***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

Been randomly adding people from the OcUK list as mouldybread, before realising none of you would have any idea that I'm from OcUK and not just a spammer :p so now I'm mouldybread-q-FoxEye.

Aka "the cannon fodder". Feel free to add me to any game where skill is not important, or you need someone to make you look better :p
I could do with a game of this tomorrow night, before I head off to Manchester for a few days and then get back just in time to socialise all weekend.
I know this is cheeky but someone here worked some of the original L4D maps to work on L4D2, does anyone know;

a. Who it was
b. How many they finished
c. can I DL them and run them on our 6 L4D2 servers :o

lots of love

I know this is cheeky but someone here worked some of the original L4D maps to work on L4D2, does anyone know;

a. Who it was
b. How many they finished
c. can I DL them and run them on our 6 L4D2 servers :o

lots of love

Hippos and Kearney put a lot of work into converting the maps, although there was a project lead called Heartless, I think, and he worked on them all. Not sure where they are though - I heard there may have been a less than amicable split.
I think i'll wait till i'm sure VAC won't throw a hissy fit :p

Modifying the FoV for guns client side sounds a little too close for comfort.
I was about to type it won't touch vac, then noticed it used a custom dll... would stay avay from that tbh, just incase

Indeed, he says it won't conflict with it but i want to know how much of that statement is backed up by evidence and how much is theoretical...
I don't understand how people can hate the DLC because of the slight lack of interaction between the survivors. Imo thats the least important part of it, I enjoy playing the actual game.
we don't hate it because of that (atleast I don't). the problem was, it was promoted as having some cool interactions with original survivors, fight alongside them etc etc. When it was just them standing on the side for 1 map and a few lines of dialogue
Good game tonight, shame we couldn't get 8 people for a realism vs, where were you Tefal!
It certainly makes vs a lot harder which is good for teamwork as well as fun which we had tonight.
Apologies to those who invited me last night - I was on a long phone call and didn't even see them until nearly 10pm. I appreciate the invites, however. Am away in Manc now for a few days, but I'll be available over the weekend :)
Good game tonight, shame we couldn't get 8 people for a realism vs, where were you Tefal!
It certainly makes vs a lot harder which is good for teamwork as well as fun which we had tonight.

Yeah sorry internets died :(

with only a single pistol :|

I need to re add baseball bats to saferooms, it's annoying without them

After all the talk of removing melee cause it's over powered :p
Yeah sorry internets died :(

After all the talk of removing melee cause it's over powered :p

internet failed? stop being a noob!!

I only want the bats so I can have dual pistols every map, or not be stuck with a frying pan because that's what it spawned me with and someone else has my pistol. Some kind of choice would be nice.
Anyone else feel that the boomer has been badly nerfed? The bile radius seems to be a bit better but explosion radius seems less. Boomer used to be my favourite but it seems pretty useless now for some reason. Is it just me?
Info on the new mutation (apologies if this has been posted already and correct thread this time :p)....


This week we introduce a new mutation, reveal poll results, put the game in your hands, have a Boomer sighting, and more!

New Mutation
Bleed Out
Your health is a ticking away!
With constant mobs chasing you, there's no time for standing around. You have no permanent health, only temporary health that is continuously ticking away. You won't find any health packs to restore your health, only pills and adrenaline. This mutation is for Campaign mode.

Remember, each week a new mutation will be coming out, so you need to check back every week.

Poll Results
Last week's in-game poll asking who your favorite L4D2 character was resulted in an interesting stat. 360 users were clearly Ellis fans with him winning by a wide margin with 43% of the vote. PC users were split with Nick and Ellis coming in a virtual tie with 33%. Reading the forums, Rochelle surged a bit in popularity after people watched her in "The Passing" teaser. Our internal poll tells us we should make more teasers.

This Week's Poll
While last week's poll was interesting, this week's in-game poll actually changes the game. The question? Should we make Realism Versus a permanent game mode? This is by far the most important vote you will cast this year. For 360 owners, you must own "The Passing" to vote in this poll.
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