My DOF usually does contracts or offers for transfer targets on his own (maybe 10-15% on all transfers - an uneducated guess there) and can usually get players for a better price than me! Lol. But if he can't make a deal cos the other team wants say, 17 mil for a 17 y/o (in the case of my LB i posted ), if I am confident he is gonna be good (or a least make a profit) then i'll offer for the transfer and he goes back to doing the contract - but only for youth payers. I deal with all the larger contracts. I typically scout all youngsters for 3 months unless someone else is interested - then i'll bite and buy quickly. You are right tho, it's hard to find players now because not matter what youngster you find, the potential is always crapish but 2.5 - 3 stars is usually world class in my game now, so I know what to look out for. But for them world class gems, a lot of that is me being utterly boring and filtering under 19s player worldwide for certain high stats (most usually determination then filter position specific attributes - although annoying with the mask but better!) and then scouting for 3-6 months. eventually i get a gem with a lot of scouting (takes so long but after a few games it gets clear). But yeah, it's man u, all facilities are top notch and my coaching team avg about 4.5 stars (never had the all 5* coaching in 5 versions of FM - annoying!)
To note, I do send some out on loan, but rarely (1 or 2 max per season) and I have had a few very highly rated players that don't develop. Only 3 in this current save and I made money on one but this other in my squad just now is an injury magnet.
and I just got home and looked him up DOF is Eugene Krasnikov from mentalist. He signs youths, deals with their contracts and also acts as my main scout/leader as no scout on earth is better than him at this time.
here's an example of what a really, really, good player looks like when he's scouted, 1 star, and in my scouting view it's a stat freakout!! my advice, ignore the stars and check the predictions in the player view..
BTW, for anyone starting the game with a decent club - buy Patrick Roberts from Fulham, became a club legend then i sold him to psg for 60 mil at 25ish (better player available). Rolling in cash now.