naffa said:
Is it normal for me to be quite nervous/dreading this slightly?
I'm taking the coach in by myself, and I've never been before. No idea what's going to happen or anything.. Am I being a wimp?
When I went the first time prior to the Super Fence, me and my mate went down on a Saturday without tickets on the train, and on the way to the site on the Bus some Stoned guy gave us these UV stamped on our hands for free (he was charging £5 when we got on and then free later as he was more stoned lol) And we both got in !!! (thou i got rejected the first try, it must've been a stamp from the year before or something, had to walk 2 miles to the next gate to try again). That year was dry, but I also got my stuff nicked like 2 hours after I got there......£100 saved for no ticket but about £100 of stuff stolen......Karma eh?
But since the Super Fence the crime has dropped dramatically.
Here are some pictures from the 2004 one, it rained for a few hours on Saturday Morning, but even a tiny bit of rain will turn into a mud bath because of all the treading on it. You WILL need wellies, I've tried wearing sandles but you feet will just sink and then when you pull up the sandle will disappear into the mud.
Joss Stone on stage !
Up towards "The Farm" looking back down
These are the better loos, trust me.
This is round to the left side of the Pyramid stage, funny watching people trying to go through that not realising how deep it was and falls over when you can walk around it.
Sunrise at Stone Circle
Here are some of my tips.
1 - Bring at least 3 loo rolls. You will need one, your mates will steal one, and need another to clean stuff.
2 - Wet wipes are a god sent
3 - Don't wear straight cut jeans with wellies, you won't be able to pull your jeans down when you take a dump unless you take the wellies off.
4 - Bin liners make a nice emergency poncho
5 - The Orange tent gives out free Poncho
6 - The Orange tent also have charging points for all your phones
7 - Lost Vagueness is GREAT at night, must see after the bands
8 - If you wanna chill at 3am and want to stay dry, go to the Cinema tent.
9 - Take a camera but not an expensive one that you will care too much
10 - Keep all money, wallet on you zipped up
11 - Bring your own alcohol to the site
12 - Bring a Torch with spare batteries
13 - Be friendly, everyone is !!!
14 - Mark your tent with a pole or sorts to make it stand out
15 - Don't spent £4 on Burger and Chips, you can get much better food if you look around. I found this Jerk Chicken place which comes with rice, salad and you can sit down and eat for about £5.
16 - Soap is Soap, you'll know what I mean once you are really dirty and don't care if you are using handwash as Shampoo or Shampoo as facewash. If you find a sink and see whatever there, I guarantee you will use it to clean your hands, face and hair.
17 - Do wash your hair daily even if you don't go to the showers (a real mission, especially in the mud). You'll be amazed the amount of crap its in your hair, so take a some shampoo samples with you.
18 - Bring change of clothes + 2 more sets
19 - When you park the car, make it close to the gate you are going in and where you camp. The journey back is a pain in the ass on Monday Morning after 3 nights of minimal sleep, drinking, music and whatnot and carrying all that gear.
20 - Large Orange Juice and Bacon Baps are the best breakfast