*** Official Kodi (née XBMC) Thread ***

Does anyone have lock ups in Kodi when trying to record two programmes and then fast forward on the programme that is being watched?

I have come up with a random (probably completely wrong) theory and would be interested in your thoughts.

Could it possibly be to do with hdd that the programmes are stored on struggling to read and write all that data at the same time? If so would using an SSD help do you think?
I bought the Amazon Fire stick yesterday and put Kodi on it.

Haven't really used Kodi/XBMC much in the past, but plenty of info on the web. Installed a couple of Chinese add-ons and it streams 1080p files from the PC just fine.

I have noticed occasional sluggish-ness in the menus, but can't complain for £25. The only thing is, it's now created an urge to build a dedicated Kodi PC!
Have a bit of a problem.

Went away for 3 weeks and came home to my rpi2 being able to see all my media on my NAS but not able to play any of it and youtube and spotimc not working. I also cant seem to get it to check for addon updates.

Have a rpi1 B+ in bedroom thats unaffected.

Both are running the latest stable openelec build.

Any ideas what might of happened or how to fix it?
My Pi2 running OSMC did something similar : library populated but the network connection appeared to be non functional. A reboot fixes it. I have no solution yet, but I'm going to try OpenElec to see.
Gaffer if menus seem sluggish try a different skin some of them are a but faster. Myself I use the metropolis one as I like info on stuff I watch tho is a bit slower than some skins but I make do.
Either try it out on an existing PC or possibly get a Pi 2 and stick OpenElec on it?

I bought a generic box from Amazon and flashed a wasser firmware to update it to android 442. Has a custom xbmc on which is great. Great to stream PC games from PC with asomit from play store and hooks to my PCs WiFi using nvidia experience. And some emulators using a 360 pad.

Oh u can use ur android phone to control too.
I've been exploring Kodi since installing a little GPU in an old slimline PC.

I still feel like I don't really understand. The Kodi forums help somewhat but there is so much to it and then so much that isn't explained for newbies like myself so I find it overwhelming and wish I could just ask someone how to achieve what i'm after..

Anyone using Kodi with a MCE remote? I seem to have got it set up how moderately how I like it. But wondering if I can remap the numbers to reorder playlists while a playlist is up and behave normally elseware?

Where are the xml files to modify a skin? I'm using Aeon Nox and I want to modify it so the now playing info stays up longer than 10seconds.. I read what I need to change on the kodi forums yet no explanation where to find such files :|

Few other things I mention on a thread on the kodi forum, which so far no replies :p

Cheers guyz!
Kodi is now on google play, don't know if this helps or changes anything for anyone, would be nice on amazon app store for fire tv sticks so you don't have to mess about creating a shortcut :)
Has anyone setup the mySql sharing of libraries?

I have setup mySql on my home server (Windows Server 2008 R2) (where my media is also hosted) and also installed Kodi on it for configuration purposes.

I have pushed an advancdsettings.xml file to my AFTV Stick and it appears to be working in as much as it's pulling the list of movies and TV shows I have on my server and I can watch them fine. However, what it's not doing is pulling the thumbnails in the list.

The thumbnails all show up fine on the server install of Kodi.

Any ideas what I need to do to get this working?

In my advancedsettings.xml I have a path substitution for thumbnails to tell Kodi not to use the local storage but to use the one on the server. Maybe this doesn't actually work? Should each Kodi install just use it's local source for thumbnails/artwork?

I have my server install of Kodi redirecting the thumbnails off the installation drive (an SSD) onto my storage drives, and it works perfectly :)

 [MySQL library stuff here]
I have my server install of Kodi redirecting the thumbnails off the installation drive (an SSD) onto my storage drives, and it works perfectly :)

 [MySQL library stuff here]

Hmm, odd, pretty much what I have. Everything else appears to work ok. I backed up my library, setup the mySql sharing and then re-imported it. The install of Kodi on my server shows everything ok. I wonder if I have to do a re-scan or a clean or something of my libraries?
Hi I just installed openelec on my new pi. Everything is going fine but I'm having issues with certain files with 5.1 audio. I'm only running the Pi to a 50" plasma. I cant seem to find the option in the network settings to play everything native. Some blu ray rips stream flawlessly but others the audio is really stuttering.

Any ideas?
I know I've been through them all and I can't find it. There's a bloke on youtube showing you how to do it in the network settings but I dont seem to have the same preferencecs as him.
I know I've been through them all and I can't find it. There's a bloke on youtube showing you how to do it in the network settings but I dont seem to have the same preferencecs as him.

Have you changed your settings level to Expert? It's standard by default which hides some of the settings.
Is there a cheap remote for android box nano 2 i think my sister said she had. As the one that came with it is rubbish. I saw xbox style ones on amazon for a tenner ish that a lot seem to be recommended but is there anything cheaper that can control a android box and in turn xbmc. Somit that recognizes all the controls like menu button pointer/cursor button thing and home button that puts u back to android desktop etc. If it has touch pad then cool. Saw some other controller on amazon for about same price that looked like a remote shape full of stuff and a thumb pad thingy but dunno like i said if theres anything cheaper that just works.

She doesnt wana use smartphone and has a xbox controller but wireless with a wire adaptor but doesnt work for some reason compare to my proper wires windows version of 360 pad on my home android box.
Ok, so I got the thumbnail issue resolved. It was caused by me importing an exported library into mySql. This left all the files pointing to paths local to the server. Once I deleted the library and started again, it all worked ok.

My next problem is bookmarks.

Using mySql, you are supposed to be able to watch something on one device, stop it and resume it on another. But this seems to be pretty flaky for me, when it even works!

Is there anywhere else that bookmarks are stored if not using mySql?
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