Yep will be on as it drops. Really looking forward to this one. Not only because it is the first in months, but also the shear size of it. It will be massive.
Yeah this one I'm definitely looking forward to, I would like to see how the mobile SAM launcher fares against a Hydra as they've been near enough invincible to most ammunition - it's super easy to dodge a homing missile, and it takes about a million rounds with the sniper rifle to get them to start smoking.
Add me if you spot me around, wouldn't mind partaking in some of the content, I've got enough cash to buy everything now but I hate doing work with randoms
I think new players are reliant on the Shark cards and hackers, there's no other way round it for the most part, a couple of mates started playing recently and it must be dull as dishwater for them to watch me mess around in a hyper car while they're stuck with the Elergy - there's not even a great way to make any real money other than grinding PacStan and even that takes hours for not much rewards.