I've added full autopilot to the 'A' button on the joystick (for those moments when I'm about to crash into a mountain, for example). Added interior light toggle to a switch plus parking brake and gear up/down. I changed the brakes button from default to another button close to it on the joystick. Not much really. I don't bother with things like mixture as I wouldn't have a clue how to use it!
One thing I haven't been able to figure out is how to dim avionics display. In some planes there is a dial which I can use with the mouse but would like to map it to a dial on my x56. I'm using HDR which look amazing at night but sometimes I want to dim the avionics screens slightly as it hurts my eyes lol.
I've managed to map mixture/propeller RPM to the two radial controls BUT I want to map them instead to control the altitude/heading on the A320. Will play around with it today at some point.