***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

Guessing I'm at the end of the game, I kept GTA5 fairly spoiler free so the choice that popped up really surprised me.

I've chosen deathwish as no way I can kill Michael or Trevor
I'll get that done tonight then I guess it's game over apart from collectables?

There is a ton of side stuff to do that you probably don't even realise. There are side missions from random people whilst driving around you get a blue dot on a map. There's the UFO collectable mission, The unsolved murder story, all the houses and businesses to buy which offer random missions, stunts etc.

Once you've had your fun offline I highly suggest online, been having a blast with others lately

Some good heist action in the end last night, had fun :)

No connection issues, but since updating to win10 I now get super lag if I ALT+TAB away and then back to GTA. It's fine otherwise. I suspect it's a VRAM issue.

Up for more this evening if anyone is about.

This is for steam users only right?
There is a ton of side stuff to do that you probably don't even realise. There are side missions from random people whilst driving around you get a blue dot on a map. There's the UFO collectable mission, The unsolved murder story, all the houses and businesses to buy which offer random missions, stunts etc.

Once you've had your fun offline I highly suggest online, been having a blast with others lately

I've been chipping away at those as I've seen them and done quite a few collectables already. Only one I can't get to trigger is Cab Co ringing Franklin to pick up a VIP, I had it once but didn't get to it in time and they haven't rung me back since.
There is a ton of side stuff to do that you probably don't even realise. There are side missions from random people whilst driving around you get a blue dot on a map. There's the UFO collectable mission, The unsolved murder story, all the houses and businesses to buy which offer random missions, stunts etc.

Once you've had your fun offline I highly suggest online, been having a blast with others lately

This is for steam users only right?

Not sure if the slowdown is steam related or not.

My guess was that I have the game running very close to 3.5GB VRAM usage on each of my 970s, and that ALT-TABing in win10 causes the desktop to also be loaded into VRAM at the same time (efficient use of VRAM).

Sadly this means I'm in "It's not really a 4GB VRAM card" mode and my frame rates plummet.

Just guessing though. Have steam users been complaining about slide shows?
Smooth here, but I'm xfire amd cards. My vram usage is considerably less than yours though and I'm playing at 4k with almost all very high settings. Are you running a ton of msaa?

I'm surprised you are using less than 3.5GB per card @ 4K!
I'm going to try lowering my settings a bit to see if it fixes the issue. If it does I'll be pretty sure it was VRAM.
Given how choppy it can get I wonder it it's actually gone over 4GB per card and started to page textures from system memory! :(

Thing is, the game will be really smooth for hours, so long as I don't ALT-TAB out and back.

Also noticing my CPU is getting pretty warm, but it's far from critical.
If you are running Xfire or Sli, you need to know that Msi Afterburner shows the total added memory usage of your cards and not real one.
If you are running a single card than it is showing the correct amount.

Like on my screenshot it is showing 8.288Gb, because I'm using 3 GPUs but that is around 2.76Gb in reality.

I've got a 4690k 4.4GHz and a GTX970 just wondering if any one with the same specs can tell me what graphics settings you run

Here you go mate, these settings are tweaked to handle Online servers full up with 30 players and **** kicking off all around you. So in SP its crazy smooth as you can imagine - also running sweetFX for SMAA injection which is why FXAA is off

Also its difficult to see in the screenshot but extended shadows distance is maxed out, it doesn't seem to affect performance at all for me for some reason


This is really a one person mission, the person nearest the hut door when the last enemy is killed is usually the one you see in the clip going into the hut to get Avi. This person should take Avi via the boat on their own, the rest just stay on the island, best to hide in hut as a single police helicopter will eventually fly over. Pointless shooting it as it keeps re spawning.

The person with Avi travels up the river to the lake, as you get nearer to the shore the wanted rating (the stars) start to flash, cruise around the lake to lose your wanted rating. Once lost, land and steal/hijack a car. Best to pull driver from car to avoid another wanted rating. Drive to deliver Avi or lose rating then deliver him.

I find a much quicker way when leaving the island is to go back to the nearest shore and use a car, taking the route up the motorway instead of through the twisted valley roads. Especially if you have parked your own car at the jet skis located further up the island
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I find a much quicker way when leaving the island is to go back to the nearest shore and use a car, taking the route up the motorway instead of through the twisted valley roads. Especially if you have parked your own car at the jet skis located further up the island

Yeah we did that, parking the cars near the closer jet skis but someone died on the first attempt so our cars were no longer there the next time. :(

Still all good fun regardless, definitely better playing with you OCUK lot than randoms who often quit after just one attempt!
This is really a one person mission, the person nearest the hut door when the last enemy is killed is usually the one you see in the clip going into the hut to get Avi. This person should take Avi via the boat on their own, the rest just stay on the island, best to hide in hut as a single police helicopter will eventually fly over. Pointless shooting it as it keeps re spawning.

The person with Avi travels up the river to the lake, as you get nearer to the shore the wanted rating (the stars) start to flash, cruise around the lake to lose your wanted rating. Once lost, land and steal/hijack a car. Best to pull driver from car to avoid another wanted rating. Drive to deliver Avi or lose rating then deliver him.

Unless the game goes crazy like last night and Avi stays inside the hut! And then Rock*’s servers crash after nearly every round.
Gta is running great in windows 10, it allowed me to turn up to 4xmsaa and max out everythin cept grass and its really smooth, not gettting them FPS drops i got on windows 7 that made me go down to 2xAA.
Finished the PC version of this last night. Second time iv finished it over all. First was on the ps3. It looks so much more beautiful and its so much more fun to play at 60fps on the pc compared to the ps3 and ps4 version, I had a blast.

Slightly annoyed at myself though regarding the ending....

I picked the kill Michael ending this time as I did deathwish on my ps3 playthrough but I don't have any other saves before it apart from one which is at 43% complete. so now I cant go back and do it again without going all the way back to that.
What sort of settings are people with 980s using to get a solid 60 fps? Currently have it on max graphics settings minus some AA and have the advanced graphics settings off and I'm dipping to sub 50 while driving in the city and sub 40 driving on the mountains :(.
Had a run through pacific standard tonight up to the heist. Garage behind the bikes wasn't working! Couldn't get in even when not in sight, very strange.

Still good fun though, made 300k in the setup and a good amount of RP. :)
on a single 980 i would recommend turning most of hte settings down by one and hte grass down by 2, just leave Textures and shaders on max settings, and add a little shadow extended distance in advanced settings to make the shadows stay at range.

Thats the settings i ran when i used 2x7950s when i wanted a solid 60 fps and they were about the same power as a 980.
Had a run through pacific standard tonight up to the heist. Garage behind the bikes wasn't working! Couldn't get in even when not in sight, very strange.

Still good fun though, made 300k in the setup and a good amount of RP. :)

Idd, i hope sumone can explain this for us for next time, i rode up to my gararge at hte tower block and it let me straight in so no idea why that one wasnt working.

Cya on tmorrow gamble :)
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