentiary (was swamped with super mutants) when i did a side quest. I do recall there being a terminal that unlocked another door to the other side of the building, but at the time i wasn't level 3 hacking, might have to go back and have a look.
I'm level 56 now and haven't noticed much of a reduction in my XP gain over a period of time. Bit less maybe but I'm fighting mobs 40-65ish so maybe it's even higher level mobs.

You get a really lovely looking set at the end of the BOS quest arc although not sure how it compares to others. Have the plans for the excavator stuff as well so may make some today to compare.
I noticed you now only get about 10-15% less XP for fighting higher lvl super mutants on a quest to repair 5 roadside objects! I did not even lvl once after taking about 30 down they kept respawning due to a glitch but I only got a tiny amount of XP per kill (around 43 used to be much higher than that!).
Only reached lvl52 now. I do not like the look of the Excavator armour it looks like a poor Transformers movie (bumblebee!) inspired set if anything else :eek:

Found some X01 Power Armour suit mods (blue headlamp light & 1 other for sale in the Whitesprings underground bunker section you reach late in the game. Pricey though around 3200 credits for both mods think I will just buy the Blue headlamp for now!).
I believe it needs to be your bethesda account name rather than ingame name.

Mine is Semple1990.

Mine is PC-Gamer

I think they've only nerfed the XP for low level to high level things, i.e. a lvl 5 getting a hit on a lvl 68 Grafton Monster and getting 500xp for it.

I did have to laugh at this :D

The XP is messed up still low rewards for super hard quests it seems unbalanced more than ever before!

Have you been to sugar grove yet? You can pick up 50-100 of each clipboards/pencils/desk fans/telephones.

Not sure will have to check. Adhesive is the thing you run out of a lot need loads of it to repair power armour & weapons.

Whereabouts is this? I feel like i have been in the penitentiary (was swamped with super mutants) when i did a side quest. I do recall there being a terminal that unlocked another door to the other side of the building, but at the time i wasn't level 3 hacking, might have to go back and have a look.
Sugar Grove is bottom right hand side of the map savage divide region so high lvl required. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Sugar_Grove
It was worth a thought, but I have tried Nexus and Bethesda forums and had no replies. A couple of dozen views, but no replies.

This issue is probably the gamebreaking one for me. It's not fun to play with such an extremely restricted view, limited to a tiny cone and a distance of a couple of metres, and the stupidly pointless lack of realism grates on me too. It's futuristic military armour, a personal tank powered by nuclear fusion, but it has a worse light source than a £1 key fob and no other sensors at all? That's pointlessly nonsensical even in the deranged dystopia of pre-war USA in the Fallout world. It would have had at least as good a light as a cheap portable home computer (i.e. the pip-boy) and it would also have had additional sensors. Passive night vision and probably active night vision as well since there would be situations in which power armour would be extremely detectable anyway and so giving your position away wouldn't matter since it already had been revealed.

I'm sure one of the Fallout 4 mods for PA helmet was night vision, is that not in 76?
So that'll do for me! I'm enjoying the game again. Just explored the penitentiary, hoping for a quest. Didn't get a quest, but I did get quite a bit of experience and some handy caps. It's crawling with supermutants.

EDIT: Does anyone know what's in the section of the penintentiary marked "Intake"? It requires rank 3 of hacking and I only have rank 2 so far. Can't find anything about it online either.

I've had a couple of events there. OK but nothing amazing. Get a legend for each. Inside the Intake I found a recipe, plan and a chest with crossbow and piece of power armour. Not sure if these are random.
I'm sure one of the Fallout 4 mods for PA helmet was night vision, is that not in 76?
Someone did a video showing a lot of existing ingame mods for 76 for the X01 & X02 power armour. You have to server hop a lot but someone has found a huge number of mods!
Someone did a video showing a lot of existing ingame mods for 76 for the X01 & X02 power armour. You have to server hop a lot but someone has found a huge number of mods!

