***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

Tis strange:confused:

My L4d update is coming down at about 650kbs, but L4D2 and add on support are grinding along at about 25kbs lol.

Why don't they modify Steam so it works like torrent software?

If Steam is updating and you start a game it automatically pauses, so while it's updating it wouldn't matter if you were uploading the files you already have to make everyone elses downloads speed up.
Highly modified :p 10v10 server

As u might have noticed all servers are currently down. The steam servers are overloaded so we can't even download the update anymore at this point, and it seems to get worse every second. Like 0.01% of the dedicated server download takes about 30 minutes, and people that have completed it are reporting crashes anyway.

So... we're probably looking at entire reinstalls of all servers and a redo of some mods/plugins (source, metamod etc.).

That means we are facing some serious downtime here, I think we will probably back up tomorrow evening (CET) at the earliest.

Nice work Valve, That DLC better be damn good!
I saw the 4 pack on sale, grabbed it and then found out about the server problems. 1.3Mb downloaded before it ground to a halt, Woohoo.
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