**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

10 Sep 2009
There is never ever one answer when it comes to bottlenecks. So many variables. One person says their CPU is the bottleneck but they might be trying to run it at 1080p 144fps on low settings. Someone with exactly the same PC could say it's the GPU holding them back because they're trying to run 4k at 30fps on ultra settings.
19 Dec 2006
That's with a 4 thread CPU though Dano, I'm referring to 8 thread i7 CPUs. The 4 thread i5s will always struggle with some games nowadays unfortunately. Even if it's just a 4 core CPU but it has hyperthreading, that's still a whole lot different. I went from a 4690k to a 4790k 18 months ago, the difference was extremely noticeable. A 4770k is pretty much the same CPU as the 4790k, they're still very viable chips. I'm a little surprised that one of those would really suffer that badly with 100% usage on all 8 threads.

I might have a Ryzen now, but that's purely because I was thinking about longer term job prospects due to the pandemic. I used the dosh I saved while on furlough and lockdown, plus selling the 4790k, board, 16GB of memory and a 1070 with ghetto rigged 120mm Corsair fans to my mate for 350 quid. If it wasn't for COVID-19 and what it may potentially do for the economy and my own job prospects, I'd still have been running that 4790k well into next year. That's how good the 4th gen i7s were, still very viable chips.

One thing is for sure, when you do upgrade you're going to be pretty wowed by what you get. In the meantime, have you tried capping MSFS to 30 frames? 30 frames is all you need with this game for it to be pretty playable and still look nice. Might ease the load on the i5 as at certain points, it may well want to go over 30 frames and push up the CPU usage enough to choke a bit.

Ah, I missed that part of the conversation about 4 core 8 threads lol.

Yeh, won't be wowed as I already know what to expect, relieved will be more likely, have built plenty of new machines to know the difference, just not for myself :)
Man of Honour
16 Jul 2009
Plugged my 4K screen in today and tried to run it for a laugh, not sure i even got 4 fps, however the jerkiness did remind me of the last Flybe flight I took!

Some decent flying today, Italy is just gorgeous, flew out of Innsbruck across to Venice, then down to Rome via the Imola and Mugello circuits, so much fun.

Also had a quick look at a few places on Asia, really just Hong Kong and Halong Bay but again looks really good!

The AP bugs are a bit annoying though, almost always seems to work OK the first time I set it but if I change it I get a death spin.

Also managed to successfully get the AP to follow a flight plan (broadly) in the A320 but really enjoying flying the King Air mostly.
20 Dec 2004
There is never ever one answer when it comes to bottlenecks. So many variables. One person says their CPU is the bottleneck but they might be trying to run it at 1080p 144fps on low settings. Someone with exactly the same PC could say it's the GPU holding them back because they're trying to run 4k at 30fps on ultra settings.

Exactly. I'm running ultrawide on a [email protected] and 2070 and the GPU is the bottleneck, by a long way.

Main thread is ticking over at about 16ms (60+ fps). GPU is limiting it to 25fps.

On a 1080p display the CPU would be choking it.
Man of Honour
Man of Honour
23 Dec 2002
From what I saw, FS was multi core and used all 8 cores on my 9700. I could see it being cpu locked with a 4 core cpu, but on something newer, highly unlikely
18 Oct 2009
Well if I spawn at parking spot 232 at Heathrow in A320 or 747 I am getting around 28 to 30 fps.
Solid red CPU limited with a 3900X showing all cores at 4375.
Some of those cores though are doing very little.

In flight it is GPU limited though.
21 Oct 2004
My 2700x is the same. Total load on all the cores is 30-40% but there's at least one core near 100% which then shows the game as CPU limited in the Dev menu. The load across the 8 cores is not being balanced very well. GPU, a 2080 if not at full load even on ultra. In fact, there's very little difference in fps between ultra and low in major airports like Heathrow, averages 28-36 fps on the runway with either of those settings.



2 Feb 2018
What have you changed? I've got the X56 too. I switched mixture from the left throttle lever to top rotary dial. I'd like to make the other rotary dial control the nav frequency but can't get it to work!

