***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

Its great, i just keep ending up with a bunch of retards when i play public.

The problem is 16 mutations is far too long a cycle time... They should've done 4 a week or something.
Tbh people will say that about a lot of them, but i suspect only Realism vs will become permanent.

Its great fun to play though it needs Expert to make it truly edgey rather than just a mad rush.
Realism vs is good, it's Bleed Out that's crap.

It's a good basic idea, but whoever thought that constant hordes was necessary needs to be handed their P45.

It wouldn't make it fun in regular campaign, and it just ruins Bleed Out totally.
I'm losing patience with this game fast now, been having server crashes all night when trying to play with friends, been getting kicked out of games for no reason, and i've been having random instant kill moments in versus mode all night e.g i spawn as a charger and i'm seemingly killed in one shot from a stray bullet at great distance. I managed to jockey someone over a ledge in the mall, they must have only fallen 10ft onto some stairs below but they were still killed instantly, yet when one of his teammates dropped down to go and get his health kit he didn't even take damage, It seemed completely unfair for the guy and actually cost the other team the match.

And also how half the time your swings never connect when your a tank, but you get some people who hit you from miles away.

Rant over :)

No more L4D for me for a while i think.
I'm losing patience with this game fast now, been having server crashes all night when trying to play with friends, been getting kicked out of games for no reason, and i've been having random instant kill moments in versus mode all night e.g i spawn as a charger and i'm seemingly killed in one shot from a stray bullet at great distance. I managed to jockey someone over a ledge in the mall, they must have only fallen 10ft onto some stairs below but they were still killed instantly, yet when one of his teammates dropped down to go and get his health kit he didn't even take damage, It seemed completely unfair for the guy and actually cost the other team the match.

And also how half the time your swings never connect when your a tank, but you get some people who hit you from miles away.

Rant over :)

No more L4D for me for a while i think.

Ah well. Can't say I've experienced some of those problems. But the tank issues is just something I overcame.

In the words of Billy Sheehan. "She'll be back". :p
Realism vs is good, it's Bleed Out that's crap.

It's a good basic idea, but whoever thought that constant hordes was necessary needs to be handed their P45.

It wouldn't make it fun in regular campaign, and it just ruins Bleed Out totally.

Its suppose to make it fast paced... regular coop you can take at any sodding pace you like so long as you're team is even semi-competant. Constant hordes makes it a proper push for the safe room knowing that you can't heal and you're constantly losing hp.

Though i do wish they'd stop you losing hp before the saferoom door is opened.
Well the fact that you're bleeding is what makes it fast paced. I'd support an "option" for continuous hordes but I think forcing it on by default ruins the mutation. If anything, it makes it slower paced because you can't move for zombies.
Well the fact that you're bleeding is what makes it fast paced. I'd support an "option" for continuous hordes but I think forcing it on by default ruins the mutation. If anything, it makes it slower paced because you can't move for zombies.

the zombies all spawn behind you and there are far far less zombies just standing around in front of you than normal.

If you keep the pace up you'll only have to kill the one or two in front of you as most are stuck behind.
Maybe it didn't like me shooting through the saferoom door... because i definatly lost hp while we were waiting for someone to load... very slowly...
the zombies all spawn behind you and there are far far less zombies just standing around in front of you than normal.

I had them pouring at me from every single direction. It was impossible to get away.

If you keep the pace up you'll only have to kill the few hundred in front of you as not many are stuck behind.

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