So, is there anybody happy for anything at all in this game?'s a mediocre new Fallout game that's a bad idea badly implemented with bad design decisions and bad quality testing that's full of bugs and has horrendous performance issues. Lag spikes can be measued in seconds, not milliseconds. That's not hyperbole - lag spikes of several seconds happen. Every now and then, the lag will get so bad that it triggers the "connection to server lost" process and the controls are disabled so all you can do is look at the screen and wonder if it's the usual superlag on steroids or a complete failure that will kick you back to the menu.'s a new Fallout game and I'm a bit happy about that. It has new stories to discover. I like the new crafting system, despite it being frequently annoying and not at all explained. For example, you learn most mods for armour and weapons by scrapping armour and weapons of the same type...but you'll only know that if you're told outside the game or you accidentally find out by scrapping an item for the scrap and getting the message that a mod has been unlocked. I liked the varied biomes. I think the graphics are fine, especially if you're running on a PC with ultra settings. The sound is only 2D. That's really WTF? territory nowadays in a game that has a fully 3D gameworld. For example, if you hear a sound in a building (like an enemy, for example), you can only locate it in 2D. Is it on a different floor? Above you? Below you? You have no way of knowing. That's crap, but some of the sound effects are nicely done. While much quieter than in reality, guns have a loud, hard, urgent sound that fills a room and echoes off a valley's sides.
It still has at least some of the worldbuilding that Fallout games should have. I still like walking around to see what I haven't seen before, to climb that hill to see further, to poke around in that broken house, to look into that crashed lorry, to find out what that blue thing in the distance is. Or, in one particular example, to sit on a chair on a board at the edge of a partially ruined huge bridge, play a banjo and take a photo. Gorge bridge...something like that. It's in the forest area and it's large enough to be two locations on the map - east end and west end of the bridge.
FO76 is sort of like a lovely cake that a lunatic with a hammer has smashed to bits in a frenzy. It's a mess. It's all over the place in bits that don't fit together. Some of the bits are on the floor and have been licked by some stray dogs. But there's still some tasty bits of cake on the plate.