Official Glastonbury Thread: 2007

Aside from the Main Stages, for me its a cracking lineup! Not too many clashes either. Looks like I'll be spending most of my "music" time in the Dance Village and Jazz World field...bring on Brothers Cider!
Master Skooter said:
I spoke to a friend a minute ago, he rang Glasto about the tickets last week. Apparently they're being printed at the mo & will be despatched soon.

[EDIT: THREE weeks to go...w0000t!! :p

I seriously can't wait now. There's a few that cross (Who/Gossip/Gossip & Bjork/Hot Chip/Damian Marley) but there's a whole bunch of other stuff that I wanna see too!

Oh and ps, it's officially *less* than 3 weeks now... ;)
I'll be heading down on the Wednesday to pick our camping spot, usually get the same spot every Glasto :D

Then i'm heading down on the train on the Friday. The train journey from Frome to Castle Cary is 17 minutes *lol* :p
Ah, ok. Bit weird! Why don't you go down on Wednesday and stay there?! That's what we do. I can't remember how the layout of the site has changed but we normally stay up on the hill by the new band tent, we're near the cinema, toilets, the stage and up where we can't drown. ;)

Where do you stay?
Missing two days of the festival Scoot :eek:. I'm getting the train from Southampton on the Wednesday, takes a couple of hours I think.

If you go on The Guardian site it has the listings with the times too, so you can waste your day working out who you're going to see (I say "waste" because we all know such plans never work out).

Where do you normally camp? I'm thinking Pennards again this year. It'll be funny to see everyone avoiding all the areas which got flooded last time :p.
We live in Frome, which is just up the road (15-20 mins on a clear run).

I have to go back home as i need to ship the kids & dog off on the Thursday.

Wednesday - Monday would be too much for me. Slumming it for 3 days is enough for me! :p

Friends of ours will stay from the Wednesday, so we just turn up on the Friday morning & crack open the beers :D

We also camp close to the Cinema field. The field above has the diagonal path down to the toilet/wash basins, we camp the next field over right next to the hedge row for added shelter *lol*. Sounds like we're be fairly near by. Maybe swap mobile numbers nearer the time for a quick chat/OcUK photo? :)
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Let me be the first to say... I'm disappointed. :p

It's a cracking lineup, but I was really hoping for Clapton or The Police or Cat Stevens... But none are playing. :(

Oh, and I'm best friends with the trumpet player from Shoot The Moon. ;)

(Look at the bottom of the John Peel Stage lineup on Sunday).
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Damn, line up is looking good. Can't believe how big it is! Think I'll mostly be in the dance village, but there are some I'll be seeing elsewhere.

It's my first time at Glasto, so really excited to see the difference from Reading Fest. Can't wait!

Anyone received tickets yet?
toadsy666 said:
It's my first time at Glasto, so really excited to see the difference from Reading Fest. Can't wait!

Well, I haven't been to Reading for about 4 years now, but if it's even remotely the same these days Glastonbury is completely different. The site is utterly utterly vast and it feels massively different. Much more laid back and chilled. You'll love it. :)
Yeah you'll love it!

The site is mahoosive & if you get fed up with the hussle & bussle around the main stages, you can take a wonder for an hour or two (or longer!). Caberet tent, Theatre tent, Circus tent etc etc. Also there are loads of random things to do/see & odd people walking about. There's something for everyone & every pace :)

Great food too.

You can even hire a tux & do a spot of ballroom dancing at 2am in the morning if it grabs ya fancy :D

I think you can do roller skating too iirc?

Oh & there was a full sized half-pipe the last time in the greenpeace field :cool:
I'd just like to recommend going to see The Cosmic Sausages in the Avalon Café on Saturday. We've got them booked at the farm (or my house) for this Saturday, and they're absolutely fantastic. They're a cabaret band from Londond and are so so funny.

Trust me when I say, this video doesn't do them any justice. But they are astounding.
I've just been told that apparently, the reason Yusuf Islam isn't playing was/is that he was/is too nervous. :(

Oh well, it should still be an experience to remember.
Master Skooter said:
You can even hire a tux & do a spot of ballroom dancing at 2am in the morning if it grabs ya fancy :D

Haha, sounds awesome. My sister has been going to Glasto for a while, and I decided I really want to try it out this year- I'm the one that has to sit online trying to get my sis tickets, so thought I'd get myself some too :) (thanks to spunj99 too for finding the links in this thread)

Can't wait! Saw a TV show about it today, and some folks from Uni have tickets, so there is quite a buzz in the air- just gotta try and get through my final year Uni exams, and then I think Glasto will be the ultimate post-exam treat :D
Anyone have any links to Glasto weather forecasts?

The only site i've found yet is the BBC's, but that's a June UK outlook, not Glasto.

BBC's Outlook for June said:
Monday 18th to Sunday 1st July 2007

The Azores high looks set to build again extending a ridge of high pressure across the UK. Temperatures are expected to be on the warm side especially in northern parts.
Rainfall amounts will probably be around the seasonal average, although it could be slightly drier than normal in the southeast. Average amounts of sunshine are expected.

As festival season draws near, will the wellies be a much needed item?

I hate the not knowing! :D
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You might not like it :p

Still, too far ahead to be right, isn't it? Isn't it???

After last time, I'm going to take my wellies regardless of that the weather seems like on the wednesday :p

Exams, finished, waiting for flat mates to get back...

A taste of Glasto!
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