** Official Mayhems Development Log **

I messed up this is what you get for "Not" wearing your glasses. The tubing is Tygon E1000


The biggest issue is the compression fittings. Its not perfect how ever if your careful it works fine just don't go tugging on the fittings. Because the stuff is so flexible when in a compression fitting it is not as tight as fit as most would like.
I'm looking to buy some 8/11mm hose for my upcoming build. Can you recommend any clear tubing that'll not leach over time?

I had a look at the Tygon plasticiser free tubing but it's only available in long lengths which I can't afford :(
Hi Mick,

I've got the original Gigabyte Orange pastel, and a bottle of red dye, would adding just the red dye make the fluid more deeper orange as it looks very peachy at the moment, or do I need another colour dye as well?

Thanks :)
Im sorry guys but this post is for OCUK not any thing we hold in stock. please refrain from discussions on this post about stuff that is not stocked on OCUK site as it is rather rude to do so. If you make a new post ill chat to you about it on there but not in this particular post.

thank you for your understanding on this matter.

Were working on it. The problem we have we need very specific things and these things cannot be bought right now, so were buying in equipment to make them our self, How ever this equipment isn't cheap and no one knows if it will work. Don't you just love science :).
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