***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

To me that implies anyone who has ever received modded money. In which case most of us who have ever set foot in a public lobby are ****ed.

In which case there would be very few players left to play GTA Online and I would imagine widespread outrage

If it helps i havent been banned after all, and i followed a hacker around collecting almost 2b in cash. no shame.

How much money did the hacker give you? I got €800k from a cheater... I mean 'modder' (thought I might as well get something useful from them for them ruining 50% of free roaming games) one time but that hasn't been a problem.

I got my money about 6 weeks ago and only got banned last Friday, so its far from instant.

I had about $16m in total as I made no effort to not collect it, and was having a great laugh watching the random stuff being spawned and the hilarious things you can do when a massive group of players are stood still in Passive mode (jumping out of your car which then runs them over will kill them even though they are in passive mode :)).

Tbh the session with the hacker was some of the most fun I've ever had on GTA Online. Landing helicopters onto UFOs and parachuting into giant Christmas Trees :D.

But the point is I didn't hack the game, and when the money was spawned on me had zero ability to not accept it, so I've been banned because of the actions of someone else that I was totallly unable to avoid.
I got my money about 6 weeks ago and only got banned last Friday, so its far from instant.

I had about $16m in total as I made no effort to not collect it, and was having a great laugh watching the random stuff being spawned and the hilarious things you can do when a massive group of players are stood still in Passive mode (jumping out of your car which then runs them over will kill them even though they are in passive mode :)).

Tbh the session with the hacker was some of the most fun I've ever had on GTA Online. Landing helicopters onto UFOs and parachuting into giant Christmas Trees :D.

But the point is I didn't hack the game, and when the money was spawned on me had zero ability to not accept it, so I've been banned because of the actions of someone else that I was totallly unable to avoid.

One of the guys I played with "AJ" picked up hacked cash and he contacted R* and basically told them what happened. They removed the cash from his account and he didn't get a ban.
That was about 2 months ago.
What resolution are you running at? Overclocked?

25% drop in FPS is normal for MSAA.

I was running a single 290 at 1080p everything maxed 4x MSAA, 2x MSAA at 1440p.

Don't have grass on Ultra it will destroy your FPS and Very High looks as good imo.

At the moment I'm running 2x 290s at 3440x1440 and I keep around 60fps with just SMAA injected, adding 2x MSAA will drop me to 45 at times.

On the subject of bans: I'm at work so can't check if I'm banned I don't think but I'm pretty confident money from bags is still in my bank.

im at 1080p , running the MSI 290 Gaming at core 1100mhz / Memory 1300mhz, yes i have grass on very high, with 2x aa it can drop to 45fps, but with no AA it stays solid at 60fps, but with sweetfx, im getting drops to 30 fps.

i did re apply MX4 paste and the temps dropped from 90c to 81c this is running heaven bench for 30 mins , when gaming its lower , and the 290 do run hot anyway
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For those using SweetFX / ReShade, which preset are you guys using?

3 popular choices given the download numbers, any ideas on what I should go with using a i5 4690k & GTX 970 at 1920x1080 res.

♛1.000 Times Better- FINAL VERSION
☣ Quentin's ♣ Realistic ♣ V ☣
K-putt'e Config 1.2
My vote would be ☣ Quentin's ♣ Realistic ♣ V ☣.

I think ♛1.000 Times Better- FINAL VERSION is not using the latest ReShade so there is horrible lag when launching GTA and between loading screens (unless you disable SweetFX which is a PITA)

Play around with it though they are all nice, get the latest ReShade (think I downed mine from K-putt'e Config 1.2) and then just swap out presets until you're happy.

I'm currently using ☣ Quentin's ♣ Realistic ♣ V ☣ with the brightness turned up a bit in game. Can make it even nicer by enabling SMAA in the preset and disabling FXAA in preset + game.

Good luck, vanilla game is a no go after using these :P
I've noticed the lag when launching the game with the 1000 times better one. My GTX 970 also makes a horrible coil whine sound during those screens but not in game.

