***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

So after all these weeks since I mentioned wanting to play online, I decided today was the day. Fire up online mode, transfer my PS3 character, bask at the bonus pre-order money in addition to what was added to it from PS3 character and begin to join a session after setting my character up.

Session is filled with a hacker who instakills anyone on the server...

So / much / fun.
Wow that looks amazing on 2/1, only getting 55 fps though so it wouldnt be great for MP but for single it looks amazing with that sweetfx config. Wish i had played though SP with these settings. Had to source another rad too keep these cards cool, getting 65 degrees now, at 1440p i only got 40 degrees lol.

edit: I think i can live with 55 FPS in multiplayer when it looks this good. :)
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So after all these weeks since I mentioned wanting to play online, I decided today was the day. Fire up online mode, transfer my PS3 character, bask at the bonus pre-order money in addition to what was added to it from PS3 character and begin to join a session after setting my character up.

Session is filled with a hacker who instakills anyone on the server...

So / much / fun.

Yeah its kinda spoiling it a bit atm, silly hackers everywhere, i hope rockstar get on top of it.
So after all these weeks since I mentioned wanting to play online, I decided today was the day. Fire up online mode, transfer my PS3 character, bask at the bonus pre-order money in addition to what was added to it from PS3 character and begin to join a session after setting my character up.

Session is filled with a hacker who instakills anyone on the server...

So / much / fun.

to be fair then only good thing about online nowadays are the hackers and the stupid stuff they can get you involved in.
I'll give it a shot once again in a few more weeks I guess :p

I did get a few minutes of roaming though without being killed by the hacker. I saw 2 guys mooching around in their modded cars with neons and everything. I walked up to one of them who was stopped on the road waiting for his mate, aimed my shotgun up at him to get a closer look and my finger may or may not have slipped :o

Genuinely felt bad!
Finally managed to play online yesterday for an hour or so after not having internet access for about a week.

Joined a server with 3 people on, special crate dropped, nobody else bothered to get it.

Hello minigun!
hehe its great aint it, i may have accidently dropped a bomb on a car with 4 guys in the other day, who then proceeded to follow me around the map trying to kill me. Luckily one of them crates landed near by me, so i ran over and killed the guy trying to pick it up, and when the 4 guys caught up, i made them regret ever coming after me. :)
hehe its great aint it, i may have accidently dropped a bomb on a car with 4 guys in the other day, who then proceeded to follow me around the map trying to kill me. Luckily one of them crates landed near by me, so i ran over and killed the guy trying to pick it up, and when the 4 guys caught up, i made them regret ever coming after me. :)

I love it and I've only used it for about 30 seconds :p

I had some guy throw a sticky bomb on my Zentoro while I was in a clothes shop, came out and he blew it up just as I got in the car (I didn't see it stuck to the other side of the car). Said tool then killed me two more times when I respawned down the road.

Fourth time, he came around a corner and just got a glimpse of my minigun spooled up before blowing him to smithereens!
Went onto a server yesterday and for the first time a hacker was happily giving money out (usually for me they spend the entire time just spawning UFO's and killing everyone). I duly obliged and proceeded to spend about $6 mil of the 9 I got given on 5 more cars to fill my 2nd garage, and then upgrade everything to the hilt as I reached level 100 yesterday :D

Got myself the 6x6 as well as both versions of the Insurgent and some other vehicles (pics tonight/tomorrow). I have a shade under 3 mil to spend - should I invest it on something like the Valkyrie/Savage or wait for the next Ill Gotten Gains update risking R* take all the money away? I've got a Buzzard at the moment - I would need to do a few more jobs to afford a Hydra at $3mil.
I got given $4mil the other day, bought the insurgent, the Osiris and the other car that looks like a Merc 300SL...I'd say just spend the money, you'll get given more by a hacker at some point, it's inevitable!
I got given $4mil the other day, bought the insurgent, the Osiris and the other car that looks like a Merc 300SL...I'd say just spend the money, you'll get given more by a hacker at some point, it's inevitable!

Yeah that's true I might as well, as if I don't invest then I will have lost any chance to spend it altogether. Probably going to get the Valkyrie at $2.8m for some crew mayhem or save up a little bit more and get the Hydra. VTOL ftw :cool:
The hackers are everywhere... Standing near one in passive mode seemed to blunt his ability to insta-kill me. But if I find a server with one of them on, I just go elsewhere... Or simply hook up with friends and do private races etc... They're a pain, but you can ignore them.
Yeah same thing happened to me, i bought the hydra. ITs fun, but as soon as you jump in it everyone starts pointing their RPGs in your direction. :)

TBH the Homing Launcher has taken all the skill and challenge away from picking off NPCs/other players in aircraft.

It makes it far too easy to take out planes and helis and if you're in a battle with other players on a server you might as well not bother using those big toys 'cos you'll just get owned straight away. I'm assuming pretty much all planes and helis only need one rocket to take them out?
TBH the Homing Launcher has taken all the skill and challenge away from picking off NPCs/other players in aircraft.

It makes it far too easy to take out planes and helis and if you're in a battle with other players on a server you might as well not bother using those big toys 'cos you'll just get owned straight away. I'm assuming pretty much all planes and helis only need one rocket to take them out?

Yeah its kinda irritating, i wish they would make it a special weapon in the crate and take it away from general use, i mean i spent half my pre-order money on the armored car cause i thought that would be cool for driving around the streets without having to worry about been picked off, but if someone really wants to kill ya then dont even need to chase you and sticky bomb you, they just pull out the launcher.

I guess it gives everyone an incentive to save up and get an insurgent. Im waiting for mine to pop up in the online thing atm, i did the heist where your driving around in them and i figured i would be able to buy them after, but i dont see them yet, i guess i need to do more heists yet.
TBH the Homing Launcher has taken all the skill and challenge away from picking off NPCs/other players in aircraft.

It makes it far too easy to take out planes and helis and if you're in a battle with other players on a server you might as well not bother using those big toys 'cos you'll just get owned straight away. I'm assuming pretty much all planes and helis only need one rocket to take them out?

They can be avoided in the Hydra with some tight turning but if you get caught in hover mode you're screwed.

I think that the buzzard can dodge them too.

But yes, the homing launcher should be the high level unlock instead of the RPG.
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