** Official Mayhems Development Log **


Mayhems laser Green being used to its full effect.

Well things are progressing we've upgraded the new water making system even further.

New readings as of today And its "SUNDAY" MAHAHAHA

PPM 0.00 to 0.02 (6 out of 10 test were unreadable due to them being so low our equipment could not read it)
EC 0.01 to 0.02 (6 out of 10 test were unreadable due to them being so low our equipment could not read it)
Ph 7@20c, 7.2@24c, 7.5@25c
ORP 22c@102Mv
Production System 1 @ 50 Ltrs Per Hour . System 2 @ 250 Ltrs Per Hour
... in his latest master peaces... gone into this peace... Like our Motto "We give you the tools, You make the master peace."...this particular peace...

Mayhems, i would double check the spelling as i think it is "piece" like "masterpiece" and not "peace" - not unless you are going for a clever play on words :)

I wouldnt want your motto to be wrong - though i should mention it :)
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Mayhems, i would double check the spelling as i think it is "piece" like "masterpiece" and not "peace" - not unless you are going for a clever play on words :)

I wouldnt want your motto to be wrong - though i should mention it :)

Thank you i have changed it. :).
I like the lime yellow. Why do this to me, I've only had my uv green fluid in for a few weeks and now you are making me want to change it already :)
How thoroughly do I need to flush a system when changing pastel coolant?

The stuff I've got in my system is about 2 years old now (actually a little over, as I've got lazy & busy), and as the lifetime is meant to be about 2 years, I'm going to be flushing & replacing soon.

Is a complete empty, then a rinse through with de-ionised water sufficient, or should I be looking at taking blocks apart to clean etc?
Well actually it will last a lot longer (3 years plus) so if your happy you can keep it the way it is. But if you wish to change it will need a very Long and good flush out (about 1/2 Hour). It all ways best to fully strip and clean in case any platersizer has built up.
I'm about to rebuild my loop - do you know when the lime pastel will be on sale?

Oh well the base ingredients are market up to turn up on the 15th of Aug then it will be made on the 16th,17th and 18th, and should be down at the warehouse by the 19th were we will then put it up on sale. Thats if and only if they do turn up.
What can cause Pastel to change colour, my red has lost its brigtness and has turned a reddish brown. In the res it looks like to due is seperating as well.

The system was flushed with mayhems pure h2o before filling and its the new primochill tubing, withcpper blocks and rad.
Hi there ribj20. Mayhems Pastel Red is very PH sensitive this mean the liquid need be be kept around Ph 7.5 if at all possible Give or take +/- 1 Ph. So if you system has not been flushed correctly and you have elements of solder or flux left over then it can easily change the colour of the dye in you system. To balance it out better before you use any liquids in you system we recommend you first clean your system with water (tap water will do) then using Bicarb (the baking soda you can get from any shop) mix 1 TSP with some water and rinse the system though again (this will neutralize any acid in the system), then finally flush with DI water.

Because you have had a issue you can contact me at "michael at mayhems dot co dot uk" i will replace your fluids. All i need off you is you receipt (prof of purchase) your full name and address and telephone number and a little link point to this thread.
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