Might try the Quentins one later when I get in.
i played online for the first time, im totally lost, i did play single player for like 1hr, online when im trying to find my way round i was getting killed, so had to put passive mode on, i have a really slow car, i joined into a heist , as i had a slow car and others have super cars, they started and finished it just as i got there lol ,

i guess the more money i make then can buy a better car, but i dont see any shops for car selling ? and how do you save online or dont need too, is it possible to use cars or borrow from friend ?

i played online for the first time, im totally lost, i did play single player for like 1hr, online when im trying to find my way round i was getting killed, so had to put passive mode on, i have a really slow car, i joined into a heist , as i had a slow car and others have super cars, they started and finished it just as i got there lol ,

i guess the more money i make then can buy a better car, but i dont see any shops for car selling ? and how do you save online or dont need too, is it possible to use cars or borrow from friend ?


You can steal the lower value cars and make them your own through the mod shop (think you need to buy insurance etc), a lot of the super cars and more expensive stuff you need to purchase online through your phone.

You can also borrow someones car if they've allowed access to it, but if you're in heists or missions, you'd be better off jumping in another players car, most people usually don't mind if you do.

Add me (Slashb0red) and if I'm online when you are, you're welcome to use some of my cars :)
My first car was a felon which is a great car. If you have a house n garage, steel one of those as I think that is by far the best stolen car that you can mod and keep.

or nick one and sell it.... 9K a pop
im at 1080p , running the MSI 290 Gaming at core 1100mhz / Memory 1300mhz, yes i have grass on very high, with 2x aa it can drop to 45fps, but with no AA it stays solid at 60fps, but with sweetfx, im getting drops to 30 fps.

i did re apply MX4 paste and the temps dropped from 90c to 81c this is running heaven bench for 30 mins , when gaming its lower , and the 290 do run hot anyway
Is there a particular place where it drops or is it just random? There are a few slots around the map that seem to dip fps for no reason, but they are few and far between.

There is definitely something up if you can't keep up 60fps at 1080p with 2x MSAA. Have you checked with afterburner to see what your CPU and gpu usage and clocks are at when the fps drops?

Have you touched the advanced graphics settings at all?
Is there a particular place where it drops or is it just random? There are a few slots around the map that seem to dip fps for no reason, but they are few and far between.

There is definitely something up if you can't keep up 60fps at 1080p with 2x MSAA. Have you checked with afterburner to see what your CPU and gpu usage and clocks are at when the fps drops?

Have you touched the advanced graphics settings at all?

advanced off, with 2x aa, most times its 60fps, but when get to a busy inter section and stay in the middle and look around it drops even drops to 50 fps can feel its not smooth, without AA its stays at 60fps, i see drops in the open field parts , farms, city it stays at 60fps
i played online for the first time, im totally lost, i did play single player for like 1hr, online when im trying to find my way round i was getting killed, so had to put passive mode on, i have a really slow car, i joined into a heist , as i had a slow car and others have super cars, they started and finished it just as i got there lol ,

i guess the more money i make then can buy a better car, but i dont see any shops for car selling ? and how do you save online or dont need too, is it possible to use cars or borrow from friend ?


Add .Lethal you can borrow any of my Super cars, I have them all fully modded :D
I got my money about 6 weeks ago and only got banned last Friday, so its far from instant.

I had about $16m in total as I made no effort to not collect it, and was having a great laugh watching the random stuff being spawned and the hilarious things you can do when a massive group of players are stood still in Passive mode (jumping out of your car which then runs them over will kill them even though they are in passive mode :)).

Tbh the session with the hacker was some of the most fun I've ever had on GTA Online. Landing helicopters onto UFOs and parachuting into giant Christmas Trees :D.

But the point is I didn't hack the game, and when the money was spawned on me had zero ability to not accept it, so I've been banned because of the actions of someone else that I was totallly unable to avoid.

Seems very harsh and counter-productive alright. Also kind of scary since most people must have picked up some modder cash whenever they're around, you can't really avoid it when they spawn it on your head.
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Online seems quicker at loading????

Edit: Wow, yes it is! Joined lethals game almost instantly, launched quick, new game from voting screen in about half the time.

Awesome :)
Anyone know if there is an alternative download for the 5gb piece, as it's near impossible to use now. I'd get more satisfaction at the moment leaving it until Winter and burning it in the park for a bit of heat whilst sipping on a tin of Carlsberg.
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