***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

What has happened to you Skeeter seems totally unacceptable. If all you did was pick up money thrown around by one of the random morons infesting the game then you are the victim of your own game experience being ruined, not a perpetrator.

How can they ban you from accessing a product you've paid money for and played in good faith with seemingly no comeback? How is that in any way acceptable?

This should be very concerning for everyone who plays as I doubt there are many online players who have not had some idiot firing money guns at them. The line from R* has always been that if you receive money in this way from a cheater you are not determined to be a cheat yourself.

What has changed?
There will be no one left to play the game, just about everybody has come across money bags in one form or another.

I was once kicked out of my car, kept getting stunned with money bags raining on top of me. It was annoying because up to that point I'd avoided all hacker monies completely before, as I wanted to earn it all myself. I quickly Alt + F4 out to quit but when I returned I had an extra 1.4 mill :(
Hey Jester... It has the right horn :P






There is definitely a change in how R* are policing the online game and I suspect next weeks server maintenance will enhance that.

I keep daily tabs on the R* community support forums and there has been and endless stream of ban tickets since Tuesday....

There are those who are completely honest about why they have been banned and a larger number who are complaining about hacked money being dropped on them and then banned. What is clear to me from months of looking at it, is the majority are being banned in game. Pulled out of jobs or in free roam rather than in the banning sweeps R* did over a day or so every few weeks. Hence the endless banned tickets in the support forum.

It will be interesting to see how this pan's out over the next few days. Cross platform as well....

A number of posts pleading to be allowed back on are comedy gold though....

And if to highlight that, A post on the support forums just posted about a twitch user modding live with a link, went to twitch and yes he was, dropping money.... a min later comes up with a ban message.... he was not happy :D
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Does anyone know how to escalate a Rockstar support request? I'm just constantly getting a scripted generic reply.

Get your support ticket number and post on the Community forum with the ticket number in the title. They will respond much faster.

However if it is about your ban, then they are very negative towards appeals. :(
This is what I am on about....

Report on Rockstar about a modder


Him being banned whilst streaming


Comments from the viewers


Certain Information has been redacted by me
Strudders that is classic.

@ Skeeter your first ban will be two weeks so its not game over for good.

I am quite possibly the most hungover man in Britain right now, which can only mean one thing - GTA TIME
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