Online is just a mess, so many script kiddies ruining every lobby.
On another note ... Anyone got any tips for the scouting mission for Cayo Perico ? It feels like it takes forever when you have to fly out and then walk around on foot for the first time (not gotten as far as finishing the first bit yet...)
Well just got back into GTA and after a few runs through, how easy is the Cayo Perico heist solo?
Very easy money once you have the sub etc.
Is natural vision the main recommended graphical mod?Praying for GTA 6 to be set in Vice City.
Recently started playing GTA V on PC it gives the 3080 a task at 4k with Natural Vision mods
If you're doing it solo then you don't need to scope out the whole Island as you can only carry 2 lots of secondary loot, you'd end up wasting a lot of time scoping out things you can't take,
just head straight for the tower and hack the compound camera's to find your main target
it'd be worth watching a few guides on Youtube
Nopixel 3.0 has been class.. GTA online would be nothing without RP
yep - I'm currently running it every other day hoarding money before they nerf it! Literally the best way to make money - no point gun smuggling etc when you can run it in under an hour