***Official GTAV PC Thread*** [Important warning updated in the OP]

Are there many still playing this?
I got back into it last week to try the solo heist. Its pretty damn good!
For anyone that doesn't know about it. You need to buy a submarine, which normally costs 2.2million, they have it doscounted this week to 1.6million!
Im trying to get back into this, Single player only, but I just can't get used to the vehicles, they are so slippery and uncontrollable, tried vanilla and the redux. Going to stick at it as now with a 3080 can actually run it at a decent fps :)
Online is just a mess, so many script kiddies ruining every lobby.

I got a "Flipping" something or other achievement the other day when i was launched into the air and my car span over and over.... then kept in the air for about 5 minutes before i changed lobby .... That one had hundreds of Subs spawned all over the map..... Next lobby saw everyone on the map insta-killed .... So been in invite-only lobby's since.

On another note ... Anyone got any tips for the scouting mission for Cayo Perico ? It feels like it takes forever when you have to fly out and then walk around on foot for the first time (not gotten as far as finishing the first bit yet...)
On another note ... Anyone got any tips for the scouting mission for Cayo Perico ? It feels like it takes forever when you have to fly out and then walk around on foot for the first time (not gotten as far as finishing the first bit yet...)

If you're doing it solo then you don't need to scope out the whole Island as you can only carry 2 lots of secondary loot, you'd end up wasting a lot of time scoping out things you can't take,
just head straight for the tower and hack the compound camera's to find your main target

it'd be worth watching a few guides on Youtube
If you're doing it solo then you don't need to scope out the whole Island as you can only carry 2 lots of secondary loot, you'd end up wasting a lot of time scoping out things you can't take,
just head straight for the tower and hack the compound camera's to find your main target

it'd be worth watching a few guides on Youtube

Found a decent vid by TCG , Got it down to 15 minutes

Went with Sub for entry via drainage tunnel , Kill the minimum guards i have to , grab the primary objective and the contents of the office safe , and then out and over the cliff into the water to swim away.

Averaging 1mil take each time and have gotten the prep missions down fairly well (Destroying the buzzards is a piece of cake now i've upgraded the sub to have missiles) Only one i find tricky now is collecting the weapons if its the Schlongberg building as those heli's coming at you on the roof are non-stop (and massively overpowered)

If GTA$ are now this easy to come by , I guess that GTA 6 (Or whatever the next one is called) must be on the cards within the next 12 months? I can't see that they'd lose the income from shark-cards so willingly otherwise?
Managed to do the Cayo Perico Heist from starting a new run to finishing in 58 mins. Including scoping and all the setups. This is such an easy way to make money I wonder how R* will nerf it.
yep - I'm currently running it every other day hoarding money before they nerf it! Literally the best way to make money - no point gun smuggling etc when you can run it in under an hour
yep - I'm currently running it every other day hoarding money before they nerf it! Literally the best way to make money - no point gun smuggling etc when you can run it in under an hour

Do you reckon they'll nerf it though? The backlash would be pretty strong

Anyone run it with a group? Wondering if it's worth doing for more loot (double keycard doors) or not?
I think they have to tbh as the only reason to do other stuff at the moment is for fun rather than getting money. I'm jsut not sure how they could nerf it - perhaps somehow make it takes longer or put more guards on the map. I think they would annoy people who are farming it but they aren't the people buying shark cards!

I can't see the point of going with someone else as I always fill my loot bag and get the target and it's done in 17 mins :)
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