***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

Never heard of that and just googled GTA V 1000x Better skyfall and came up with no results :D?

Any links :)? i found the witcher one and that looks pretty cool!

https://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/3511/ here you go

EDIT: Just had a quick go with it on i keep getting around 10FPS dips every so often might try with vsync off and then try with adaptive see if i can stop it.
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Any 1440p GTX980 users here? Just received said gfx card and i'm wondering what settings people use. GeForce Experience is recommending most things to be on the highest setting but with MSAA off.
Not a 980 user... but you should be able to whack most settings to max except grass (keep that set to high, very little difference between it and ultra anyway :p) and the advanced graphics with 2xmsaa (second biggest FPS killer to grass) and easily keep at 60+ FPS 95% of the time.

With everything on max except grass (high), reflection quality (very high and no MSAA), shadows (high), advanced graphics (only high detail while flying on) + no MSAA, my 290 keeps to mostly 50-60fps, dips to as low as 45 in very heavy grass areas, frame latency is always between 15 and 20ms though. EDIT: This is at 2560x1080


Just follow this guide tbh:

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I hope they do DLC like they did with GTA IV

That dlc was mostly funded by Microsoft's Xbox division back in the day and they paid Rockstar a colossal amount for 360 exclusivity for a good time. It paid off because both Ballad/Gaye Tony and Lost & Damned were superb and had huge sales.

Sadly can't see it happening with V. I think the closest we will get is a few more heists at some point.
That dlc was mostly funded by Microsoft's Xbox division back in the day and they paid Rockstar a colossal amount for 360 exclusivity for a good time. It paid off because both Ballad/Gaye Tony and Lost & Damned were superb and had huge sales.

Sadly can't see it happening with V. I think the closest we will get is a few more heists at some point.

Ah I see, we can hope I guess.
Been playing GTA on my AMD card since release and never had a single crash but after upgrading to a 980 yesterday I just got my first CDC with a 'ERR_GFX_D3D_INIT' error message :(
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