** Official Mayhems Development Log **

Ok Mick stupid question time now, first is it possible to mix old pastel red with a bit of Tharsis Red ?
second can I mix the Mayhems X1 - Blood Red Concentrate with Tharsis Red ?
Third Can I mix Blood Red Concentrate with old red pastel.
I managed to mix pastel red old one with just the red dye but i'm not sure if I like it.
post piccy in a bit to see what you think.
Aurora - vegetable extract
Pastel - Vegetable extract
X1 - Vegetable extract
Dyes - water based
These will all work with each other

XT-1 - Glycol based
Dye water Based
These can be mixed with each other.

Never Mix Glycol + Vegetable extract together.
Excellent keep eye for my concoction very soon. :D

This is how it looks now Pastel red with dye added.

This is your red:
and your deep red
dont take this in the wrong way but i have a feeling this will go wrong for you in the end. Red dye cannot be seen in PPM (parts per million), blue can. What this means is that to get this so red you are adding a massive amount of extra stuff into you loop. Doing this will eventually hit saturation meaning that at some point the water will not be able to hold the chemicals any longer and will reject the colour and nano particles and give you a biomass build up.

I hope this doesn't happen but you are defo taking our fluids and pushing the boundries way beyond what i would estimate as "a safe bet".
I totally understand what your saying Mick, Not going to go any further with it now anyway.
My plan was to get a darker/brighter red and to show movement of the fluid which I have done. Also It isn't as bright as it looks in the pictures I will run this for a while and probably go for your deep red.
OH! and thanks Mick. :D
Really interested in the Pastel Red for my upcoming build. Fantastic colour and it'll sit well with my ROG board.

I'm planning on using one of these:

No hotlinks

Can anyone tell me if the Pastel will drown out the black propeller/blade?
X1 should be changed out every 9 to 12 months.

The lamps wont be for sale as we couldn't secure a price i was willing to pay for them (they got greedy). So we have only 10 of them and i know use them for photo work.
Stupid question time again Mick :confused:
Can you re-use any of the liquids ? like drain leave it stand in bottle and use at a later date.
yeh you can, its best to put them though a fine coffee filter. How ever the time limits still apply

X1 = 1 year
Aurora = 1 year max (lose aurora effect)
Pastel = 3 years
XT1 = 1 year
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