***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

I felt a sense of loss seeing bill dead on the floor, like when you cat dies or goldfish lol. Not something I feel for any of the new survivros. L4D2 is officially dead I think. I though there was going to be some nice interaction and dialogue with the old survivors, a waste of time them even being in it.

There is some dialogue and interaction.
The new dlc is awful imho. The old cast just stood in one place while you circle around like morons to get to them. I thought they would be fighting alongside you or at least be around more. Good job it was free on pc...unlucky to all you 360 people who wasted money on this.
What were you doing in Sheffield anyway, i could've thrown something at you while i was at uni :p

Hope everything goes smoothly >< Anyone know if theres something that governs what the Fallen Survivors actually hold or if its entirely random based on the server cfg?
have to say the new campaign is very well layed out. its a blast to play

and realism versus is too... really hope they keep it. makes it a real return to old school l4d... edgy and unknown

sure the implementation of characters was ****, i dont get why they try and have any story whatsoever as its just pants and not what the games about.

but give the campaign a go in versus and realism versus. very very good
Well its understandable that they should try and include the old survivors after all the bitching on the steam forums (lol). But it just seemed so half arsed, they could've done so much more with the interaction between survivors and instead all they really did was give them 2 brief conversations. Hell the teaser trailer was probably the best 1. Still, the campaign is good and at least they learnt from Crash Course and didn't make the finale part of another level.

They must release a Midnight Riders update at some point, they're just teasing about it now what with the tour bus speeding past :p
Yer, hes dead on the floor, in the room next to the generator on the final level ;)

Found him ... tbh, I was so engrossed in what was going on around me that Bill (at first) was just another dead body. I did feel sorry. Shame.

Speaking of playing with 'unknowns' though, I've been having a really hard time hooking up with players who actually know what they're doing. Is there a group here I can join ... and would you mind another blow-in joining?

EDIT: Oops ... just read first post. My bad. Will promise to read more in future :D
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fallen is awesome for coop, but for versus I don't want it.... atleast it's not as annoying as armoured for incapped survivors (or in alleys)... damn 1 of them can kill you way too easily
They must release a Midnight Riders update at some point, they're just teasing about it now what with the tour bus speeding past :p

There was a bus?

Speaking of playing with 'unknowns' though, I've been having a really hard time hooking up with players who actually know what they're doing. Is there a group here I can join ... and would you mind another blow-in joining?

Have a look at the OcUK Steam Names List in my sig and get adding a few people from there.

Seems there's a mod out there now for enabling a whole rake of different mutation modes, some of them sound really lame though particularly vs co-op, there just seems to be no point to it.
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Its an easter egg on the second level after you exit the bar and go up the construction site, they zoom past with the horn on. Seems to be completely random if it happens.

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