***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

Interesting... I would assume then baseball bats and the like are superior to the existing weapon melee in some way, else what's the point?

And I assume (at least) the bigger/better melee weapons can harm other team members...

You'd certainly expect a baseball bat to be more harmful than a frying pan or a guitar anyways but guess we'll just have to wait and see.

If you want to do some testing when the game comes out I can wallop you with all the different weapons to see what happens :D

Would be awful funny if a mis-swung chainsaw resulted in a headless survivor.

Thanks Antar.

On that note, guess I'd best upload that new L4D Names file you sent me... :p

Think I need to update it again. It's almost like people wait for the update to be made before posting their name.
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I hope I can twonk Steve on the head with a pan with a satisfying TWANG sound.

Lol. Yeah. The hours and hours of work we put in for free and the money we pay out for the servers is nothing compared creating a steam group and leaving people to it.

That isn't an insult to Nieldo either - I'm sure he'd agree.

You clearly are looking for some sort of reaction, or are a bit slow.
I think he just meant: thanks for the hours of super happy fun times playing the game, rather than creating the group.

Anyway, I'm sure he will see the light when he hears a few impressions.
What! That's terrible! How am I meant to get immersed in a game killing zombies if my melee weapons don't break after repeated usage. My brain will just be nudging me continually telling me that something is wrong. :(

Ah well, just have to get used to it I guess :p

Must be a bitch for loggers image all those axes breaking every time you try to chop down a tree.. :p
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