*** Official Kinect Thread ***

Just picked one up with Kinect Sports as the girlfriend is coming over for a week so thought it would be fun, might pick up Dance Central next week. I was pleasantly surprised that the games are only 39.99 Euros so once I have my tax back and then into pounds the work out pretty cheap. We normally get screwed for game prices here.
Has anyone walked into store and bought one today without a pre-order? Im considering cancelling my pre-order and just picking one up today, due to the delay!

Sonic Free Riders yo
Just got in from work (half day yea!) - glad I have a porch as the nice deliver man left it inside, not set it up yet, food first!

Not bad considering I only ordered 2-3 weeks ago!
Picked up mine today, im very surprised how good it is:)

Now if they bought out a Bladerunner game for this id be in heaven, Enhance 40 to 62,,, pan right, with all those cool bleepy sounds:)
What Games have people got then?

I got Kinect Adventures and Your Shape Fitness Evolved

Just did a 20min stint of Your Shape, kind of funky but part of the "mat" area was my wardrobe so it wouldn't always register, might need to up the height of the sensor!

Tempted by Dance Central!
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