I'm starting to find this aspect of the multiplayer game annoying, too many players are just world hopping to harvest all the PA spawn points.
What has this series become :(

Yep, i mean i can see the obvious reason why people do it. But i think they need to instance it, so that if you do pick up certain items, it's either a) only instanced to you leaving the items to be available for another player, or b) instance them to a player for so many worlds - would stop someone hopping through 30 worlds to scavenge all the PA pieces. This would also be mostly prevented if the weight glitch wasn't available as PA is pretty heavy.
I'm sure one of the Fallout 4 mods for PA helmet was night vision, is that not in 76?

Mods inside the game are extremely rare for power armour and apparently can't be learned from scrapping (which is how mods inside the game are usually learned).

Mods from outside the game for 4 usually don't work on 76.
Yep, i mean i can see the obvious reason why people do it. But i think they need to instance it, so that if you do pick up certain items, it's either a) only instanced to you leaving the items to be available for another player, or b) instance them to a player for so many worlds - would stop someone hopping through 30 worlds to scavenge all the PA pieces. This would also be mostly prevented if the weight glitch wasn't available as PA is pretty heavy.
PA is not heavy once you have the right Perks though it become very low weight. That's is the key its not an exploit its just good Perk distribution with the included Perk cards!
PA Perk I got tonight makes it weight 75% less combined with some other PA perks make it virtually weightless & invincible but its a very long grind to reach that stage I am also there after almost 300 hours :eek:

Also PA Mods are not rare at all just server hop into Whitesprings bunker until they are offered for sale in the armoury.
Fair play for probably being the only player to waste 300 hours. They might reward you with a plastic bag.

The server hopping progression mechanics sound amazing.
PA is not heavy once you have the right Perks though it become very low weight. That's is the key its not an exploit its just good Perk distribution with the included Perk cards!

I'm carrying almost a full set of power armour, 3 weapons, clothing, >1000 .45, >1000 shotgun shells, 5 fusion cores and a boatload of aid. Total weight 98lbs. The heaviest thing is my stimpaks, since I have ~30 and they're 0.7lbs each. After that, the fusion cores as they're 3lbs each.

Power armour is extremely light unless you're carrying parts in your inventory. Parts on a chassis weigh zero. So the total weight of a fully kitted out power armour suit is 10lbs. Why use your limited special points to enable perks to reduce that 10lbs at all? You're probably carrying more weight in water! My shotgun would probably be heavier than my power armour if it wasn't for the fact that the faster shotgun reloading perk I have also reduces its weight by 90%.

I currently have 3 PA frames and partial sets, scavved without server hopping. I'm missing a left arm for my T45, a torso for my T60 and 3 pieces for my T51. The two spare ones take up 20lbs in my stash. I'll probably end up with a T60 set with a T51 torso when I get to a high enough level to use T60 and drop the rest in Flatwoods church as a strange surprise for anyone who might happen by. I leave stuff there from time to time, usually spare plans and recipes. Once a fully modded L1 pipe gun I'd crafted just to give to a new player if I found one. New players are so rare I travelled to one and dropped the gun and ammo in front of them.

I could server hop, but it seems too much like cheating to me and would spoil my enjoyment. The game is marginal anyway, so any reduction in enjoyment would be a particularly big problem. I'm having some fun taking photos, though.

Here's a strange thing that happened. I've built my camp in a very secluded place that's difficult to get to, but sometimes there are supermutants above it and once or twice one of them has wandered to the edge of the cliff and shot at my camp. They can't get to it, but it is only slightly outside the range of their guns so they can do a very small amount of damage. Every time, without exception, they shoot my corn plants. Just stand there, firing over and over again and sometimes doing a very small amount of damage to a corn plant. I'd like to climb up and ask them why they have such a strong dislike of corn :)

[..] Also PA Mods are not rare at all just server hop into Whitesprings bunker until they are offered for sale in the armoury.

They only sell X-01 mods, even if you do server hop (which I don't).

Someone did a video showing a lot of existing ingame mods for 76 for the X01 & X02 power armour. You have to server hop a lot but someone has found a huge number of mods!

Wait...X02 power armor? Where's that in FO76?
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Actually @Angilion makes a good point. Unless you're carrying PA parts in your inventory that perk does seem pointless. Unless of course it reduces the weight of the power armour chassis? I could see the appeal to that if it could be reduced down to say 2Ibs.
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