*** Official Kodi (née XBMC) Thread ***

Brilliant cheers guys. I had found that guide and wasn't sure if there was any difference in procedure between the box and the stick.
Just installed Kodi on my stick, I have no 'Get add ons' option? Any ideas?

Options I have are:
My add-kns
install from repository
install from zip file

Already installed a couple from zip file and it said the add ons were enabled but I can't seem to have access to the get add on feature.
Just installed Kodi on my stick, I have no 'Get add ons' option? Any ideas?

Options I have are:
My add-kns
install from repository
install from zip file

Already installed a couple from zip file and it said the add ons were enabled but I can't seem to have access to the get add on feature.

Sounds like you have installed Isengard the wording has changed slightly. I think you have to go into my add ons first.
Still having problems with the audio/stutter video on dts/dolby5.1. I've enabled 0casching but no difference.

I'm not running through an amp just using a pi2 and my tv streaming from computers. I tried putting the video on a usb and plugging dirrectly into the pi and still the same problems.

My blu ray player can handle the format on usb so there's some sort of decoding problem with the pi 2.

Any ideas?
I dabbled with an SQL DB when i was using one client only. Now I want to try multi clients (not on db at the mo due to an unrelated issue).

If I configure the library location and SQL details in client A, what do I configure in client B etc? Just the SQL DB details? In my mind I'm going to get every client scanning the library and updating the database where really that only has to happen once, with the first client.
It really is as simple as dropping the "advancedsettings.xml" file with the DB details onto each of the additional clients. I also copy the "sources.xml" file across too.

It means you can add an additional system in about 13 seconds :)
Thansk quick answer!! Yeah, I should just RTFM, for ref:

"Since the database has now been set up on the MySQL server, all you need to do for any additional devices is add the advancedsettings.xml file. You don't need to do any of the other steps, such as rescanning or reimporting. If it works on one device then it should work on all of them, as they are basically sharing the same "brain"."

So last question for me on this: for automatic library updates, I schedule this on only one machine, and that will populate the DB and the other clients just "know"?
Yeah, just schedule it on the one machine :) I have my server running Kodi, and that scans for new content regularly. Everything else just picks it up :)

If you're using a mixture of Windows and Linux boxes, be sure to check my notes in the first post of this topic.
Interesting about the different Kodi versions and path syntax.

I have a mix of Pi2 and Android clients. I'll need to make sure they are on the same version.
Interesting about the different Kodi versions and path syntax.

I have a mix of Pi2 and Android clients. I'll need to make sure they are on the same version.

Yeah basically what will happen if you have a server with MySQL DB running but different client versions, is that you'll have a different database version for each differing version of Kodi.

For instance, all my machines are still on 14.2 with a database version of 90. If I install v15 on my Android tablet and configure it to use the MySQL database server, it will create a new database version of 92 - which none of the other Kodi clients will be using, so you'll end up with 2 differing library databases. However, once the remaining clients are all updated to Kodi 15, then they should all start to use 92 version database so they'll all be in sync again.

I'm holding off installing Kodi 15 until after next week when the server is getting Windows 10 installed, by then Openelec 6 should be out for my RPi2.
Just come back to this after a couple of years, picked up a amazon fire tv box and installed it all with a few addons, i have to say im impressed with this little box and kodi is working wonders.

It is pretty much as i remember it but all very different at the same time, xbmc was always very polished and the best offering but it really has become the only option for what it is. Testament really to the years of work and how far it has come from the XBOX days.
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