H3ll yeah that was fun with Buffs & Perks I now have +18 Endurance +15 Strength + 13 Intelligence plus my latest PA means I can carry a LOT Since playing from Hour 1 of the BETA sessions I have gathered about 35 Fusion Cores & really do not want to dump them but as they weight 3.0 each that is a LOT of space taken up (I already dumped about 40 but am having a real time dumping them as it took so long to gather naturally (not server hopping) but no way to sell or scrap so I have to sooner or later otherwise I am always out of space!).@AWPC had a good bit of exploring tonight. I really need to throw out / sell a lot of stuff, I kept getting overencumbered to the point I couldn't even wear my power armour. Then when we were exploring those mines and I kept picking up missiles, that just really pushed me over the weight limit.
Did my PA Red helmet light seem bright to you its described as a Tactical Red Light??