** Official Mayhems Development Log **

Aurora 2

Hey Mick,

Any news on when Aurora version 2 is likely to hit the shelves? and what are the potential imperovements from original version - just interested>

Aurora has all ready been upgraded somewhat. We won’t be actually calling it aurora 2. Atm we have already done some improvements to the mixture and as it stands it is version 1.2. The improvements are we added more chemicals into the mix to make the Aurora more slippery and fixed the wall effect that was happening. We have also been looking at what the main issues are and some of them we will never be able to fix. However we will explain why at a later date and this has actually nothing to do with Aurora but radiators and the way they are made.
Aurora has all ready been upgraded somewhat. We won’t be actually calling it aurora 2. Atm we have already done some improvements to the mixture and as it stands it is version 1.2. The improvements are we added more chemicals into the mix to make the Aurora more slippery and fixed the wall effect that was happening. We have also been looking at what the main issues are and some of them we will never be able to fix. However we will explain why at a later date and this has actually nothing to do with Aurora but radiators and the way they are made.


Thanks for that,Just one more question,is the latest version still not reccomended for every day watercooling systems or is that now ok?

can you think of why my pastal red is starting to go clearer it looks like its going more like x1, i have only ran aurora then x1 and flushed with di water.
Never heard of it going clear and we have never seen that happen. Are you running any type of filer in your system. Is there any thing in you system blocking up ports. Check you CPU block to see if there is any thing in there filtering or causing a build up such as platersizer. Pastel is based on 40/60nm sized particals.
no no filter in system and its only been up and running for about 8 weeks after fitting new cpu block and hoses, re-used pastal. I am going to drain it down at weekend and look, its only in the tube res that it looks a bit strange.
Let me know how is goes, as said never seen it before in the 3 years with working with it. If there is a problem i defo would need to get a sample from you and as much info asp so we can track down what may be the issue.
Are these new colours, or the current ones? That red at the top looks like the exact colour I was wanting for my loop, but what I've currently got is a little on the pink side (it's the grape red). Could be tempted to switch to it...
its just a hairs breath away from ROG colour .... ;) Don't forget though it ill look a little different with tubing and lighting is involved. But its all fun :)
Need that pastel red, that is exaxtly the right shade I am after. I gave also tried the grape red and currently using your light red with a few extra drops of red dye. Still kinda pinkish so this would be perfect.

BTW your youtube tutorials are great so was tempted to make my own perfect shade, but seeing as your bringing out pre-made and me being quite lazy. I'll wait a little longer ha ha.
With the orange pastel could the new concentrate bottle be used to deepen the colour? I really prefer the colour of the Orillia Orange but im concerned about the life span of the aurora fluids
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