Sometimes you can if it's the same chipset but in your case nobobinski said:Duke
Not a clean install.Was hoping to get by without it.

Sometimes you can if it's the same chipset but in your case nobobinski said:Duke
Not a clean install.Was hoping to get by without it.
Robert said:I can't overclock with the F9 bios. I turn all of the intel gunk off and set my voltages, then ram to 400mhz. It just won't stick. If I get into windows and reboot it does a reboot cycle 4 times then comes on - or it does a turn on - off cycle 5 times and comes on without overclock.
I WAS running at 2.8ghz (400*7). The thing is the bios fixes my Xfi issue and I don't know if I should risk changing to F8/F10 and having more problems OR it totally screwing my system.
Duke said:Testing with this new 6600.. I get the same sort of results overclocking wise.. hit about 3.4-3.5 and it's unstable. Tried upto 1.5v which should be plentyCould be the DS3 I guess
FatRakoon said:Could I ask you guys...
Whe nyou say your PC is unstable...
How exactly? I mean, what part is unstable?
FatRakoon said:Orthos no, but prime has had 3 days and it was spot on.
I don't see why that would be though? Got any more info at all?serenity888 said:i've read somewhere that the 4mb cache c2d's (like the e6600) clocks better with the intel 975 chipsets which the ds3 is not (its a 965).
Nutbusta said:Was that 1 instance of Prime on each core?
If so then, yeah, it's deffo stable![]()
dheyworth1981 said:Sorry to derail this part of the convo
After putting F10 in and getting my Overclock back from the reset of doom.... I've started pushing it where F7 wouldn't go....up to 3.29ghz now
Dmack said:How come my e6300 temps are higher at 2.7 than 2.8/2.9 ??
Dmack said:Also should i plug the intake or the outtake fan into the system fan port
I think this may be to do with the fact that the P965 chipset seems to clock to a higher FSB and so is better for the CPU with lower multi - nothing to do with cache size.Duke said:I don't see why that would be though? Got any more info at all?
Nutbusta said:Thats great. I've been stuck at 3.26 with F7 for ages. Where do you get the F10 Bios. I can only see 8 on the GB page?
dheyworth1981 said:I got it from the GB page
Umm...not sure why it isnt showing for you.
Im still at 3.29 but its been running all night, might get it to 3.3 just to round it off lol
Ah right ok. However I'm not hitting 400 yet others are 400-450 on same board I thought?Buffalo2102 said:I think this may be to do with the fact that the P965 chipset seems to clock to a higher FSB and so is better for the CPU with lower multi - nothing to do with cache size.