I've added full autopilot to the 'A' button on the joystick (for those moments when I'm about to crash into a mountain, for example). Added interior light toggle to a switch plus parking brake and gear up/down. I changed the brakes button from default to another button close to it on the joystick. Not much really. I don't bother with things like mixture as I wouldn't have a clue how to use it! :p

One thing I haven't been able to figure out is how to dim avionics display. In some planes there is a dial which I can use with the mouse but would like to map it to a dial on my x56. I'm using HDR which look amazing at night but sometimes I want to dim the avionics screens slightly as it hurts my eyes lol.
23 Jul 2009
My 2700x is the same. Total load on all the cores is 30-40% but there's at least one core near 100% which then shows the game as CPU limited in the Dev menu. The load across the 8 cores is not being balanced very well. GPU, a 2080 if not at full load even on ultra. In fact, there's very little difference in fps between ultra and low in major airports like Heathrow, averages 28-36 fps on the runway with either of those settings.
I'm on the same cpu and in the big jets my gpu usage plummets in the cockpit. Hoping dx12 makes a difference for cpu bound situations
23 Sep 2005
I've added full autopilot to the 'A' button on the joystick (for those moments when I'm about to crash into a mountain, for example). Added interior light toggle to a switch plus parking brake and gear up/down. I changed the brakes button from default to another button close to it on the joystick. Not much really. I don't bother with things like mixture as I wouldn't have a clue how to use it! :p

One thing I haven't been able to figure out is how to dim avionics display. In some planes there is a dial which I can use with the mouse but would like to map it to a dial on my x56. I'm using HDR which look amazing at night but sometimes I want to dim the avionics screens slightly as it hurts my eyes lol.

I've managed to map mixture/propeller RPM to the two radial controls BUT I want to map them instead to control the altitude/heading on the A320. Will play around with it today at some point.
29 Aug 2012
My 2500k (4.4ghz) is almost constantly at 100% on all four cores, my 16GB ram I have yet to see anywhere near maxed out and my 980ti is all over the place but generally well under 100% use.

It's probably the first time since I got the 2500k that it's showed its age in my usage and an upgrade is sadly out of the question for now, hopefully by the time the next round of AMD CPU's are out I will have the disposable income for a decent step up :)

I share your pain, I've got an overclocked Core i5 2500k partnered with a GTX 980 and 32gb ram and FS2020 can be pretty unplayable. I've managed to source an i7 3770k from an old PC at work and I intend to trial this in the next few days and see if that makes a difference. I honestly cant justify a new motherboard / CPU set up either at present so will report back if it improves matters.....
20 Dec 2004
Is there a way to kick certain people off your session?

It's annoying when you have people flying IFR and clearly not even attempting to follow their plan, listening to ATC telling them they're 20k below plan etc....
20 Dec 2004

They haven't fixed the device connection/disconnect crashes. Just tried to use my bluetooth keyboard after it has gone to sleep, one hour into a flight. Crashed.

Back to my emergency wired keyboard until they patch it......
4 Jul 2008
You're welcome.

Flying around Portsmouth now, looks really good, but I don't know if that's just me thinking it's better than other areas after reading the article, as everywhere I fly tends to look already very impressive!

Found a video that has helped me get rid of small stutters: https://youtu.be/0Tka4CUeIwE?t=75

Again, not sure if the new patch has addressed this, but I did what was shown in the video with the .exe and no stutters here :)
20 Dec 2004
What apps are people using to check fps?

I have a [email protected] /32gb 3600 C16/ 980ti on a 4k screen. Honestly on ultra settings (unless I'm in the 747) it is quite playable.

In options, go to developer, and enable developer mode. Then in the options menu at the top, select the show fps.

Gives you a frame time graph for CPU main thread and GPU.
18 Oct 2009
They haven't fixed the device connection/disconnect crashes. Just tried to use my bluetooth keyboard after it has gone to sleep, one hour into a flight. Crashed.

You do know you can go into device manager and under usb serial bus controllers you can select root hub and then properties / power management.
You will find a nice clickable box that says Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.

Deselect that box and see if that cures the problem.

You just need to ensure you select the correct USB hub or just do it to them all. Its really for power saving with laptops not desktops.
20 Dec 2004
You do know you can go into device manager and under usb serial bus controllers you can select root hub and then properties / power management.
You will find a nice clickable box that says Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.

Deselect that box and see if that cures the problem.

You just need to ensure you select the correct USB hub or just do it to them all. Its really for power saving with laptops not desktops.

It's not the USB device that the problem, it's the wireless keyboard that disconnects after a period of inactivity.

I only use the keyboard for ATC selections, so quite often there's an extended period between using it, and it's gone to sleep. Soon as I hit a key and it wakes up, the game crashes.
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