***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

Just installed ☣ Quentin's ♣ Realistic ♣ V ☣ preset, WOW game looks even better now :eek:
Is this mod, both the SweetFX / ReShade & Modified Timecyc OK to use in online play?

Also this, made it so much better.
Dont think timecyc is OK online, anything that you have to use open IV for I would not use online

Will look into tweaking with radeonpro when I get home. Not sure if you should remove the link though as there is plenty of swearing. I think that's still a rule.
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290X runs great with it, can't remember what settings I'm using as I haven't had to change them since I installed it months ago, I think from memory the only thing I turned down was shadows. It looks great and runs very well, rarely drops below 60 FPS but it does happen sometimes, say when there's loads of NPCs on the odd mission.

i have it at 1080p everything maxed, no aa , andvanced off, grass on high, in city its perfect 60fps never drops, but as soon i get to country side / farms, its here where it can drop frames, im gonna change the ultra settings to very high and try again, if still get it will turn down the shadows,

i dont see any quality difference between ultra and very high
thanks Slashb0red for letting me drive your car and checking out your garage and sorry for smashing the car :(

I just started playing and was lost so forgive me, hopefully can get used to it :) , seems it will take ages to build up to where you are :(
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thanks Slashb0red for letting me drive your car and checking out your garage and sorry for smashing the car :(

I just started playing and was lost so forgive me, hopefully can get used to it :) , seems it will take ages to build up to where you are :(

More than welcome bud, and don't worry about crashing them, they get fixed when you drive them back into the garage :D

We'll run some more missions later if you're on and we can hopefully get your level up quickly. The one yesterday was a bit nuts but usually if you stay in the car I was using (it's mostly bulletproof), you're golden :D

Hopefully the guns I dropped remain in your inventory too.
thanks Slashb0red for letting me drive your car and checking out your garage and sorry for smashing the car :(

I just started playing and was lost so forgive me, hopefully can get used to it :) , seems it will take ages to build up to where you are :(

Don’t worry about smashing cars up (that’s half the game!). You can pay to get them fixed immediately but you don’t have to, just reload and they’re good as new again.

Progression in the game can seem kind of slow but I think they have judged it very well, you can still get decent gear early enough but there is also still plenty of reasons to keep you playing for hundreds of hours. I think overall, it is balanced very well e.g. you don’t get the RPG ‘til level 100 (I only unlocked that the other day after hundreds of hours playing) but you can buy the Homing RPG launcher at the start.
More than welcome bud, and don't worry about crashing them, they get fixed when you drive them back into the garage :D

We'll run some more missions later if you're on and we can hopefully get your level up quickly. The one yesterday was a bit nuts but usually if you stay in the car I was using (it's mostly bulletproof), you're golden :D

Hopefully the guns I dropped remain in your inventory too.

Hi, yeah shooting in car with normal pistol is abit frustrating, just figured out you can use the SMG pistol in car, its really difficult to drive and shoot with the pad, , do you use control pad ? i use the 360 pad but i feel disadvantaged when against people with mouse,

i never played with keyboard and find it difficult to get used to , always been a console gamer

also i need to lower my settings, woody areas it was not smooth so didn't help, in city it stays at 60fps

yeah will try to come on later

Don’t worry about smashing cars up (that’s half the game!). You can pay to get them fixed immediately but you don’t have to, just reload and they’re good as new again.

Progression in the game can seem kind of slow but I think they have judged it very well, you can still get decent gear early enough but there is also still plenty of reasons to keep you playing for hundreds of hours. I think overall, it is balanced very well e.g. you don’t get the RPG ‘til level 100 (I only unlocked that the other day after hundreds of hours playing) but you can buy the Homing RPG launcher at the start.

you using a 290X Windforce 4GB , mines stays locked at 60fps in city, as soon i get into woody area/ fields it can stutter,

my settings 1080p, everything very high , changed ultra ones to very high, and grass to high, no AA, no advanced , will test again, if that doesnt improve might need to change the very high to high

i cant see it being much difference in graphics quality very high to high ?
Hi, yeah shooting in car with normal pistol is abit frustrating, just figured out you can use the SMG pistol in car, its really difficult to drive and shoot with the pad, , do you use control pad ? i use the 360 pad but i feel disadvantaged when against people with mouse,

i never played with keyboard and find it difficult to get used to , always been a console gamer

also i need to lower my settings, woody areas it was not smooth so didn't help, in city it stays at 60fps

yeah will try to come on later


I (and a fair few on here) use both personally. 360 controller for driving, and then switch to KB&M for shooting and combat - just works really well and switching between the two is completely seamless.

I do tend to use the 360 controller for shooting whilst driving which is far from ideal, but seems to be the most efficient for me. I either shoot really well and drive horribly with the KB&M, or I drive well and shoot not so well with the controller.

Try turning your grass settings down, I have them on low/medium for an acceptable frame rate. On Ultra the performance just tanks when out of the city :o
For those using SweetFX / ReShade, which preset are you guys using?

3 popular choices given the download numbers, any ideas on what I should go with using a i5 4690k & GTX 970 at 1920x1080 res.

♛1.000 Times Better- FINAL VERSION
☣ Quentin's ♣ Realistic ♣ V ☣
K-putt'e Config 1.2

Im using the 1000 times better one. I like it, at first i thought it was a bit too red but i have got used to it now. I do get a 5fps hit though when using it, this is on a 4690 @ 4.6ghz, GTX980Ti @ 1920x1080. It does look very very good though.

I think ♛1.000 Times Better- FINAL VERSION is not using the latest ReShade so there is horrible lag when launching GTA and between loading screens (unless you disable SweetFX which is a PITA)

Disabling sweet fx is easy, Just press "scroll lock"
Got inspired by Jester :p

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