How's this look?
Looks great, I own that rack and highly recommend it.
Do you need some clamp collars for the dumbbell? As the spring collars slide off mine.
Are the springs from fitness superstore weak? I'll have to proper look at them.
Are the springs from fitness superstore weak? I'll have to proper look at them.
Plan is to clear out the garage on Saturday and then go to fitness superstore HQ on Sunday to look at kit and probably buy it all. Depending on time I may have it all set up Sunday evening.
They seem no different from any I have used at various gyms. It seems a lot of people have issues with spring collars sliding off oly dumbell handles. The springs work fine with a bar.
Also what exercises are you going to use the dumbbells for? I originally got them for pressing but that didn't work out that well.
How are you going to transport it all?!
Quite a few. You had problems pressing with DBs?
Are you buying it up front or using finance?
0% credit card.
Can be a pain to get setup. I also don't have that much rubber matting so I have to press in the rack which causing problems with the dumbbells hitting the rack when setting up or putting them down. The screw clamps also need tightening every set.