Had a bizarre glitch in an offline game with my son the other day, score was tied and went to penalties except it didn't actually start with penalties, there was a normal kickoff and eventually my son scored, it then went immediately into a normal penalty shootout except he started 1 goal ahead!
Finding some of the objectives a bit grindy (which I guess is the idea), like "Make assists with La Liga players in 7 saperate wins on World Class difficulty or higher". I find the objectives where you have to do them in a seperate wins can be frustrating, like you execute the required action (assist with a type of player, score from outside the box or whatever) but then end up not winning (what I've found is on WC difficulty I can't always beat the better teams that have 95 rating 100 chem etc). Or at the moment I have a milestone to win One Nation games with Netherlands, but I don't quite have 18 NL players so can't enter (not sure why you can't play a match with less than 7 subs, teams do that in the real world). And I know when I do get 18 players it will be tough because I only have a couple of players rated above 80, and you get max 4 matches in that friendly competition per day.
Learning a bit more about general SBC approaches, and that some are just bad value, like Futties 86+ player pick seems to be expensive and often I end up getting a single player back that was barely better if at all than the best player I put in.
Bought some 100k coin pack hoping for a bunch of good cards, very dissappointing. Conversely I'd largely ignored the Foundation Gold Upgrade until this weekend but have got a few decent players out of it, considering all it requires is 11 Gold Common players and 40 chem, meaning I can fill it up with all these rubbish 75-76 rated ST/CDM/GK.
I've not managed to do Puzzle Master yet, seems really hard to get enough chem with all the restrictions. That's the only League and Nations one I have left to do.
Overall I'd say Futties players are too easy to come by, I now have quite a big collection of them. I'm now slowly working on adding some of the lower tier Icons that don't have excessive requirements, did Pirlo yesterday and now working on Blanc.