Can anyone help me out?
I upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7 over the weekend,unfortunately GTA 5 wouldn't work "GTA 5 launcher has stopped working"box comes up.After googling the problem tried running in compatability mode/as administrator on all the launchers(SC launcher,gta.exe etc)no luck.Anyone have any ideas or will i have to redownload the 60 gig again?
Rolled back to Win 7 and it worked.
On a side note last night was great fun,even though i was like a blind man in a a china shop at times
Is your game on the same drive as your OS? I had a ton of problems "upgrading" to windows 10, where as a fresh install worked wonders.
I cant really help, as I would always advise a fresh install other than an upgrade.
And no worries, was good
Few random screenshots(Full res in spoiler) and a random youtube clip of two things I thought were pretty....lucky: