***Official Formula One 2011 Thread***

Just wanna wish everyone a happy F1 2011 day. Well, in 14 mins :p

Also has any noticed how the wheels spin when the car is dropped or about to be raised in the pits when it's on the ground?
You told me to put it there! :mad:

It made the car feel horrible and weird.

Lmao! Such a weird bug, no idea how they never noticed it.

Started my normal Steam on my SSD up now, gona verify the game on that and see if it solves my loading problems. Not had a single crash since it's been on the HD!
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Pick a more boring track Murray :p

I'll go for Melbourne since it is the only one i've practiced in months, or monte carlo for lulz
5850 @ Stock - x2 (set to single card mode as I am already aware of the :(

Thanks for the info, I wondered why my 4870x2 was getting 5 FPS. Didn't believe CM had made this game for ultimate PC's only. Managed to get a staggering 15 FPS with all settings on low or off. Least you guys with "proper" Crossfire can turn it off. O well will have to wait for a patch.

Gitches so far I have found. (Just pointing them out not trolling)
When you lap a car (normally a HRT) they don't unlap them selfs. I was going 50mph down the straight at Spar towards Rivarge (spelling doesn't look right but o well) and they pulled along side but didn't overtake. Did this sevenal times.

Also game doesn't save G27 profiles :(
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