Official Home Gym Building Thread

23 Dec 2006
Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK, Earth!
Decided I’ve had enough of the heat in my gym in the summer, so hoping this can punch through it:


WiFi app, so hoping it works such that I can turn it on before I leave work and will hopefully arrive home to a cooler gym (30-40 minutes of cooling). 9000BTUs for a 3x2m should do it.


Not sure how many years I’m going to get out of the roof of this thing, but it’s held up better than I ever expected. Will be a pain to repair/replace, but I wouldn’t train anywhere else.
That's a cracking idea. What kind of gym setup is this? Have you got any posts up with more information?
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20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Anyone have any tips on telling quality of gym flooring before purchase online?

In my old shed i had some of the click foam matting from Halfords but it was a bit crappy, dented easily and separated with any kind of movement. Wouldn't mind the same kind of style, but heavier/better quality.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
Anyone have any tips on telling quality of gym flooring before purchase online?

In my old shed i had some of the click foam matting from Halfords but it was a bit crappy, dented easily and separated with any kind of movement. Wouldn't mind the same kind of style, but heavier/better quality.

Buy it from a reputable gym equipment seller such as Origin?
14 Mar 2011
The thing about horse stall mats is sometimes I have heard they can use quite a stinky rubber for them which can really be quite nasty - especially at first, very fume-y and some people even claim the smell never really dissapates

Whereas the ones I got did have a slight smell to them at first it very quickly went away, let me just find the ones I got:

I went for the thicker 18mm and they are very heavy duty... quite bit as well at 6x4' so depending on what space you are flooring it doesn't take that many to cover - I think I used just under 6 to floor an entire single garage with a little bit left over (and I used the offcuts of that to make some kind of pads to further reinforce the floor in the spot I do my DLs in)
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Got the flooring. I couldn't bring myself to not be cheap, although these were from a dedicated gym supplier and are a step up from the really cheap Halfords ones i had before. Shame the red is more pink though!

I also ordered some new plates, but the 5kg ones have developed this weight discolouring. Anyone had this before? Not really an issue but a little boring. Also never realised the 1.25/2.5kg plates were just big solid rubber ones which is a bit rubbish, as they're huge so a bit useless for dumbells. The perils of ordering online!


Now just need to do something about the bugs. The room i'm using is a kind of pool house with a big glass curtain wall. The main issue is that the bathroom in there stinks as it's built ontop of the septic tank, which seems into the rest of the building. I then have to keep some of the glass curtains open. However tried to use the room last night and just got mauled by mosquitos/other bitey things :(
16 Mar 2004
6 Aug 2009
I got mine from about 15 years ago. No smell, interlocking so zero movement. Really heavy duty, only minor marking under where I definitely don't drop my deadlifts.....

I do put a yoga mat down when lying on the floor, especially in the winter as it's an outdoor concrete shed with a concrete floor, a bit chilly....
They look like really good mats. Need to finish sorting my garage out, just need some dry weather now!
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