***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

damn you all,

I said I wasn't buying it on PC and my willpower was strong, until 5 minutes ago ;(

quadruple dipped :( 360 my boys ps4 xb1 and now PC, just hope Rockstar are encouraged enough to get GTA6 underway pronto
So I gather that after the concern that it might be another GTA IV, the general consesus appears that the GAT V runs well, and is a very good conversion from the consoles :). I'm looking forward to buying it now, and moving my character across from the Xbox.
Disappointed that it sounds like a good port, I have enough games to play already! :D

Oh well, looks like this will be the first game I play on my new monitor!
steam keeps sending me to rockstar social club for linked accounts,stuck on that page,everything is set up on that page.am I supposed to save this somewhere?
Reports from other sites is that SLI scaling is exceptional.

I have seen 2x 980s running at 97-100% usage and there's a 5k screenshot doing the rounds with 4x Titan X in the high 90s.

Apparently a very good port indeed and you can expect good results with any setup.

The 980s were running 1440p with most things maxed and a solid 60fps at 1440p.
Whacked everything up to max and had a quick half hour on SP. There'll be more taxing parts later in the game no doubt but I was only occasionally dropping below 60fps at 1440p. Looks great.

I think they've done it. All is forgiven :p
I'm not familiar with GTA, and only had a quick 5 minute look this morning - so how are you guys getting your FPS stats? Are you running the in game benchmark or is there a setting/command a la BF4/BFH where you can have it up permanently?

My first impressions of the game were not good this morning. I was like WTF, why would it start up in windowed mode on 800x600 resolution? lol :D I was half asleep and you would be surprised how many times I cycled through the resolution options thinking WTF, how can 1080p not be there?!?!?

Found it in the end though when I remembered it is not 1080x720 (in my sleepy state that was the res I was looking for, I was convinced it should be there!). lol :p

Will play some this afternoon/evening after work and report back on performance.
Reports from other sites is that SLI scaling is exceptional.

I have seen 2x 980s running at 97-100% usage and there's a 5k screenshot doing the rounds with 4x Titan X in the high 90s.

Apparently a very good port indeed and you can expect good results with any setup.

The 980s were running 1440p with most things maxed and a solid 60fps at 1440p.

Super duper sweet! Can't wait to try it.
Do the textures look alright on medium? I had a quick look at the settings last night before bed and noticed that if I put them on high it took my VRAM usage above my card's capacity. I've got a 2GB HD7870, I'll have a proper mess about later when I get in from work , just wondered if anybody had been playing with medium textures and if so wether they looked like ass or not. :p
I'm not familiar with GTA, and only had a quick 5 minute look this morning - so how are you guys getting your FPS stats? Are you running the in game benchmark or is there a setting/command a la BF4/BFH where you can have it up permanently?

I'm sure there's a better way but I just had MSI Afterburner running in the background.
Do the textures look alright on medium? I had a quick look at the settings last night before bed and noticed that if I put them on high it took my VRAM usage above my card's capacity. I've got a 2GB HD7870, I'll have a proper mess about later when I get in from work , just wondered if anybody had been playing with medium textures and if so wether they looked like ass or not. :p

Just been watching my son play with his 270x it looks very good on normal and plays very smooth too :).

Guys, bit confused on the initial set up between Steam and Rockstar Social Club. I currently have a 360 profile in there from when I finished the SP game and my characters have over $1.5b cash each.


During initial setup this morning with the PC version it's asking me to login to Rockstar SC and says it wants a 'Linked Profile' which it tells me will be permananent. Now, with Steam I got the bonus offline and online cash. If I link my old 360 profile when I play the game for the first time on PC does that mean I start off with all the cash and completed stats from my old 360 gameplay? If so, this will mean I lose out on the bonus cash from pre-ordering the PC version before the 14th. That correct? I assume I can't create a new Rockstar SC login now, play using the bonus cash and then at a later date swap over to my old 360 profile? Or am I getting that all wrong?

I iz confuzzled. :confused:
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